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    silent 結果共27筆

  • 劉嘉玲直奔南法探班梁朝偉!偷閒約會「1舉動」甜暈全場

    六度封金像獎影帝的梁朝偉最近忙著在歐洲拍攝新電影《Silent Friend 》,趁著空檔,太太劉嘉玲特地飛到當地陪老公。繼日前被發現約會吃冰棒,又有網友在法國南部巧遇梁朝偉及劉嘉玲,更大讚兩人私底下的互動非常甜蜜。
    2024/04/29 21:01
  • Tsai stands by defense minister despite resignation offer

    Presidential Office Spokesperson Olivia Lin confirms Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng’s apology to President Tsai Ing-wen over a family-related issue and his verbal resignation offer. Tsai opts for Chiu to stay due to regional security concerns. Chiu’s son’s sex scandal triggers a National Security Bureau investigation. Speculation arises over Chiu’s resignation after missing a key event. Defense Ministry remains silent on the matter. Chiu’s absence from a legislative meeting fuels rumors of his potential leave.
    2024/03/29 16:22
  • 廣告女王驚爆分手!交往5年「論及婚嫁」 震撼情斷日格鬥家

    2024/03/05 11:32
  • 《silent》川口春奈分手格鬥家男友! 曾被直擊「現場為他爆淚」

    2024/03/05 11:27
  • Lai Ching-te remains silent on death penalty controversy

    In the wake of a junior high student’s murder in New Taipei, Lai Ching-te remains silent on the death penalty, focusing on his election campaign and avoiding the controversial topic despite Hou Yu-i’s questioning.
    2024/01/05 22:24
  • MOFA criticizes TPP’s Wu for COP28 conduct, cites risks

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) criticized Taiwan’s People Party (TPP) vice-presidential candidate Cynthia Wu for disregarding the ministry’s risk assessment and participating in the COP28 climate conference. MOFA expressed "puzzlement" and "regret" over her failure to publicly denounce China while questioning MOFA’s tactics internally. The ministry clarified that the constraints faced by the Legislative Yuan’s supervisory delegation at COP28 were primarily due to Wu’s status as a "vice-presidential candidate" and explained the potential increased risk of suppression to her. They pointed out that Wu’s controversial participation provided an opportunity for China to exert pressure, potentially hindering the delegation’s attendance and damaging Taiwan’s future chances of participating in such events. The ministry emphasized that no instructions were given to legislators to keep a low profile and remain silent, arguing that maintaining a low profile is conducive to Taiwan’s interests when participating in international activities.
    2023/12/16 12:29
  • China’s kids face rising antibiotic drug resistance

    Chinese children are increasingly experiencing antibiotic resistance when treating Mycoplasma pneumoniae, which poses a global health and economic concern. By 2050, drug-resistant diseases could result in healthcare costs of NT$31 trillion and economic losses of up to NT$106 trillion, according to the World Bank. The overuse of antibiotics has led to the rise of superbugs, diminishing the effectiveness of these medicines and compromising treatment outcomes. Azithromycin, a commonly used antibiotic in China for Mycoplasma pneumoniae, now faces an alarming resistance rate of nearly 80% to Macrolides. The World Health Organization (WHO) warns of the dangers of antibiotic overuse and refers to the situation as a "silent pandemic." WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus expresses concern that antibiotic resistance could bring us back to an era where minor infections are untreatable.
    2023/12/12 11:42
  • Fans voice for Wu Bai: Sing-along concerts stir viral buzz

    Taiwanese rock icon Wu Bai captivates fans with his ’silent mic’ technique, as fans enthusiastically sing the lead or backing vocals at his concerts. This unique collaborative atmosphere has turned into a viral joke, highlighting their affection for Wu Bai’s unorthodox approach to live shows. The deep connection between Wu Bai and his audience is reflected in incidents where the crowd spontaneously burst into song, showcasing their shared appreciation for his music and stage charisma.
    2023/12/08 17:31
  • TPP Cynthia Wu makes brief Yilan temple visit amid criticism

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) vice-presidential candidate Cynthia Wu and legislative candidate Chen Wan-hui visited Nanfangao Nantian Temple in Yilan on Saturday morning. Wu, who has faced criticism online for allegedly having a "princess syndrome," chose to remain silent when approached by journalists. After spending less than 30 minutes at the temple, Wu left the scene in good spirits, communicating through gestures from her car window. Chen praised Wu for her friendly demeanor and support for digital healthcare and transformation initiatives. Chen also emphasized that Wu is approachable, though not as accustomed to facing the public as former mayor Ko Wen-je. The brief visit was due to subsequent scheduling commitments, with Chen promising to invite Wu back to Yilan for local delicacies in the future.
    2023/12/02 18:00
  • 蛇精男Matt現身世貿「上妝1hr成果曝」 板垣李光人發誓來台復仇

    2023/10/20 18:26
  • Terry Gou remains silent on top choices for running mate

    Business tycoon and presidential hopeful Terry Gou remained silent on Wednesday (Sept. 13) when asked by the media regarding speculation about his choice for running mate in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. However, he promised to make the announcement sometime on Sept. 13 or Sept. 14.
    2023/09/13 11:22
  • Lai Ching-te remains silent on Terry Gou’s candidacy

    DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te attended a social welfare event on Aug. 28, and did not reply to inquiries about business tycoon Terry Gou’s announcement to run for president this morning.
    2023/08/28 17:48
  • 被孝順犧牲人生?「親職化小孩」無聲吶喊

    18歲以下,負責照顧家庭的孩童,也就是所謂「未成年照顧者」,他們所承受的壓力往往被忽略,尤其是在講究孝道的社會中更容易被視為理所當然。《公視主題之夜SHOW》今晚10點播出的日本NHK紀錄片《未成年照顧者的無聲吶喊》(Young Carers: A Silent Cry for Help)就描述這些「親職化兒童」面對的嚴酷現實。片中提到在日本的國二學生,每17人就有1人,需要肩負起照顧全家的責任,其中絕大部分都沒有尋求過幫助,因此失去童年和受教育的機會,影響升學、求職,有些甚至難以融入社會。
    2023/06/02 19:59
  • 青春回憶殺!徐若瑄攜手玉城千春 搶先唱日版「很愛很愛你」

    2023/05/09 18:45
  • 日本「廣告女王」川口春奈來了!被台灣美食收服:太美味

    2023/05/09 16:05
  • 日劇《Silent》爆紅!川口春奈擠下本田翼 登廣告女王寶座

    2023/02/16 11:04
  • 女高層不愛!瀧澤派藝人遭冷落 傑尼斯7人團驚爆「全員退社」

    傑尼斯2022年下半年以來風波不斷,瀧澤秀明全面退出傑尼斯掀起骨牌效應,除了King & Prince明年3人退團、昨(27)日Sexy Zone台德混血成員馬里烏斯葉以外,日媒獨家揭露傑尼斯的7人團IMPACTors現在也要鬧「全團退社」,原因竟是不得現在社長歡心!
    2022/12/28 17:26
  • 《silent》編劇嗆「劇寫給會日語的看」 觀眾酸劇名是英文

    日劇《First Love初戀》與《silent》成今(2022)年年末最夯話題,不過兩部戲劇的編劇近日訪問時,卻表現出截然不同的態度,前者編導與主演佐藤健、滿島光聊天時,提到期盼能透過串流的力量,讓全世界看到日本的優秀演員跟作品;反觀《silent》編劇卻稱「日劇給懂日語的人看就好了」,引發爭議。
    2022/12/20 19:19
  • 57萬張選票!日本國寶級帥哥排行出爐 BL夯劇偶像霸榜前3名

    2022/12/16 17:43
  • 「吹狗螺」音樂生活節 邀民眾進收容所與浪浪共舞同樂

    2022/12/04 14:23
  • 目黑蓮《silent》超虐衝收視冠軍 佐藤健《FirstLove初戀》譜浪漫愛情

    2022/11/16 12:25
  • 吳宇森墨西哥開拍新作 《沉默的夜晚》全片沒有台詞

    好萊塢導演吳宇森新片《沉默的夜晚》(Silent Night),3月8日在墨西哥開鏡,20年後重返好萊塢拍片的吳宇森,新片強調走年輕人的路線,女兒吳飛霞也出任電影的隨片宣傳任務,以年輕人的角度在最夯的網路平台IG平台PO文,全片沒有台詞,講述一個平凡父親因兒子的死,走入黑社會復仇的故事。
    2022/03/13 15:34
  • 擔心無症狀快樂缺氧?醫曝指甲「出現這色」快送醫

    國內今(4)日再添21例死亡案例,累積至今確診病歿已187人。目前的死亡個案中不乏在居家隔離時猝死,並且處於「快樂缺氧(Silent hypoxia)」狀態,因此掀起一股血氧機搶購潮,對此三軍總醫院醫師郭彥良傳授一招在家也能簡單測的方式,觀察指甲若出現「這顏色」必須盡速送醫。
    2021/06/04 21:30
  • 勞斯萊斯純電車王降臨? Silent Shadow現正開發中

    在面對環境氣候變遷與法規的箝制,綠能已成為全球車廠一致的前進方向,沒人能自絕於外,包括車中之王——Rolls-Royce!日前,該公司的執行長Torsten Mueller-Oetvoes在訪談中證實,品牌首款綠能車的開發腳步正緊鑼密鼓地進行中,他們更將跳過Hybrid混合動力,直接進入純電動車的製程研發,而新車將正名為Silent Shadow!
    2021/06/01 16:47
  • 快樂缺氧無症狀猝死!醫神授「保命5招」在家也能簡單測

    今(29)日1例死亡個案,破單日最新高,染疫死亡人數累積至今共計99人,已破2003年SARS時期的81死。死亡人數中不乏是居家隔離隔離猝死,而且是「快樂缺氧(Silent hypoxia)」的狀況,對此,醫師提供5個保命妙招,短短幾分鐘就能自我監測。
    2021/05/29 18:31
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