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    Embassy 結果共9筆

  • Raymond Greene named new director of AIT Taipei office

    Discover how Raymond Greene, with his extensive experience in the Indo-Pacific, is set to lead the AIT Taipei office, enhancing U.S.-Taiwan-Japan relations.
    2024/05/29 15:47
  • MOFA thanks global allies for helping Taiwanese leave Haiti

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses gratitude to friendly nations for evacuating Taiwanese citizens from Haiti amidst escalating gang violence. Five individuals have been safely evacuated to the Dominican Republic, coordinated by Ambassador Ku Wen-jiann. The Embassy of Taiwan in Haiti remains operational, with 18 individuals still in the country. MOFA pledges to monitor the situation and take diplomatic actions to ensure the safety of Taiwanese citizens.
    2024/03/27 12:08
  • Embassy reflects on Shih Ming-te’s democratic hopes

    The Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to the Holy See commemorated a previous visit by Shih Ming-te, the former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) chairman, in 2019. Shih expressed elation at the sight of Taiwan’s flag waving in foreign lands and desired to see justice fulfilled and the flag flying everywhere. The embassy’s Facebook post highlighted the contrasting positions of the free world and China’s authoritarian regime toward Taiwan, emphasizing how China undermines Taiwan’s democracy and freedom diplomatically. The post also mentioned the severance of ties between Taiwan and Nauru, reflecting Taiwan’s persistence in democratic transformation and progress despite challenges.
    2024/01/16 12:08
  • China rebukes French media for ’misleading report’

    The Chinese Embassy in France, FMPRC, criticized a Le Figaro report for its alleged falsehoods and bias against China’s actions in the South China Sea. The report, authored by Nicolas Barotte, highlighted China’s increasing aggression in the region. The FMPRC disputed the report’s claims, particularly regarding the territorial scope of the Philippines and the status of Taiwan. The FMPRC objected to Le Figaro’s portrayal of Taiwan as a separate entity from China. The embassy emphasized that Taiwan is an integral part of China and called for the media to respect China’s sovereignty and journalistic ethics.
    2023/12/19 15:31
  • Alexander Yui assumes role as Taiwan’s envoy to U.S.

    Alexander Yui, Taiwan’s new representative to the United States, arrived in Washington D.C. on Monday (Dec. 11), to assume his post. Ingrid Larson, the managing director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), welcomed him at the airport. Yui’s arrival follows the resignation of former representative Hsiao Bi-khim on Nov. 20. Yui, who had recently become the top envoy to the EU and Belgium, was chosen to replace Hsiao. Yui emphasized security, economic and trade cooperation, and Taiwan’s international space as the key aspects of Taiwan-U.S. relations. He highlighted the need to safeguard Taiwan’s upcoming election from external influences. Yui committed to deepening Taiwan-U.S. relations by building on Hsiao’s work and collaborating with his embassy team. Laura Rosenberger, chair of AIT, expressed confidence in Yui’s experience and anticipated further development and strengthening of the bilateral partnership.
    2023/12/12 13:27
  • Chinese embassy urges U.S. to stop misinformation

    The Chinese Embassy in the U.S. has called on the United States to stop spreading misinformation and stated that China’s actions are necessary measures. This comes after the United States Department of Defense released videos and photographs showing People’s Liberation Army aircraft approaching and releasing jamming projectiles near U.S. military aircraft. The spokesperson emphasized that U.S. military aircraft conducted 657 close-reconnaissance missions in the South China Sea in 2022.
    2023/10/21 17:50
  • MOFA arranges repatriation flight from Tel Aviv to Rome

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has arranged a repatriation flight for Taiwanese nationals and compatriots in Israel to leave the country. The flight is scheduled to depart from Tel Aviv Airport and arrive at Rome International Airport in Italy. Remaining seats will be offered to embassy personnel and overseas Chinese from friendly countries. MOFA and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office have been assisting Taiwanese nationals in leaving Israel since a terror attack by Hamas on October 7. So far, 157 Taiwanese nationals have been successfully evacuated.
    2023/10/19 16:49
  • 宅神跨海送花環 駐德代表謝志偉用這招回擊

    宅神朱學恒「隔海送花圈」給駐德代表謝志偉,引發熱議。對此,民進黨立委羅致政今(15日)表示,2018年他赴台灣駐德代表處拜會謝時所發生的小故事。他說,謝在邀請他用餐時,特別以Taiwan embassy(台灣大使舘)為名訂位,且在服務生詢問時高聲用英文說出,就是要把握機會讓更多人聽到Taiwan;外交經常就是在這種細膩操作的點滴中累積,對外交人員潑冷水甚至潑髒水,只會更凸顯自己的無知。
    2021/09/15 12:51
  • 有錢就是任性! 全球首見「空中泳池」超浮誇

    2019/09/16 21:13
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