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    tvbs 結果共10,000筆

  • Teen developer’s earthquake alert app hits 320K downloads

    Discover the story of Lin Tzu-yu, a high school senior who developed the Taiwan Earthquake Alert app, providing early warnings for earthquakes. With over 320,000 downloads, this self-taught coder’s creation has become essential for residents in seismic-active Taiwan, especially following a 7.2 magnitude quake in Hualien.
    2024/04/24 11:14
  • Hualien’s Hotel Fouquet demolition disrupts local businesses

    In Hualien, the Hotel Fouquet, compromised by a recent earthquake, is undergoing demolition, impacting local businesses like the Zhou family dumpling shop. The process, led by the Hualien Construction Office, aims for completion in two weeks, using a method for safety and efficiency. This has further strained the local economy, already suffering from reduced tourism.
    2024/04/24 11:00
  • Weeklong unstable weather alert: Heavy rainfall expected

    Explore the latest weather advisory from the Central Weather Administration as it warns of unstable conditions and potential heavy rainfall across Taiwan, impacting cities from Keelung to Changhua. With a frontal system approaching, expect significant downpours, especially on Friday and Saturday, alongside advisories for lightning, gusty winds, and possible landslides in mountainous regions. Northern Taiwan will see cooler temperatures, while the rest of the island braces for varied weather phenomena into next week.
    2024/04/24 10:14
  • 地球解方行動年會 「TVBS GOOD」從生活驅動永續環保

    適逢一年一度的世界地球日,《地球解方 2024永續設計行動年會》於4月22、23兩日盛大登場,號召科技、創投、企業、教育、媒體、社會創新、地方政府共同串聯與協作,集結產官學研社界超過40位重量級專家講者,從全球趨勢數據洞察、以人為本永續轉型以及減塑與創新等八大觀點剖析關鍵議題。TVBS積極投入永續作為,除了在4月初推出TVBS GOOD 全新ESG品牌,並擔任《地球解方 2024永續設計行動年會》策略夥伴的重要角色,年會因此邀請TVBS永續倡議大使莊開文擔任「全球塑膠公約」議題的主持人,藉由跨領域的深度對談,從中探索並共創具前瞻性的永續解方。
    2024/04/23 21:35
  • 尋地球「解方」! 40專家齊探討「限塑」影響

    地球解方2024永續設計行動年會,今天進入到第二天。由永續倡議大使莊開文,擔任主持人,邀請專家、業者一起探討減塑、限塑議題。另外今年也推出全新品牌「TVBS GOOD」,讓所有人都能更貼近永續。
    2024/04/23 18:58
  • Seismologist urges preparedness, not panic after quakes

    Explore how Kuo Kai-wen, ex-head of the Seismological Center, addresses concerns over potential magnitude 7 aftershocks following 200 recent earthquakes, emphasizing preparedness without panic. He recalls past seismic events and reassures that such occurrences are normal, highlighting the unpredictability of earthquakes.
    2024/04/23 17:36
  • 0423強震!TVBS主播、記者凌晨急回崗 全體動員「無時差播報」網狂讚

    2024/04/23 17:31
  • Taipei egg prices drop as summer demand cools

    Discover how the Taipei City Egg Merchants Association plans to lower egg prices this summer due to decreased demand, as announced by executive director Liu Wei-chih. Learn about the expected market adjustments and the Ministry of Agriculture’s insights on Taiwan’s egg supply and demand dynamics.
    2024/04/23 17:28
  • 獨/台中「爆走柴犬」!路中狂吠5分鐘駕駛不敢動 警方說話了

    2024/04/23 17:25
  • Series of Hualien quakes leads to 4 building collapses

    Discover the aftermath of a series of strong earthquakes in Hualien County, Taiwan, causing the collapse or tilting of four buildings, including the previously red-tagged Hotel Fouquet and residential structures, with ongoing assessments by the Hualien County government for public safety and demolition plans.
    2024/04/23 17:11
  • Taiwan’s seismic surge shows a "skyscraper" of quakes

    Explore the recent seismic surge in Taiwan, where over 1,000 aftershocks followed a major earthquake in Hualien. This unusual activity, highlighted on a global map as a towering "skyscraper," signals a period of heightened earthquake risk, with potential aftershocks expected for up to a year.
    2024/04/23 17:09
  • Hualien residents rattled by earthquake alarms

    Series of earthquakes hit Taiwan, particularly affecting Hualien with significant tremors and sleepless nights for residents, as reported by TVBS News. Continuous alerts and a major quake of magnitude 6.3 disrupt normal life.
    2024/04/23 17:06
  • Taiwan and US see rise in vending machine use

    Explore how vending machines are becoming a more common sight in Taiwan and the US, offering a variety of refreshments and conveniences from frozen treats to hot meals, with some incorporating AI for improved functionality.
    2024/04/23 17:05
  • 地震包內容物準備什麼?6大地震避難包清單&放置地點一次看

    2024/04/23 16:32
  • 花蓮狂震引海嘯?地質專家析:超過規模7.2「淺層地震」要警戒

    2024/04/23 16:27
  • Engineers rush to save 2 tilted Hualien hotels

    Early morning earthquake on April 23 in Hualien City leaves Hotel Fouquet at risk of collapse; stabilization efforts underway. Surrounding infrastructure to be removed for safety, with demolition planned. Nearby Tongshuai Building also at risk, showing further tilting from aftershocks.
    2024/04/23 15:35
  • 連環地震嚇壞!台北女1個月爆瘦4公斤 醫曝「多人眩暈、焦慮」

    2024/04/23 15:16
  • Twin earthquakes over magnitude 6 jolt Hualien

    Two earthquakes over magnitude 6 hit Shoufeng Township, Hualien, as aftershocks of an April 3 quake, with the Central Weather Administration recording over a thousand aftershocks since. The recent quakes, felt across Taiwan, raise landslide risks in mountainous regions, prompting public caution.
    2024/04/23 15:08
  • Premier-designate announces new cabinet appointments

    Discover the latest developments in Taiwan’s political landscape as Premier-designate Cho Jung-tai unveils the fifth wave of cabinet appointments, emphasizing continuity, dynamic leadership, and a vision for national unity and innovation.
    2024/04/23 15:05
  • 鼓勵南韓青年步入禮堂 佛教也辦配對節目

    2024/04/23 14:34
  • 《全球塑膠公約》將出爐!企業樂觀談轉型 莊開文:禁用已非唯一方向

    《地球解方 2024永續設計行動年會》今(23)日進入第二天,上午進行《全球塑膠公約:看企業機會與創新》主題對談,由TVBS永續發展部永續倡議大使莊開文擔任主持人,而當提及《全球塑膠公約》將展開第四輪談判,且是否會對產業端造成衝擊時,金元福包裝企業股份有限公司總經理郭哲宏反倒認為,這有可能是轉型機會,透過上到下的溝通,產製出「好塑膠」,達成循環經濟的永續目的。
    2024/04/23 13:29
  • Earthquake in Hualien causes hotel to tilt

    Discover the aftermath of a magnitude 6 earthquake in Hualien, Taiwan, with significant impacts on local infrastructure, including the tilting of the Fouquet Hotel and the collapse of the Tong Shuai Building. Learn about the ongoing efforts to prevent further damage, the effect on local businesses, and the community’s response to ensure safety amidst continuous aftershocks.
    2024/04/23 13:20
  • 《秘書俱樂部》賴雅妍秘密藏不住遭虧 曾莞婷加碼爆「每天尬酒」

    2024/04/23 12:49
  • 地球解方年會開跑!莊開文擔主持重任 盼「身體力行」拚永續

    《地球解方 2024永續設計行動年會》今(23日)進入第二天,持續聚焦在主題「多一塑不如少一塑膠」討論,而針對《全球塑膠公約:看企業機會與創新》,邀請到TVBS永續發展部永續倡議大使莊開文擔任主持人,與其他3位專家、業者一同探討減塑、限塑、禁塑對產業端的衝擊與影響,以及台灣市場上具備的轉型潛力。
    2024/04/23 12:12
  • TVBS民調中心驚人「塑」據 逾六成贊成全面禁塑

    2024/04/23 11:12
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