Yang Yung-wei takes on dual role as coach and competitor
Taiwanese judoka Yang Yung-wei takes on dual roles as a coach and competitor, aiming for success at the 2026 Asian Games. Discover his journey and strategies.
2024/11/04 21:00
Defense ministry denies Koo’s NT$1M electricity bill
The Ministry of National Defense denied claims that Minister Wellington Koo’s electricity bill exceeded NT$1 million. Koo clarified he has not lived in the official residence.
2024/09/25 11:59
Defense minister explains high electricity bill at residence
Minister of National Defense Wellington Koo explained the high electricity bill at his official residence, attributing it to the nearby military camp. Koo has not lived there since taking office.
2024/09/25 09:25
新生代歌手LÜCY日本首秀 森林開唱嗨喊「像在魔法世界」
「2024GMA金曲國際音樂節」策略聯盟持續將臺灣優秀音樂人推向國際,今年首度與日本指標性戶外露營音樂節「ONE MUSIC CAMP」合作!新生代創作歌手「LÜCY」受邀至日本演出,不僅是她首次在日本公開演出,也讓她感受到與眾不同的音樂氛圍。LÜCY表示:「感受到這裡的樂迷特別專注和投入,他們不僅對音樂的感受度很高,還特別注重音樂與現場的互動。」透過與國際重要音樂節建立合作關係,「金曲國際音樂節策略聯盟」增加國內藝人與樂團赴海外展演的機會!
2024/09/11 10:19
Taiwan defense think tank visited by Hong Kong national
Discover how Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense is bolstering security measures after a Hong Kong national visited a military think tank, aiming to protect against potential threats and maintain sovereignty.
2024/06/28 20:00
Taiwan’s president pledges to improve soldier facilities
Discover how President Lai Ching-te’s visit to Chenggong Ling military camp in Taichung highlighted his past training achievements and his commitment to enhancing Taiwan’s defense training facilities.
2024/06/28 17:27
梁朝偉也追星!NewJeans東京巨蛋開唱 閔熙珍爽曬跟3大咖合照
韓國女團NewJeans昨(26)日、今(27)日兩天在日本東京巨蛋舉辦粉絲見面會「Bunnies Camp 2024 Tokyo Dome」,雖然出道不到2年,但成功「攻蛋」締造紀錄。本次活動到場嘉賓則是大咖雲集,製作人閔熙珍就曬出跟日本藝術家村上隆、影帝梁朝偉的合照,都讓人驚呼NewJeans魅力無法擋。
2024/06/27 13:18
NewJeans收死亡威脅! 見面會前夕「遭持刀圖恐嚇」急報警
南韓新一代人氣女團NewJeans人氣風靡全球,近來正準備連2天在日本東京巨蛋舉辦「Bunnies Camp 2024 Tokyo Dome」粉絲見面會,沒想到見面會前夕卻收到黑粉的死亡威脅,因為活動日期將近,經紀公司提高警覺報警處理。
2024/06/25 15:18
Soldier deserts camp, carjacks friend in Taiwan
Discover the latest on the soldier who fled Chenggongling Camp in Taiwan, marking the second desertion this year amid concerns over military pressures and security.
2024/05/27 11:09
President Tsai inspects new military base, pledges support
President Tsai Ing-wen inspected the newly renovated Chien Shih Camp, a key Military Police base in New Taipei, pledging continued support for the "Hsing An Project" and distributing bonus payments. The visit hinted at potential leadership transitions in the Taiwanese military.
2024/04/15 16:49
有片/13歲巴勒斯坦男孩放煙火被視為挑釁 下秒遭以警擊斃
以色列東耶路撒冷(East Jerusalem)地區12日發生一起悲劇,一名年僅13歲的巴勒斯坦少年被指控向以色列安全部隊「射擊煙火」,遭當地駐警槍殺。綜合以巴與歐美外媒報導,當事少年名為哈爾烏利(Rami Hamdan Al-Halhouli),居住在耶路撒冷的舒亞法特難民營(Shuafat refugee camp),因為槍傷過重而在送往醫院後死亡。但從以色列駐警的紀錄,12日晚間在舒亞法特發生的是「一場騷亂」,現場有人投擲燃燒彈,甚至直接對著安全部隊「射擊煙火」。警方在該地區近期增派更多邊境駐警,應對齋月初期的高度緊張情勢,以防再有衝突發生。
2024/03/13 16:07
New marine recruits embark on rigorous journey in Pingtung
Taiwan’s Marine Corps welcomes new recruits at Pingtung’s Longchuan Camp, marking the start of an extensive yearlong task force under the revamped conscription system. The overhaul introduces extended training and enhanced support and aims to better integrate recruits transitioning from civilian life.
2024/03/05 17:48
性侵9名未成年男童 72歲前奧運田徑選手判11年監禁
前奧運選手兼田徑教練曼寧(Conrad Mainwaring)因1970年代性侵男童罪名成立,面臨長達11年的監禁。今年72歲的曼寧於2月8日承認,40多年前曾在美國麻州伯克夏郡一個運動營中,對九名青少年進行多達14次性侵害。伯克夏郡地區檢察官辦公室在新聞稿中表示,曼寧的受害者總數目前尚未確定。曼寧曾在1976年夏季奧運,代表安提瓜和巴布達參與田徑比賽,並曾在不同的教育機構和營地擔任教練。奧運比賽後,他在1976年至1979年期間,在「Camp Greylock for Boys」工作,該營地事後證實,他曾在那裡性侵過九位未成年人。
2024/02/15 13:21
一時興起爬珠穆朗瑪峰 英2歲童打破最年輕紀錄成功登上基地營
英國有名年僅2歲的男童從去年開始跟隨父母的腳步探索亞洲多國,10月更成為史上最年輕登上「珠穆朗瑪峰基地營」(Everest Base Camp)的人,這一家人也希望藉由自身的案例鼓勵世人「多出門走走、去看看世界!」。
2024/01/29 16:25
Hsinchu camp welcomes recruits under extended service plan
The first batch of recruits in Taiwan reported to Hsinchu County’s Litoushan Camp in Xinpu Township on Thursday (Jan. 25). The 206 Brigade’s Battalion 4 received 304 new recruits from the northern region, who will undergo an eight-week training program. The military restored its previous one-year conscription in line with the "Strengthening National Defense Force Structure Adjustment Plan." The training curriculum is divided into four stages, focusing on core values, fitness, rifle shooting, combat coaching, and weapon handling. All new soldiers underwent health screening and inspections upon arrival, including drug-sniffer dogs. Additionally, the recruits had their heads shaved after receiving their uniforms.
2024/01/25 16:41
Taiwan reinstates 1-year mandatory military service
Taiwan has reinstated its compulsory military service, starting Jan. 1, 2024. The first batch of conscripts reported for an extensive training program at Chenggong Ling military training camp in Taichung, with improved pay and conditions, marking a significant moment in Taiwan’s defense strategy.
2024/01/25 16:29
President-elect Lai Ching-te advises new legislators
Taiwan President-elect Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) visited the Legislative Yuan to participate in the "New Legislator Consensus Camp." Lai encouraged the newly-elected DPP legislators, stressing his neutral stance in Congress. He shared his past experiences and strategies as DPP caucus head, as well as the painful experiences he went through during his tenure. Lai, hailed as the strongest caucus director during his time in the Legislative Yuan, gave three suggestions to the new legislators: to become a new force for the nation, to focus on their professional duties and ideals, and to work cooperatively with the party caucus to advance national development goals. Lai emphasized the importance of teamwork in the Legislative Yuan and hopes to guide the new legislators in effective governance and realizing their ideals in Congress through the sharing of experiences by Legislative Yuan Speaker You Si-kun and caucus whip Ker Chien-ming.
2024/01/23 14:55
Taiwan’s MND touts success of drug-sniffing dog teams
The Ministry of National Defense in Taipei showcased its drug prevention program’s accomplishments, emphasizing the effectiveness of its narcotics detection dog teams. Since December last year, 18 additional dogs have been added to these teams, allowing regions across Taiwan to request their services for drug-sniffing operations within military camps. According to government regulations, these service dogs typically serve for four years, with the possibility of an extension to seven years. Since 2020, three narcotics-detection canines have completed their service term, with replacements already trained and deployed. The defense ministry conducted 467 drug-sniffing missions within military bases this year through mobilization, camp applications, and operational zone assignments. Additionally, over 1.13 million urine screenings have been conducted among military personnel, with positive results leading to prosecutions and the removal of implicated individuals from service.
2023/12/20 17:18
美軍陸戰隊兩棲戰鬥車訓練時翻覆 釀1死14人受傷
美軍位在加州的彭德爾頓海軍陸戰隊基地(Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton),傳出訓練死亡事故,《洛杉磯時報》報導,當時陸戰隊官兵正在營區進行演練,搭配一輛兩棲戰鬥車(Amphibious Combat Vehicle),沒想到行進中車輛卻發生翻覆滾動,造成1名官兵死亡,另外還有14人受傷緊急送醫,但軍方並未公佈死者更多資訊或軍階級別。
2023/12/14 09:31
以色列擬引海水灌入哈瑪斯地道 挨轟不怕害死無辜人質
以色列與哈瑪斯(Hamas)在加薩(Gaza)的衝突進度新階段,雙方在停火破裂後,武裝衝突規模絲毫未減,也持續造成更多平民死傷。多家外媒引述《華爾街日報》(WSJ)報導,傳出以色列已完成設置5組幫浦系統,位於加薩北部的沙提難民營(Al-Shati refugee camp)附近,只要啟動、每小時能抽取數千立方公尺的海水,灌入哈瑪斯的地下迷宮大本營,逼迫他們出來面對面決戰。但這個決策卻也遭到外界質疑,還有這麼多人質尚未獲釋,以軍難道不怕引海水灌地道,會害死那些無辜的人質嗎?
2023/12/05 09:31
Unauthorized photography around military bases prohibited
Taiwan’s Minister of National Defense, Chiu Kuo-cheng, stated that the Ministry will not interfere with general aviation enthusiasts taking photographs, but any behavior involving scaling walls to capture military installations will be considered reconnaissance activities. This announcement was made during a review of the draft "Military Base Security Maintenance Regulations" bill at the Legislative Yuan’s Foreign and National Defense Committee. According to the draft bill, unauthorized reconnaissance activities directed at military camp areas, such as measurement, filming, photography, depiction, or description, can result in fines ranging from NT$30,000 to NT$150,000 if they compromise national security. The committee discussed potential issues related to dash cameras unintentionally filming the area or residents of high-rise buildings next to a base. Deputy Chief of Combat Planning, Chen Wen-Hsing, clarified that the draft bill mainly targets harmful reconnaissance activities, while general photography activities remain unaffected. Minister Chiu emphasized that unauthorized photography in restricted areas is considered reconnaissance. Kuomintang legislator Chen I-hsin raised concerns about possible conflicts between existing "Vital Area Regulations" and the proposed new law, suggesting the incorporation of maintaining military base security into existing regulations as a specific chapter.
2023/11/20 19:09
Blue-White alliance impacts prospects of Terry Gou’s bid
Former Legislative Yuan speaker Wang Jin-pyng urges independent candidate Terry Gou to join the Blue camp, as Taiwan’s political landscape heats up with the upcoming 2024 presidential election. Gou’s decision holds significant weight for the KMT, TPP, and the Democratic Progressive Party.
2023/11/17 18:11
Ko is the main force splitting KMT votes: Yao Li-ming
The story discusses the role of Ko Wen-je, chairman of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), in splitting the Kuomintang (KMT) votes since the 2018 Taipei Mayoral election. Yao Li-ming, campaign director for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential hopeful Lai Ching-te, claims that the DPP’s decision to nominate Pasuya Yao for the mayoral race was a strategic move to distinguish themselves from Ko. Yao also highlights how Ko has shifted his focus away from securing the green camp’s vote in the 2022 election. Additionally, Yao argues that the KMT and TPP cannot form a union due to their differing natures and suggests that the potential candidacy of Foxconn founder Terry Gou has a greater impact on Ko and Hou than on Lai.
2023/11/13 15:34
National Defense Intellectual Tour begins in Kaohsiung
The Navy’s 2023 National Defense Intellectual Tour began at Xinbin Camp in Gushan District, Kaohsiung City. Visitors had the opportunity to view naval ships, including the Yushan class, the ROCS Ta Chiang, and the Min Jiang-class minelayer, showcasing Taiwan’s maritime defense capabilities. The event featured a captivating performance by the R.O.C. Naval Academy Band and the 256th Battle Division Drum Team, receiving enthusiastic applause from the crowd. Attendees also had the chance to take photos with naval personnel. The annual tour aims to increase public understanding of the nation’s military capabilities and foster national pride and community support for the military.
2023/11/13 15:03
Three military vessels showcase Taiwan’s defense power
The Navy’s 2023 National Defense Intellectual Tour began at Xinbin Camp in Kaohsiung City’s Gushan District, showcasing Taiwan’s defense capabilities. The Yushan-class ship, with a displacement of 10,000 tons, demonstrated its ability to carry fully armed Marines and featured a spacious command center and medical facilities. The ROCS Ta Chiang, a 732-ton vessel, displayed impressive stealth characteristics and a powerful arsenal. The Min Jiang-class minelayer showcased its accurate navigation and mine-laying capabilities. This event provided insight into Taiwan’s contemporary naval capabilities and its commitment to strengthening national defense.
2023/11/13 11:42