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    telecom 結果共19筆

  • Taiwan’s data protection laws lag behind int’l standards

    Taiwan telecom companies face backlash over alleged user data sales, prompting calls for stronger data protection laws and transparency. Experts highlight the lag in Taiwan’s data privacy standards compared to international norms.
    2024/07/12 14:12
  • Major telecom outage hits Changhua, disrupts emergency calls

    Discover the details of a major system failure at Chunghwa Telecom in Changhua that led to a blackout of landline services, affecting emergency numbers and sparking public concern.
    2024/07/02 08:57
  • Taiwanese telecoms deny sharing data with DPP official

    Discover how Taiwan’s major telecom companies, including Far EasTone and Taiwan Mobile, respond to allegations of tracking protestors, emphasizing their commitment to privacy and legal compliance.
    2024/05/31 10:23
  • Telecom giant emphasizes privacy amid data use debate

    Discover how Chunghwa Telecom addresses privacy concerns amid allegations of mobile data misuse for demographic analysis. The company emphasizes its strict adherence to privacy laws and the anonymization of data in its big data services.
    2024/05/30 17:56
  • Circles.Life to cease operations in Taiwan, NCC approves

    Discover why Circles.Life, a popular digital telco among students and young professionals in Taiwan, is ceasing operations and how Chunghwa Telecom plans to accommodate its 50,000 users.
    2024/05/29 15:39
  • Taiwan to test disaster alerts in English, Chinese at 4 p.m.

    Discover how Taiwan’s top mobile service providers, Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwan Mobile, and Far EasTone, are enhancing public safety with a nationwide disaster prevention notification test in English and Chinese on May 8 at 4 p.m. Learn about their commitment to timely emergency communication.
    2024/05/08 14:07
  • Taipei expo showcases new era of smart city tech with 5G, AI

    Discover how Taipei’s Smart City Summit and Expo unveils groundbreaking innovations in 5G, AI, and urban technology, driving Taiwan towards the era of smarter cities.
    2024/03/20 20:09
  • Taiwan’s tech sector set to shine at MWC 2024 in Barcelona

    Taiwanese tech companies seize the spotlight at MWC Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2024, showcasing cutting-edge innovations in AI, 5G, and immersive technologies, reaffirming Taiwan’s pivotal role in telecom advancement.
    2024/02/26 18:42
  • NVIDIA CEO eyes Vietnam for AI, digital talent cultivation

    NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang announces collaboration with Vietnamese technological firms to support Vietnam in AI talent cultivation and digital infrastructure development. Huang expresses interest in establishing a base in Vietnam during a meeting with Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh. NVIDIA has already invested around US$250 million in Vietnam and recognizes the country’s potential in the IT sector. Huang identifies Viettel Telecom, FPT Software, Vingroup, and VNG Corporation as specific partners for expanded cooperation.
    2023/12/12 17:51
  • Taiwan CIB nabs 20 in SMS phishing scam crackdown

    The Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB) has apprehended 20 suspects and seized 15 illegal operations involved in a smartphone SMS phishing scam in Taiwan. The "Info Thunder Project" was deployed to combat the scam, which sent out an average of 4,000 to 5,000 fraudulent text messages per day. The criminal syndicate posed as representatives from legitimate entities, such as the Taiwan Water Corporation and telecom companies, to deceive recipients with misleading alerts. The fraudsters enticed victims to click on malicious links and enter their credit card and bank account details. The CIB’s intelligence analysis team conducted comprehensive studies of phishing cases, leading to the arrests. Evidence seized in two operations includes modem pools, mobile phones, SIM cards, computers, Wi-Fi routers, and application forms for phone numbers. Director-General Chou Yu-wei urged the public to remain vigilant against suspicious text messages and to refrain from clicking on dubious links. The police will continue to dismantle these fraudulent networks and protect citizens from cyber threats.
    2023/12/12 16:57
  • Taiwan mobile eyes full network integration by 2024 end

    Taiwan Mobile has announced its progress in completing a full network integration with Taiwan Star Telecom by the end of 2024. The company has responded to customer complaints regarding communication link quality and has initiated network integration operations since the merger. The efforts have resulted in enhanced 3G coverage by 40%, particularly in remote areas, and improvements in signal strength and internet speeds for former Taiwan Star Telecom customers. The expansion in the 2100MHz band has increased available bandwidth for 4G by 10%, benefiting both 4G and 5G users. Original Taiwan Star Telecom customers will enjoy higher-quality 5G mobile communication services without the need to swap SIM cards.
    2023/12/07 20:41
  • KMT’s Hou Yu-ih pledges major fraud crackdown in Taiwan

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih and his running mate, Jaw Shaw-kong, have pledged to crack down on Taiwan’s rampant fraud industry. If elected, they plan to conduct a sweeping operation against fraud groups in their first year, aiming to reduce fraud cases to a third of the current number in the second year and cutting them by half in the third year. Hou, drawing on his past anti-fraud experience, criticizes the current government for its investment in a national anti-fraud team that has seen an increase in fraud cases and arrests. He advocates for stronger surveillance by the National Communications Commission (NCC) in telecom facilities and emphasizes the need for cooperation with mainland China. Hou aims to leverage the Organized Crime Prevention Act to produce tangible results in the fight against fraud by the fourth year of his presidency.
    2023/12/07 16:56
  • 6 Taiwanese scammers allegedly sent to China from Myanmar

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) is currently verifying reports that Myanmar has handed over six Taiwanese telecom fraudsters to China. The MOFA is working with the Ministry of Justice, National Police Agency, and National Immigration Agency to bring these stranded citizens back to Taiwan. Myanmar’s Wa State, known for its independent judicial system and close ties with China, is where the transfer took place. The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Myanmar is actively assisting Taiwanese citizens in their return. This is the first public announcement by Myanmar of transferring Taiwanese individuals involved in telecom fraud.
    2023/11/16 17:13
  • NCC expands measures to combat telecom fraud

    The National Communications Commission (NCC) in Taiwan has announced further measures to combat telecommunications fraud. The NCC is working alongside major communications firms, including Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwan Mobile, Far EasTone Telecommunications (FET), TSTAR, and Asia-Pacific Telecom Co., Ltd (ATP), to strengthen their Know Your Customer (KYC) risk management mechanisms and implement special audits for high-risk customers.
    2023/10/26 15:29
  • 誇大5G網速!南韓三大電信誤導民眾 遭罰7.8億台幣

    身為重要通訊科技大國之一的南韓,當地電信早已進入第五代行動通訊技術(5G)普及化階段,但該國監管機構卻發現,各大電信卻利用廣告話術,誤導一般民眾以為、自家的5G網路速度能夠達到20Gbps、理論上每秒2.5GB的超高速率,但經過實測後卻發現,實際網速卻僅有廣告宣傳的5%以下,《韓聯社》(Yonhaps)報導,南韓政府為此一口開罰三大電信商SK、KT與LG Uplus,合計360億韓圜(約新台幣7億8500萬元)的高額罰款,藉此警告企業不要誤導消費者。
    2023/05/24 17:20
  • Chunghwa Telecom President talks tech at MWC in Barcelona

    Chunghwa Telecom’s President Kuo Shui-yi attended the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on Feb. 28. 
    2023/03/03 18:54
  • FarEasTone debuts tech that extends 5G signals at MWC

    FarEasTone Telecom President Chee Ching unveiled the company’s latest tech innovation in collaboration with LiteOn Technology at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) on Tuesday (Feb. 28) in Barcelona.
    2023/03/03 18:48
  • 南韓無預警斷網!民眾崩潰連客服都斷線 電信公司認出包

    南韓電信業巨頭「KT電信公司」(Korea Telecom)旗下有線及無線網路服務今(25)日上午無預警癱瘓近1小時。事發後,KT公司曾發出聲明表示,網路服務因受到「大規模阻斷服務攻擊」(DDoS)導致中斷。沒想到2小時後真相大逆轉,經內部調查後證實為網路系統「設置錯誤」,所幸並不是受到網路攻擊。
    2021/10/25 16:21
  • 放眼全球! 鴻海112億入股韓SK C&C

    鴻海股東會上一直保密到家的重大投資案,原來就是入股南韓鮮京集團SK旗下,資訊系統供應商SK C&C,共斥資三千八百多億韓圜,相當於台幣112億元,取得4.9%股權,一口氣躍居SK C&C第二大股東,也讓鴻海股價衝破101元價位、續創兩年多來新高。而這個鮮京集團來頭不小,目前是南韓第三大集團,「財富雜誌」曾經評為世界五百強「第57名」,旗下除了有南韓最大電信公司SK Telecom之外,還擁有全球前三大記憶體晶片製造商SK海力士。
    2014/07/01 14:12
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