
Mayor addresses Taipei Dome’s multifunctional use

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/12 16:37
Last update time:2024/07/12 18:10
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Taipei government to address Dome’s concert potential (TVBS News) Mayor addresses Taipei Dome’s multifunctional use
Taipei government to address Dome

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an (蔣萬安) announced on Friday (July 12) that the Ministry of the Interior (內政部) has provided a clear response regarding the Taipei Dome (大巨蛋), confirming that it will be handled according to local, self-government ordinances.

Chiang emphasized the city government's pragmatic approach and alignment with the Control Yuan's (監察院) stance on multifunctional use.


The Control Yuan criticized the Taipei City Government for neglecting the Taipei Dome's potential as a concert venue, causing ongoing disputes. The city government acknowledged the criticism and committed to actively improving to meet public expectations.

During the 2024 Taipei Summer Travel Expo (2024台北國際夏季旅展), Chiang reiterated that the city had communicated with the Ministry of the Interior and received a definitive response, referring back to a directive from 2017.

When asked if unclear regulations from the Ministry had caused issues, Chiang confirmed that the city received a clear response after proactive communication.

Chiang further explained that once Farglory Group (遠雄) completes fire safety verifications and submits the necessary documents, the city will conduct a cross-departmental review. This review will follow the Taipei City Large-Scale Event Safety Management Self-Government Ordinance (北市大型群聚活動安全管理自治條例) and other relevant regulations.

Chiang stressed his pragmatic approach since taking office, coordinating with various parties to resolve issues. By the end of his first year, the Taipei Dome was completed and hosted international events.

The city government aims to overcome challenges and hopes for the Taipei Dome's diverse use, consistent with the Control Yuan's views.


Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei Dome# Chiang Wan-an# Taipei Mayor# Taipei Summer Travel Expo# Farglory Group# Taipei City Government# Control Yuan# Taipei Dome concerts# Taipei large-scale event safety# Taipei Dome fire safety verification
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