
Mayor Hou to commit to KMT’s presidential nomination process

Reporter Isabel Wang
Release time:2023/05/16 16:59
Last update time:2023/05/16 16:59
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NEW TAIPEI (TVBS News) — New Taipei City Mayor Hou You-yi, who has maintained a relatively lower profile during the campaign compared to his rival, Terry Gou, founder of Hon Hai, expressed his commitment on Tuesday (May 16) to abide by the instructions of the Kuomintang (KMT) party and exert his best efforts.

His statement was made in anticipation of the KMT's impending announcement of its presidential nominee tomorrow.


According to media sources, KMT Chair Eric Chu separately met with both Gou and Hou on Monday evening to disclose the polling results and inform them of the party's decision regarding the nomination. Hou informed reporters that he will dutifully adhere to the party's timetable and regulations, follow the prescribed procedures, and strive to serve the nation and its people.

Also, Mayor Hou has expressed his plan to participate in the KMT Central Standing Committee (CSC) meeting on Wednesday in his role as the mayor of New Taipei City.

Earlier today, Hou inspected the ongoing Chenglu Bridge widening construction project. This bridge, connecting Wugu and Luzhou Districts, has been under construction since June of last year and is slated for completion by the end of June this year.

"While this may not be our flagship construction project, we regard safety as a crucial concern for all road users," Hou told reporters. "Upon completion of the bridge expansion, we will be able to allocate separate lanes for cars and motorcycles, thereby reducing the occurrence of traffic accidents."

The KMT has been out of power since 2016, and the upcoming presidential election is viewed as a pivotal opportunity for the party to regain governance. The KMT currently faces a division between Gou and Hou supporters, and domestic and international observers will closely monitor the party's decision on its nominee.

Taiwan Affairs



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