
Major investigation underway in Core Pacific City scandal

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/08/28 12:06
Last update time:2024/08/28 13:37
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Core Pacific Group chair (right) questioned in probe (TVBS News) Major investigation underway in Core Pacific City scandal
Core Pacific Group chair (right) questioned in probe (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Authorities launched a significant investigation into Core Pacific City's (京華城) volume rate case on Wednesday (Aug. 28), with the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office (TPC, 台北地檢署) directing the Agency Against Corruption (AAC, 廉政署) to conduct search operations and interview key figures, including Core Pacific Group Chair Sheen Ching-jing, and Taipei City Councilor Angela Ying.

The investigation, which began in May, has also targeted former Taipei mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) for allegedly increasing Core Pacific City's volume rate to 840%, raising suspicions of profiteering.


The TPC accelerated the probe, instructing the AAC to conduct multi-pronged search and interview operations early Wednesday. As of Wednesday noon, the prosecutor's office has not confirmed the interview actions.

Officials have previously named Ko and others as defendants under the Anti-Corruption Act (貪污治罪條例). The AAC's Northern area investigation team gathered evidence and interviewed former Taipei deputy mayor Peng Cheng-sheng (彭振聲) and other relevant personnel.

On Aug. 12, authorities interviewed Peng for three hours about the Core Pacific City redevelopment case and subsequently imposed travel and residence restrictions on him.

Related local reports indicate that no Taipei City Government officials have been interviewed yet, with further questioning expected later in the evening.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei investigation# Core Pacific City# Taipei Mayor# Anti-Corruption Act# Taipei District Prosecutor# Core Pacific Group# Taipei City Councilor# Core Pacific City volume rate case# investigation into Core Pacific City


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