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    2024 elections 結果共88筆

  • TYAD fundraiser aids youth voting in 2024 Taiwan elections

    The Taiwan Youth Association for Democracy (TYAD) has successfully concluded its fundraiser to help students return home to vote in the upcoming 2024 Elections. The fundraising drive, which started on December 8, aimed to reduce the costs of youth returning home to vote. Nearly 1,200 donors contributed NT$660,000 to the cause, allowing youth to take buses home to vote for just NT$113. The plan includes ferry service from Kaohsiung to Penghu and flights to Kinmen. If donations exceed NT$700,000, three additional routes will be added, and if they surpass NT$800,000, 10 more routes will be added. The buses will depart from 10 universities and municipalities’ train stations, with 27 pick-up and drop-off points. The fundraiser will conclude on December 29, 2023, and the association encourages continued public interest and support to fulfill the voting needs of more Taiwanese youth. The 2024 presidential and legislative elections, to be held on January 13, have generated significant attention for this fundraising project.
    2023/12/25 16:21
  • DPP, KMT, TPP secure ballot numbers in election draw

    The Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) sent their lead nominees, Han Kuo-yu and Huang Shan-shan, respectively, to draw lots for the party vote ballot order ahead of Taiwan’s 2024 legislative elections. Both candidates are seen as prominent contenders for Speaker and Deputy Speaker positions in the Legislative Yuan. The KMT aims to secure at least 12 seats, while the TPP hopes to obtain at least 10 seats. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) seeks to surpass its previous election result of 13 seats. In the draw, the DPP received ballot number 6, the New Power Party (NPP) got number 8, the KMT drew number 9, and the TPP was assigned number 12. The event saw moments of excitement, prompting a reminder to maintain order.
    2023/12/20 20:50
  • DPP unveils 3-part strategy for Lai’s 2024 presidential bid

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has unveiled a three-part "winning formula" for their presidential candidate Lai Ching-te and running mate Hsiao Bi-khim. The strategy aims to rally support across Taiwan leading up to the 2024 elections through a series of events and initiatives. The first element, "Round-Island Puzzle," involves visits to various counties and cities to discuss future development plans. The campaign will then intensify with the "Stand at Crossroads & Rally Nights," featuring large-scale rallies in multiple locations. The final phase, the "Nationwide Tour," will see Lai and Hsiao taking separate routes across the island to drum up last-minute support.
    2023/12/20 20:13
  • Taiwan military ups alert around 2024 general elections

    Taiwan’s Armed Forces (ROCA) are planning to increase alertness before and after the 2024 general elections, according to the Ministry of National Defense (MND). The military will closely monitor enemy activities in coordination with joint intelligence and reconnaissance. Troop deployments will be adjusted promptly in response to gray zone tactics, while ensuring readiness exercises and communication structures are implemented. The military remains vigilant towards the People’s Liberation Army’s activities, using surveillance and reconnaissance means to monitor the situation in the seas and airspace surrounding Taiwan. The PLA continues combat readiness patrols and the ROCA is tracking and responding appropriately.
    2023/12/20 19:35
  • Taiwan presidential race tightens: DPP slightly leads KMT

    The latest survey results reveal a close presidential race in Taiwan, with the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidates Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim leading with 35.9 percent support, followed closely by the Kuomintang (KMT) ticket of Hou Yu-ih for president and Jaw Shaw-kong for vice president with 34.7 percent. The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidate Ko Wen-je and running mate Cynthia Wu are in third place with 19.6 percent support. Notably, the TPP’s Ko-Wu ticket has garnered 26.3 percent support from centrist voters, surpassing both the KMT and DPP. While 44.3 percent of respondents believe the DPP candidates are likely to win the 2024 Presidential and Vice Presidential elections, 30.1 percent support the KMT, and 13.8 percent favor the TPP candidates. However, the poll also highlights significant opposition, with 40.5 percent of respondents indicating they would not vote for the DPP ticket, followed by 27.3 percent against the KMT and 20.6 percent not favoring the TPP. The survey, sponsored by ETtoday, was conducted from December 18-19 and gathered a valid sample size of 1,224 Taiwanese adults over the age of 20 using mobile text notifications and closed internet questionnaires. The poll has an error margin of plus or minus 2.8 percentage points at a 95 percent confidence level.
    2023/12/20 19:20
  • TPP’s Wu touts legislative record ahead of VP debate

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) vice-presidential candidate Cynthia Wu highlights her legislative achievements during her 412-day tenure in the Legislative Yuan. She proposed 15 bills, hosted five public hearings, and three symposiums. Notable bills include amendments to the Central Bank Act, the Social Medical Development Act, and the Assisted Reproduction Act, reflecting her dedication to improving Taiwan’s financial stability, healthcare system, and reproductive health policies. Wu believes that her policy platform will be built upon these legislative proposals as she prepares for the upcoming televised policy presentation and debate. The vice-presidential TV policy presentation is scheduled for December 22, 2024, while the debate will take place on January 1, 2024, as the 2024 elections approach.
    2023/12/20 18:10
  • KMT Chairman Chu eyes majority in 2024 legislative race

    KMT chairman Eric Chu expresses optimism about the upcoming legislative elections and suggests that the KMT could potentially secure a majority if things go smoothly. He is joined by legislators-at-large candidates Ko Chih-en and Hsieh Lung-chieh, as they declare their commitment to victory in the 2024 elections. The KMT acknowledges that about 15 electoral districts are currently in tight races and plans to mobilize a strong team including former Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu, presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih, vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong, Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an, and Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen to bolster support in these critical areas. Chairman Chu expresses confidence in the quality of the KMT’s legislative nominees and emphasizes the party’s careful and cautious approach to the election battle. With high-profile party members rallying to support candidates nationwide, the KMT is gearing up for a significant push ahead of the 2024 legislative elections.
    2023/12/18 21:25
  • Taichung heats up as DPP, KMT, TPP rally for votes

    On "Super Saturday" in Taichung, three groups of candidates rallied to support their respective parties’ legislative contenders ahead of Taiwan’s 2024 presidential and legislative elections. Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim campaigned tirelessly for her party’s legislative candidates, while Kuomintang (KMT) vice-presidential hopeful Jaw Shaw-Kong attended back-to-back events supporting Chiang Chi-chen and Yen Kuan-heng. The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) also made a strong showing, with Tsai Pi-ru, TPP’s first district legislative candidate in Taichung, gathering an impressive lineup of supporters including Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-ye, former Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu, and TPP’s presidential candidate Ko Wen-je.
    2023/12/16 17:33
  • Tainan police bust NT$6.55M election betting ring

    Tainan police have arrested six individuals involved in a gambling ring on a Facebook group, which was taking bets on the 2024 General Election outcomes totaling over NT$6.55 million. The case has been handed over to the Tainan District Prosecutors Office for investigation under several acts, including the Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and Recall Act, the Money Laundering Control Act, and the Anti-Infiltration Act. The ring recruited bettors on Facebook to place wagers on various outcomes related to the forthcoming elections, including potential collaborations between political parties and candidates such as Lai Ching-te, Ko Wen-je, Hou Yu-ih, and Terry Gou. The Tainan City Police Department Criminal Investigation Corps initiated the investigation after spotting the illicit activity online and tracked down suspects across multiple locations. The investigation has revealed that the gambling funds were being converted into Tether (USDT), a popular cryptocurrency stablecoin, by unidentified individuals abroad, and transferred to other gambling organizations, potentially violating election-related gambling laws.
    2023/12/15 18:16
  • ICRT, TVBS World Taiwan discuss 2024 elections at forum

    As Taiwan prepares for its upcoming elections, media and academic leaders gather to discuss the crucial issues of national security, the role of China, and strategies to engage young voters. The event highlights the significance of accurate information and the impact of these elections on Taiwan’s future.
    2023/12/14 18:44
  • Veteran journalist Fan Chifei discusses election dynamics

    As Taiwan prepares for its 2024 presidential and legislative elections, political parties escalate their efforts. Key issues discussed include polling credibility, cross-strait relations, and the global impact of the election. Journalist Fan Chifei provides insights on voter priorities and the role of media in shaping public opinion.
    2023/12/14 17:32
  • Roundtable highlights 2024 elections preparation in Taiwan

    Explore the insights from the "Taiwan Goes to The Polls" roundtable organized by ICRT and TVBS World Taiwan, discussing the dynamics of Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election, the role of polls, China’s influence, and international implications.
    2023/12/14 17:08
  • Changhua chief questions Taiwan’s self-trust amid rumors

    The story discusses the response of Changhua County Chief Wang Hui-mei to rumors that village chiefs from Changhua County were treated to trips to China. Wang questioned the nation’s confidence in itself and challenged the notion that hospitality could sway one’s allegiance. Reports of possible Chinese intervention in the electoral process, including invitations to village chiefs for travel to the mainland, have emerged ahead of the 2024 presidential and vice-presidential elections. The Changhua District Prosecutors Office has detained a suspect allegedly organizing these trips and has summoned 22 individuals for questioning. Wang interpreted the scrutiny her county is under as a "swing county" and expressed trust in the wisdom of the village chiefs to handle the situation.
    2023/12/12 21:39
  • TRA adds 81 trains for Taiwan election travel

    The Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA) will add 81 train services from Jan. 12 to 15 next year to accommodate travelers returning home for the presidential and legislative elections. The additional train services will cover all types of trains and aim to strengthen transportation capacity during the election period. Starting Friday at midnight, presidential and legislative election train tickets will be available for booking online, at convenience stores, and via telephone reservation system. The TRA estimates a 5.2 percent average daily increase in capacity during this period, with the west line seeing a 2.4 percent rise, the east line 12.6 percent, and the south-link line 4.7%. This will result in approximately 39,000 extra seats each day compared to regular days. Compared to the election year of 2020, the overall number of seats will increase by 8.89 percent and total seat kilometers by 9.76 percent in 2024, according to the TRA.
    2023/12/12 18:50
  • Chiang Wan-an key to winning youth vote: KMT councilor

    Taipei City Councilor and legislative candidate Yu Shu-hui highlights the crucial role Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an plays in attracting young voters with only 32 days remaining until the 2024 elections. Chiang’s popularity is evident as he rallies for Kuomintang (KMT) candidates in Taichung and Kaohsiung, receiving warm greetings from enthusiastic supporters. Yu advises Chiang to increase interaction with younger voters, possibly collaborating with KMT vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong. The KMT needs to diversify its approach to connect with the electorate, as Chiang’s rising popularity adds pressure to the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). Chiang’s strategic positioning in this election indicates the KMT’s focus on courting the youth vote and leveraging his appeal to challenge the DPP’s stronghold. As political tensions rise, all eyes will be on Chiang as he continues to campaign across Taiwan leading up to the January election.
    2023/12/12 18:00
  • U.S. elections, not Taiwan’s, may shift policy: Academic

    The George Washington University Professor Robert Sutter argues that Taiwan’s elections have little impact on U.S. policy towards the island, but the upcoming U.S. presidential election in 2024 could be significant. Both political parties in the U.S. and Congress have prioritized defending American interests and countering China’s actions, with Taiwan playing an increasingly important role. Taiwan’s strategic position, high-tech development, democratic politics, and free market economy have influenced the international order and led to stronger U.S. support. Sutter predicts that if Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party presidential candidate, wins the election, U.S.-Taiwan cooperation will further deepen. However, Sutter also suggests that the 2024 U.S. election, particularly if a candidate with an "America First" stance like Donald Trump prevails, could bring a shift in U.S. policy consistency towards Taiwan and pose challenges in countering China’s provocations.
    2023/12/12 13:54
  • Legislative Yuan to pause sessions ahead of 2024 elections

    The Legislative Yuan has decided to suspend its plenary and committee meetings from December 20 to December 31 in preparation for the 2024 presidential and legislative elections. This decision follows a proposal by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Caucus and is in line with the parliamentary tradition of pausing meetings during the election period. The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Caucus and the New Power Party (NPP) Caucus opposed the suspension proposal but their amendment was not accepted. The DPP’s proposal was passed, with Vice President of the Legislative Yuan Tsai Chi-Chang announcing the decision. The Kuomintang (KMT) caucus leader Tseng Ming-chung argued for a consensus through negotiation before arranging a recess, opposing the resolution’s forceful passage. DPP Caucus Director-General Ker Chien-ming cited a 30-year-old tradition of recessing before elections and emphasized that the decision only brings forward the suspension by 11 days.
    2023/12/12 13:33
  • KMT targets five Taipei seats as 2024 elections loom

    The Kuomintang’s (KMT) legislative head of the Taipei City branch, Huang Lu Chin-ju, confidently stated that the KMT is poised to win five out of the eight constituencies in the upcoming legislative elections in Taipei City. Huang believes that the KMT’s strong standing in the elections could boost support for KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih. Huang also discussed the competitive race in the Shilin-Beitou constituency, highlighting the close contest between KMT candidate Chang Szu-kang and Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) Rosalia Wu. Huang noted that the inclusion of Taipei City Councillor Hou Han-ting in the race could create a two-strong and one-weak scenario. Huang also mentioned the situation in the Datong-Shilin district, where KMT candidate Yu Shu-hui has made a remarkable comeback in polling. While Huang expressed confidence in securing five seats, the ultimate goal is to win all eight seats in Taipei City.
    2023/12/11 20:52
  • Justice minister stresses fairness for 2024 Taiwan elections

    Minister of Justice Tsai Ching-hsiang has called for increased efforts from investigators, police, and intelligence agencies to combat bribery and prevent foreign interference in the 2024 elections. During a visit to the Keelung District Prosecutor’s Office, Tsai emphasized the importance of maintaining the fairness and integrity of the electoral process. He encouraged prosecutors to work together to create a judicial environment that inspires trust and visibility. Tsai highlighted the need to "block foreign powers from meddling in the election," "eliminate the influence of gambling on electoral outcomes," and "put an end to the disruption caused by fake news." Active investigations are crucial to ensuring fair and just elections. Tsai also discussed the formalization of the system for assistants to prosecutors and money laundering involving cryptocurrencies with prosecutors.
    2023/12/07 17:48
  • China’s coercion tactics in Taiwan under the spotlight

    In a recent discussion with TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu, former AIT Chair Richard Bush delves into the complexities of Taiwan’s political landscape amidst rising cross-strait tensions and the upcoming 2024 presidential elections. He addresses China’s evolving coercion tactics and the U.S.’s readiness for any developments following Taiwan’s elections.
    2023/12/04 11:13
  • Interior minister urges vigilance against election fraud

    Minister of the Interior Lin Yu-chang visited the Taoyuan Police Department, urging officers to crack down on bribery and maintain order ahead of the 2024 elections. The Taiwanese government has actively promoted nationwide anti-fraud measures in preparation for the general elections. Minister Lin emphasized the potential for foreign forces to disrupt societal order through false information and called for increased vigilance in intelligence gathering by the police. He praised the Taoyuan Police Department for successfully preventing 1,176 fraud cases this year, ranking them first among the six special municipalities in Taiwan. With the elections approaching, Lin highlighted the police’s role in deterring election bribery, online gambling, and fake news. The central government is committed to reinforcing the national police force and enhancing police welfare, with the National Police Agency compiling the needs of various police stations to ensure they are adequately met.
    2023/12/02 18:13
  • TAO spokesperson denies Beijing election meddling claims

    The spokesperson for China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO), Chen Binhua, denied allegations of Beijing interfering in Taiwan’s elections during a press conference. Chen dismissed the claims made by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) as baseless rumors and accused the ruling party in Taiwan of misleading the electorate. Taiwan’s national security agencies have repeatedly warned about interference from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as the country prepares for the 2024 presidential election. In recent investigations, members of the "Union of Chinese Nationalists" in Kaohsiung were accused of accepting funds from the TAO for political activities in mainland China. The association is suspected of promoting specific political views and pan-blue support during their travels. The Ciaotou District Prosecutors Office has summoned 22 members for investigation, including individuals named Cheng and Ye, who are accused of violating Taiwan’s Anti-Infiltration Act and Public Officials Election and Recall Act. They have been released on bail with travel restrictions pending further investigation.
    2023/11/29 14:12
  • Terry Gou supporters shocked, disappointed by withdrawal

    Foxconn founder Terry Gou has withdrawn from the race for the 2024 Taiwan presidential election, surprising his supporters. Gou had previously secured enough signatures to make a bid for the presidency. The announcement came just as the registration for the presidential and legislative elections closed. Despite expressing disappointment, supporters respected Gou’s decision for the greater good. Gou’s withdrawal followed a request from Taiwan People’s Party candidate Ko Wen-je, which caused discontent among his supporters. Gou had campaigned in Chiayi City, where he had support from the "Friends of A-Ming" group. The group had successfully reached the petition threshold, but were not forewarned about Gou’s decision. In his withdrawal statement, Gou emphasized his unwavering spirit on the global business stage and his love for Taiwan’s people. He highlighted the importance of victory and regime change for Taiwan, stating that an unwillingness to compromise is unacceptable for those seeking political turnover.
    2023/11/25 10:59
  • ’Gou-Lai ticket’ ends bid, aiming to unify Taiwan further

    Independent candidate Terry Gou and running mate Lai Pei-hsia have withdrawn from the 2024 presidential race, expressing gratitude to supporters and emphasizing their commitment to unifying Taiwan and improving living standards. Lai’s heartfelt message conveyed disappointment over failed attempts to unify opposition parties, highlighting their dedication to the Republic of China. Lai praised Gou’s vision and affirmed her determination to protect the nation. The withdrawal occurred on the deadline for registration, leaving the race between Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party, Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party, and Hou Yu-ih from the Kuomintang, setting the stage for a three-cornered fight in the upcoming elections.
    2023/11/24 18:24
  • Rapid decision-making for Jaw Shaw-kong on ’Hou-Jaw ticket’

    Discover the latest turn in Taiwan’s 2024 presidential race as Jaw Shaw-kong accepts Hou Yu-ih’s invitation to be his vice-presidential candidate. This pivotal move comes hours before the registration deadline, marking a strategic shift in KMT’s campaign and impacting Jaw’s media career.
    2023/11/24 17:26
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