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    Character of the Year 結果共3筆

  • Taiwanese actor JC Lin announces engagement on social media

    Taiwanese actor JC Lin announced his engagement to his girlfriend Cindy on December 26. He shared a sweet picture on social media, captioning it with ’Christmas gift exchange -- she got a ring, I got a YES.’ The couple had been in a relationship for 10 years before JC Lin proposed on Christmas day. He posted a heartfelt message alongside the photos, expressing his happiness. JC Lin publicly released a video of his wedding proposal, where he went down on one knee and thanked Cindy for being with him through the happiness and hardships of the past decade. Cindy accepted the proposal, leading to a heartfelt kiss witnessed by friends, including Taiwanese actor Kai Ko. In 2019, JC Lin received praise for his role in the TV drama ’The World Between Us,’ where he skillfully portrayed a character suffering from schizophrenia.
    2023/12/26 16:54
  • Japan’s 2023 kanji of the year reflects ’tax’ concerns

    The kanji of the year for 2023 in Japan is "稅" (tax), chosen by the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation. This is the second time since 2014 that the character for tax has been selected. The choice symbolizes the Japanese people’s increased attention to tax issues, including tax increases and cuts. Over 147,000 individuals participated in the vote, with "稅" (tax) receiving the most votes. The second and third most voted characters were "暑" (heat) and "戰" (war), respectively. In Taiwan, the "2023 Character of the Year" results were announced, with "缺" (lack/shortage) taking the top spot, followed by "蛋" (egg) and "詐" (fraud) in second and third places, reflecting specific societal concerns in the region.
    2023/12/12 17:00
  • ’Lack of’ wins Taiwan 2023 character of the year poll

    The "Taiwan 2023 Character of the Year" poll announced that the character "缺" (lack) received the most votes, representing the multifaceted social issues faced by Taiwan. The character symbolizes challenges such as shortages of water, electricity, masks, vaccines, rapid test kits, labor, and notably, eggs. "蛋" (egg) secured the second position, forming the term "缺蛋" (lack eggs), highlighting the egg scarcity in Taiwan. "詐" (fraud) came in third place, reflecting the persistent fraud cases in Taiwanese society. The nominations for these characters were made by Taoyuan Mayor Simon Chang, former Control Yuan President Wang Chien-shien, and Taiwan Mobile President Jamie Lin, who emphasized growing insecurity, political quality, and fraud issues, respectively. The "Taiwan 2023 Character of the Year" election, organized by the CTBC Foundation for Arts and Culture and the United Daily News, received a total of 65,043 votes from the public over a 25-day period. This annual character selection has been conducted for 16 consecutive years, reflecting the pulse of Taiwanese society and its people’s thoughts.
    2023/12/07 20:08
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