
Taipei to begin demolition of First Funeral Parlor

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/06/12 11:28
Last update time:2024/06/12 13:32
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Taipei to begin demolition of First Funeral Parlor (TVBS News) Taipei to begin demolition of First Funeral Parlor
Taipei to begin demolition of First Funeral Parlor (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Taipei First Funeral Parlor (台北市立第一殯儀館) is set to begin its long-discussed demolition project on Thursday (June 13), marking the end of an era for a facility that has served the city for six decades.

Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an (蔣萬安) attended a blessing and gratitude ceremony on Wednesday (June 12), witnessing the removal of the Jingxing Hall (景行廳) sign, a symbolic gesture that underscores the city's commitment to progress while honoring its past.


The demolition, expected to last five months, is a pivotal moment for Taipei. Mayor Chiang highlighted the funeral parlor's significant role in the city's history, noting that since its completion in 1964, it has been part of the final journey for many, including notable historical figures.

As the city bids farewell to the old structure, plans for the future use of the land are already underway. Chiang mentioned that, in the short term, the site will serve as a parking lot and green space. Meanwhile, the Taipei City Government is actively gathering opinions to develop a long-term plan for the area.


Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei demolition# funeral parlor# Chiang Wan-an# Taipei Mayor# urban development# historical figures# green space# Taipei Municipal First Funeral Parlor demolition# end of an era in Taipei# future plans for Taipei demolition site


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