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    Deputy Speaker 結果共22筆

  • Taiwan delegation to advocate for WHO membership in Geneva

    Deputy Legislative Speaker Johnny Chiang to lead a delegation to Geneva, advocating for Taiwan’s inclusion in the WHO and emphasizing the unanimous domestic support for Taiwan’s participation in international organizations, despite the challenges posed by UN Resolution 2758. Chiang highlights Taiwan’s effective governance and sovereignty over its territory, calling for meaningful participation in the UN system to enhance global visibility, improve cross-strait relations, and promote regional stability.
    2024/05/02 18:10
  • Diplomatic efforts aim to ease U.S.-China-Taiwan tensions

    Deputy Legislative Speaker Johnny Chiang emphasizes the need for "cooling down" U.S.-China-Taiwan relations, advocating for open communication to prevent misunderstandings and misjudgments. Laura Rosenberger’s visit to Taiwan and Ma Ying-jeou’s trip to China are seen as efforts to maintain stability rather than escalate tensions, with an emphasis on dialogue and reducing regional geopolitical risks. Chiang underscores the importance of peaceful cross-strait relations for the benefit of Taiwan’s people and businesses.
    2024/04/01 18:32
  • Taiwan to host APPU annual meeting in 2025

    Deputy Legislative Speaker Johnny Chiang extends an invitation to MPs from Asian-Pacific Parliamentarians’ Union member countries to Taiwan’s 2025 Annual Meeting. Chiang emphasizes Taiwan’s commitment to addressing regional issues like climate change and economic development. Taiwan will host the APPU conference for the 11th time in 2025.
    2024/03/14 12:01
  • U.S. delegation visits Taiwan’s legislature

    U.S. Congressman Mike Gallagher, chairman of the House of Representatives select committee on China, visits Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan and is warmly received by Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu and Deputy Speaker Johnny Chiang. Han welcomes the delegation with traditional Spring Couplets and invites Gallagher for a photo, praising his youthful appearance. The group then moves on to a closed-door meeting.
    2024/02/22 18:17
  • Legislative speaker Han Kuo-yu meets AIT director

    Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu and Deputy Speaker Johnny Chiang meet with AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk, presenting a New Year couplet to enhance Taiwan-U.S. relations. Oudkirk, the first ambassador Han has met since taking office, showed proficiency in Chinese during the meeting. The event included a public reception and a private discussion lasting about 50 minutes.
    2024/02/17 11:27
  • Han leads first inter-party talks, sets session for Feb 20

    Newly elected Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu has announced that the parliamentary session will begin on February 20th, taking into account the Lunar New Year holiday and allowing time for staff preparation. Han plans to invite Premier Chen Chien-jen and department heads to deliver policy reports and answer questions. He emphasized his commitment to sincerity and enthusiasm in his role as Speaker, urging all members to consider the future and fostering mutual trust and cooperation between political parties. Han made the decision after the first cross-party consultation, where proposals were made for either February 16th or 20th. Han and Johnny Chiang were elected as Speaker and Deputy Speaker, respectively, on February 1st.
    2024/02/05 16:29
  • New legislative term sparks cross-party negotiations

    Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu will preside over a multi-partisan negotiation to determine the date for the inaugural meeting of the new legislative term. The Taiwan People’s Party suggests reconvening on Feb. 16, after the Lunar New Year, instead of waiting until the end of February. The Kuomintang is ready to convene at any time, as long as it doesn’t disrupt the holiday period. The Democratic Progressive Party suggests sticking to tradition and reconvening on Feb. 23, considering the need for preparatory time for newly elected legislators. This negotiation follows the election of Han Kuo-yu and Johnny Chiang as the new Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the 11th Legislative Yuan on Feb. 1.
    2024/02/05 10:44
  • Taiwan’s new Congress: a stage for strategic party maneuvers

    Controversy arises between the DPP and TPP following the election of the Legislative Yuan’s speaker and deputy speaker, with allegations of a "phone gate" incident and conspiracies over a cabinet leader dispute. The anticipated dynamics within the Legislative Yuan, including the Blue-White Cooperation between the KMT and TPP, may undergo significant changes due to each party’s objectives. Despite holding only eight seats, the TPP has established itself as a third force in this general election. The TPP promptly proposes four reforms to Congress, attracting attention with their strategic approach. Both the DPP and KMT express cautious apprehension towards the TPP’s growth and influence, shaping the new congress as a battleground for collaboration and competition among the three parties.
    2024/02/05 10:39
  • Legislative speaker salary revealed as Han takes office

    Kuomintang (KMT) legislator Han Kuo-yu has been elected as the speaker of Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan, with Johnny Chiang as his deputy. As speaker, Han is responsible for maintaining order in the legislative body and overseeing legislative matters. According to the "Act Governing the Discipline of Legislators," Han’s monthly salary is equivalent to that of central government department heads, amounting to NT$346,960, with an additional special remuneration of NT$79,100. Johnny Chiang, as deputy speaker, will earn a monthly salary of approximately NT$229,860. Legislators in Taiwan receive an average monthly salary of about NT$190,500, along with an annual bonus equivalent to 1.5 months’ salary. Han’s role grants him decisive power in the event of tied votes or disputes over legislation, giving him a significant role in shaping future policy.
    2024/02/02 13:57
  • Taiwan parties clash over Legislative Speaker support deals

    Taipei - DPP spokesperson Justin Wu clarified that TPP chairman Ko Wen-je had called a DPP senior member in the medical sector to seek support for Huang Shan-shan as Legislative Speaker, pledging unconditional support for the DPP’s Deputy Speaker candidate. This comes in response to the TPP’s claim on Facebook that the DPP planned to support TPP legislator Huang Shan-shan’s bid for Speaker in exchange for supporting DPP legislator Tsai Chi-chang as Deputy Speaker. The TPP stated that they do not engage in favor exchanges with the "New Tide" faction and rejected Ko’s proposal. Wu revealed that Ko had called a senior DPP member, expressing his hope for DPP’s support for Huang Shan-shan as Speaker and for the Deputy Speaker to support the DPP’s candidate unconditionally. Wu emphasized that the DPP group only supports You Si-kun for Speaker and is open to TPP’s recommendation for Deputy Speaker, rejecting Ko’s proposal.
    2024/02/02 11:35
  • Tsai Ing-wen welcomes new legislative leaders in Taiwan

    President Tsai Ing-wen congratulates Han Kuo-yu and Johnny Chiang on being elected as Speaker and Deputy Speaker of Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan. She expresses hope for constructive communication and rational oversight to advance laws and budgets beneficial to the people. The confirmation of Han and Chiang signals a change in Legislative leadership, as outgoing Speaker You Si-kun and Deputy Speaker Tsai Chi-chang step down. President Tsai expresses gratitude to You and Tsai Chi-chang for their service and emphasizes the importance of transcending party lines for the benefit of the nation and its people.
    2024/02/02 11:32
  • Han Kuo-yu elected as Taiwan’s new legislative speaker

    Kuomintang’s Han Kuo-yu has been elected as Taiwan’s new legislative speaker, marking a significant shift in the island’s political landscape. This change comes after a closely contested election in the Legislative Yuan, with KMT securing key positions, including the deputy speaker.
    2024/02/01 17:14
  • You Si-kun resigns after defeat in Taiwan speaker election

    Following his defeat in the bid for the role of Legislative Yuan speaker, You Si-kun of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has announced his resignation from legislative duties. The Kuomintang’s (KMT) Han Kuo-yu won the 11th Legislative Yuan speaker election by a slim margin of 54 votes to 51. The election for the deputy speaker is set to be a heated competition between Johnny Chiang of the KMT and Tsai Chi-chang of the DPP. You Si-kun’s resignation poses an additional challenge for the DPP in their quest for the deputy speaker role.
    2024/02/01 14:41
  • Han Kuo-yu clinches victory in legislative speaker election

    Han Kuo-yu of the Kuomintang (KMT) emerged victorious over You Si-kun of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in the 11th Legislative Yuan Speaker election, securing 54 votes compared to You’s 51 votes. The KMT also nominated Johnny Chiang, while the DPP fielded incumbent speaker You and deputy speaker Tsai Chi-chang. The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presented Huang Shan-shan as a candidate. After the first round of voting, no candidate had a majority, leading to a second round between Han and You. In the second round, all eight TPP legislators were absent, and the results mirrored the first round. Han’s win confirmed him as the 11th Legislative Yuan Speaker, with the deputy speaker election scheduled for later in the day.
    2024/02/01 14:38
  • TPP maintains silence on legislative speaker endorsement

    Read about the strategic silence of the Taiwan People’s Party as they prepare to reveal their endorsements for the speaker and deputy speaker positions. With the new legislature’s inauguration on the horizon, the TPP’s decision is eagerly awaited by both the DPP and KMT, setting the stage for a significant shift in Taiwan’s legislative landscape.
    2024/01/30 17:02
  • Legislative Speaker You Si-kun seeks cross-party support

    The Democratic Progressive Party’s Speaker You Si-kun plans to meet with speaker and deputy speaker nominees from all political party caucuses in the legislature to seek advice and votes. The DPP nominated current Speaker You and Deputy Speaker Tsai Chi-chang for the positions in the next legislative term. The Kuomintang (KMT) has put forth Han Kuo-yu and Johnny Chiang as their candidates for Speaker and Deputy Speaker. Han and Chiang have already visited the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) caucus. The TPP respects the decisions of the speaker and deputy speaker candidates who wish to conduct visits. The KMT will hold its caucus leadership election on Feb. 1, after which You and Tsai will personally visit the KMT caucus to seek their support.
    2024/01/29 16:03
  • KMT engages TPP in push for Taiwan’s parliamentary reform

    Kuomintang (KMT) legislative speaker and deputy speaker candidates Han Kuo-yu and Johnny Chiang visited the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) caucus on Monday (Jan. 29). Han and TPP legislator Huang Kuo-chang displayed a harmonious atmosphere, expressing hope for joint parliamentary reform. The discussion focused on the four reform opinions proposed by the TPP, with no mention of any single draft system. Following the visit, the TPP announced plans to invite the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) legislative leader candidates for discussions at their headquarters.
    2024/01/29 14:25
  • DPP commits to youth engagement after elections setback

    Top Taiwanese leaders from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) are recognizing the need for fresh approaches and new policies to connect with the youth after a challenging electoral run in Taichung City. Legislative Deputy Speaker Tsai Chi-chang expressed his concerns to DPP Chairman Lai Ching-te, pledging to introduce novel ideas and practices over the next four years to gain youth support. In response, Lai stated his intention to proactively address youth issues and develop a strategic plan to win back young supporters. Tsai believes that Lai’s forthcoming policies will generate further optimism among the younger population. DPP legislator Ho Hsin-chun and councilor Chiang Chao-kuo echoed these sentiments, urging the party to prioritize young people’s ideas and adjust existing regulations to meet their expectations. DPP caucus whip in the Taichung City Council, Lee Tien-sheng, also acknowledged the disconnect with the younger generation and emphasized the need for the party to work harder to gain their support and recognition.
    2024/01/29 14:23
  • KMT legislative nominees to hold key talks with TPP

    Kuomintang (KMT) legislative speaker and deputy speaker candidates, Han Kuo-yu and Johnny Chiang, are scheduled to meet with Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) caucus and eight lawmakers on January 29. The dialogue is expected to last approximately 35 minutes and will be followed by a media conference. The TPP has emerged as a key minority party after the legislative elections on January 13. However, the party has not declared its support for either the incumbent Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidates or the KMT for the legislative speaker race. The TPP has launched four demands for parliamentary reform, emphasizing transparency and openness in political values.
    2024/01/29 10:59
  • Taiwan and Lithuania strengthen ties in defense of democracy

    Legislative Speaker You Si-kun met with a Lithuanian delegation led by Matas Maldeikis, chairman of the Lithuania-Taiwan parliamentary friendship group. The meeting highlighted Taiwan’s recent election, which had a voter turnout of over 70%, as a clear message from the Taiwanese people to defend democratic freedom and national sovereignty. The delegation included three deputy speakers of the Lithuanian parliament and eight other cross-party lawmakers. Speaker You noted that 2024 is a "super election year" globally, with Taiwan being the second country to hold elections this year. He also expressed his wishes for Lithuania’s upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections in May and October 2024. The speaker emphasized that elections represent the "possibility of choice," "freedom to participate in politics," and "protection of speech," which are rights unfathomable under authoritarian rule. He called on global democratic allies to unite in facing authoritarian challenges and safeguarding democracy and prosperity worldwide. Speaker You expressed gratitude for Lithuania’s support and highlighted the countries’ cooperation on humanitarian aid, particularly in helping Ukrainian students return to school.
    2024/01/26 18:06
  • You Si-kun confident in Legislative President re-election

    Legislative Speaker You Si-kun, of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), expresses confidence in his re-election ahead of the legislative speaker vote on Feb. 1. Reports suggest a split vote by the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), with support for You from the DPP for Speaker and endorsement of Johnny Chiang from the Kuomintang (KMT) for Deputy Speaker. You emphasizes the need for constitutional amendments to address significant legislative reforms proposed by the TPP’s new legislators. He also recommends a review and reform of the entire constitutional system, advocating for adherence to the conventional separation of powers. The TPP will hold an internal meeting on Jan. 26 to discuss the matter further.
    2024/01/25 13:48
  • DPP, KMT, TPP secure ballot numbers in election draw

    The Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) sent their lead nominees, Han Kuo-yu and Huang Shan-shan, respectively, to draw lots for the party vote ballot order ahead of Taiwan’s 2024 legislative elections. Both candidates are seen as prominent contenders for Speaker and Deputy Speaker positions in the Legislative Yuan. The KMT aims to secure at least 12 seats, while the TPP hopes to obtain at least 10 seats. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) seeks to surpass its previous election result of 13 seats. In the draw, the DPP received ballot number 6, the New Power Party (NPP) got number 8, the KMT drew number 9, and the TPP was assigned number 12. The event saw moments of excitement, prompting a reminder to maintain order.
    2023/12/20 20:50
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