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    storm 結果共63筆

  • Typhoon Gaemi exits Taiwan, heavy rain to continue

    Discover the latest on Typhoon Gaemi’s impact on Taiwan: from its landfall in Yilan to the aftermath in southern regions, including casualties, damage, and weather forecasts.
  • Typhoon Gaemi delays talks on Chinese speedboat tragedy

    Discover the latest on Typhoon Gaemi’s impact: the storm has postponed crucial negotiations in Kinmen regarding the February Chinese speedboat tragedy. Learn more about the ongoing discussions and the efforts to resolve the aftermath.
  • Typhoon Gaemi heads to sea, Taiwan remains on alert

    Discover the latest on Typhoon Gaemi: Although it has moved out to sea, the Central Weather Administration warns of lingering wind and rain effects in Taiwan. Stay updated on weather advisories.
  • Residents urged to stock up as Typhoon Gaemi intensifies

    Discover the latest on Typhoon Gaemi as it intensifies, bringing up to 1,800 mm of rainfall to Taiwan. Officials urge preparation and caution, with widespread impacts expected. Stay informed on safety measures and updates.
    2024/07/24 16:19
  • Typhoon Gaemi prompts land warning in eastern Taiwan

    Discover the latest on Typhoon Gaemi as the Central Weather Administration plans to issue a land warning, affecting Yilan, Hualien, and Taitung counties with heavy rains and severe winds expected across Taiwan. Stay informed on weather updates.
    2024/07/23 10:37
  • 20年來最強磁暴!中低緯度也有極光台灣卻看不到 氣象署解答了

    上週末發生強烈地磁風暴(geomagnetic storm,磁暴),據中央氣象署資料,本次地磁擾動在台灣時間5月11日5時至8時到到劇烈等級,上次有劇烈磁暴發生為2003年的萬聖節磁暴事件。受到磁暴影響,多個國家都看到美麗的極光,也在網路引發話題,《網路溫度計DailyView》透過網路聲量帶您看這次地磁擾動的討論度。
    2024/05/14 10:51
  • Mayday concert ends with virtual encore amid storm

    Discover how Taiwanese band Mayday and their fans braved a storm during a concert in Taipei, turning an unexpected weather challenge into a memorable virtual encore.
    2024/05/01 14:24
  • Taiping Island Pier revamp fuels President visit speculation

    The newly renovated pier at Taiping Island sparks speculation about President Tsai Ing-wen’s potential visit, highlighting the Republic of China’s sovereignty in the South China Sea. The renovation, costing NT$1.7 billion, aims to enhance the island’s humanitarian, military, and research capabilities. Former president Ma Ying-jeou supports the visit as a symbol of national sovereignty and peace in the region.
    2024/03/18 18:43
  • 風暴來襲!加州多地進入緊急狀態 洛杉磯發洪水警報、90萬戶停電

    受到「大氣河流風暴」(atmospheric river storm)影響,加州恐出現致命暴洪、暴風與山崩,加州州長紐森(Gavin Newsom)宣布8個郡進入緊急狀態。美國國家氣象局也針對加州洛杉磯郡東部發布洪水警報,影響範圍包括洛杉磯市中心。
    2024/02/05 12:28
  • 有片/13級風狂襲英國萬戶斷電 班機「空中猛晃」降落全機鼓掌

    伊莎風暴(Storm Isha)近日挾13級狂風襲擊英國,數十架客機被迫改道,一架英國航空(British Airways)從伊比薩島(Ibiza)飛往倫敦(London)的班機就是其中之一;乘客拍攝的影片顯示,在機長奮力控制住飛機,搖搖晃晃驚險降落後,機艙內頓時爆出一陣歡呼。
    2024/01/22 13:27
  • 巴貝特風暴肆虐北歐 釀多地洪災與停電

    致命的「巴貝特」風暴(Storm Babet)在丹麥和挪威引發大面積洪災後,如今正席捲英國。
    2023/10/22 06:12
  • Tropical storm Sanba forms in the South China Sea

    The Central Weather Administration has announced that a tropical depression has developed into a tropical storm named SANBA. The storm is expected to move north-northwest and is unlikely to affect Taiwan. The northeast monsoon winds are weakening, leading to a decrease in humidity across Taiwan. Scattered showers are expected in the eastern region and the Hengchun Peninsula, with occasional rain in mountain regions. The north and northeast regions will see a mild increase in temperature, with highs ranging from 27 to 29 degrees Celsius. Areas
    2023/10/18 17:10
  • Taiwan experiences chilly weather with temperature drop

    Taiwan’s lowest temperature dipped to 19.7°C in Miaoli County on Thursday (Oct. 12). The weather forecast predicts clouds, occasional rain, and isolated thunderstorms in mountainous regions. Super Typhoon Bolaven matches Typhoon Mawar as the strongest storm of 2023, but fortunately, it poses no threat to Taiwan.
    2023/10/12 11:05
  • 猶太激進派「阿克薩清真寺」挑釁參觀惹事 哈瑪斯:保衛聖地才報復

    巴勒斯坦伊斯蘭主義運動組織「哈瑪斯」(Hamas)7日從加薩地區(Gaza)突襲以色列,瞬間點燃以巴之間的衝突並急速惡化,目前雙方合計超過1100人死亡。哈瑪斯分子將行動命名為「阿克薩風暴」(Al-Aqsa Storm),並強調是為了捍衛「阿克薩清真寺」(Al Aqsa Mosque)而展開的報復,此地過去也經常成為重大巴勒斯坦衝突事件的引爆點。
    2023/10/09 15:18
  • Typhoon Koinu strikes Taiwan, sets new wind speed record

    Typhoon Koinu struck Taiwan, setting a wind speed record and causing havoc. Stay updated on the storm’s impact and safety measures.
    2023/10/05 20:17
  • Coastal chaos as Typhoon Koinu makes landfall in Taitung

    Typhoon Koinu wreaks havoc in Taitung County, Taiwan, with 7-meter waves and 162 kph winds. Haibin Park and Fugang Port suffer damage. Residents brave the storm to witness historic waves.
    2023/10/05 19:55
  • Slow-moving Typhoon Koinu poses threat to southern Taiwan

    Taiwan prepares as Typhoon Koinu approaches. The slow-moving storm poses potential risks, with heavy rain and gusty winds expected. Stay updated for safety.
    2023/10/04 14:05
  • University shifts classes online due to Typhoon Koinu

    As Typhoon Koinu approaches Taiwan, the Chinese Culture University in Taipei has shifted all classes to remote online teaching for safety. Despite the storm, Taipei has not announced a typhoon holiday, leading to questions from netizens.
    2023/10/04 14:01
  • Typhoon Koinu to hit Taitung: Severe wind and rain expected

    Typhoon Koinu is set to hit Taiwan, with landfall expected near Taitung on Thursday morning. The storm will bring severe wind and rain. The effects of the typhoon will be felt across Taiwan, with rain forecasted in several regions, including Hsinchu, Keelung, Yilan, Hualien, Taitung, and the Hengchun Peninsula.
    2023/10/04 11:39
  • Eastern Taiwan braces for rain as Typhoon Koinu strengthens

    Typhoon Koinu approaches Taiwan, bringing warnings of rain and swells. Stay updated on the weather and prepare for potential impact.
    2023/10/02 18:40
  • 群羊見草眼開!狂嗑272公斤大麻 「1舉動」農夫秒臉綠

    近期全球氣候災情不斷,日前希臘受到「丹尼爾風暴( Subtropical Storm Daniel)」的侵擾,造成洪水氾濫的現象。不過有一群羊似乎為了躲避洪水而意外跑進了一間溫室,只見溫室中有嫩綠色滿滿的草可以食用,開心地大快朵頤。沒想到牠們吃下的竟是農夫辛辛苦苦種植的「大麻」,且份量竟高達600磅(272公斤),讓農夫血本無歸。
    2023/09/26 19:49
  • 利比亞洪災遺體泡水腐爛沖上岸 居民慟「我家48人失蹤」

    利比亞10日因地中海風暴「丹尼爾(Storm Daniel)」侵襲導致兩座水壩潰堤,東部港口城市德納(Derna)成為重災區,聯合國17日宣布下修死亡人數為3922人,但仍有9千多人失蹤,死亡人數仍可能繼續攀升。外媒報導,當地一名政府雇員表示自己的大家庭中有多達48人下落不明,倖存者面臨兩難處境,留在原地可能得承受染病風險,但若想逃離當地,就得穿越可能埋有地雷的危險地區。
    2023/09/18 15:03
  • 整塊住宅區沒了!利比亞海灘「2小時沖回200具遺體」

    利比亞東部港市德納(Derna)因風暴丹尼爾(Storm Daniel)登陸,強風驟雨造成瓦迪德納河(Wadi Dernariver)上游兩座水壩潰堤,洪水重創德納市的大片街區、數千位民眾不幸被沖進地中海。官方目前統計超過5000人罹難,仍有數千位民眾下落不明,預估最終死亡數恐上看2萬人。當地持續搶救中,不過有救援者傳出令人痛心的消息,短短2小時內竟有200具遺體被沖上岸。
    2023/09/16 21:18
  • 火熱又水深!南歐野火後暴雨 多國洪災

    氣候災難在南半球的巴西造成災情,強烈溫帶氣旋重擊巴西,多條河流潰堤,至少21人罹難。巴西總統魯拉表示政府會盡力救援,也重申保護巴西森林的決心,他上任至今森林砍伐比率已下降六成,達到2018年以來的最低點。野火、森林消失和水土流失,真的會帶來難以應對的災難,整個南歐在九月初經歷低氣壓風暴丹尼爾(Storm Daniel)襲擊,希臘、保加利亞、土耳其都面臨嚴重洪災,多人傷亡;西班牙也因為暴雨造成多處橋樑受損。
    2023/09/06 19:55
  • UK storm-chaser documents typhoon impact in Taiwan

    Join James Reynolds, a UK storm-chaser and severe weather photographer, as he travels to Taiwan to document the impact of Typhoon Haikui.
    2023/09/04 17:41
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