
FCC commissioner: Chinese growing tech a rising threat

Reporter TVBS World Taiwan News Staff
Release time:2022/11/17 19:13
Last update time:2022/12/31 11:06
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The leaders of the world's top superpowers, Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden, met in person in Bali at the G20 summit for the first time since Biden took office.

Against this backdrop, TVBS Commentator Wenchi Yu spoke with Brendan Carr, commissioner of the Federal Communication Commissions of the U.S., on information censorship, semiconductor chips, and all things related to information and communications technology with the U.S., China, and Taiwan.


Asked about the ban on advanced chips to China, Brendan Carr expects that "Beijing is going to be working to develop its own independent chip manufacturing capacity. Its own independent cloud space services. Its own independent AI operation."

He added: "So, we can cut off some of the flows of chips and others to Beijing."

Carr also believes that with mainland China's growing presence in the tech scenes, apps such as Tik Tok may be a rising threat to U.S. security.

Carr explained that "millions of Americans are on it. And they think, well, its just a fun platform for sharing videos or dance memes, but the reality is, it functions as a very sophisticated surveillance operation."

"It harvests everything from search and browsing history to keystroke patterns to potentially collect biometrics, including face prints and voice prints," he went on.

"Whether it's for foreign influence, espionage, there's been new reports about people in Beijing using the application to track the specific locations of U.S. users, so there's a lot to be worried here from a national security perspective."

Carr accused Beijing of trying "infiltrate a lot of the standard-setting bodies across the globe," and from "the U.S. perspective, it is potentially dangerous, so the U.S. has a job to call that out."

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