
YouBike promises compensation plan after cyberattacks

Reporter Isabel Wang
Release time:2023/05/24 11:12
Last update time:2023/05/24 11:12
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's prominent public bike rental service, YouBike, has suffered two successive cyberattacks in recent weeks, compromising the personal information of over 40,000 members — twice the number initially reported. The alarming breach has prompted authorities to launch a comprehensive investigation and call upon the company to take immediate measures to mitigate risks.

Following the security breaches, YouBike has logged out all members from its official website as a precautionary measure. To regain access, you must reset their passwords to ensure enhanced account security. Affected members will also receive text messages notifying them to strengthen their password protection.


In response to the incidents, YouBike has pledged to unveil a compensation plan within the next week. The company is conducting an internal evaluation to determine the full extent of the impact caused by the breaches, which will inform users of the specifics of the compensation scheme.

According to reports, hackers targeted the YouBike's system, exploiting members' transactional data through phone numbers on May 19. The cyberattack was followed by another hacking attempt on May 21, subsequently uncovered by a joint investigation team comprising government officials from Taipei City, New Taipei City, and Taoyuan City.

Expressing concern over the security lapses, the Taoyuan City Government has demanded that YouBike enhance its Internet safety control measures before May 26. The government has also called for implementing a comprehensive compensation plan to address the adverse effects experienced by affected members.

The YouBike company faces mounting pressure to rectify the vulnerabilities in its system and safeguard user data, as authorities and the public demand swift action to prevent further breaches and protect the privacy of its members.

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