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    security 結果共357筆

  • Security high as Paris prepares for Olympic opening ceremony

    Excitement builds in Paris for the city-center Olympic opening ceremony. Authorities deploy 45,000 police officers amid cyber-attack threats, while Lady Gaga and Celine Dion are rumored to perform. Travel disruptions and weather risks loom.
  • Taichung mayor embarks on US high-tech tour

    Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen embarks on a 10-day U.S. tour to boost high-tech ties, while Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an plans a September visit. Amid the U.S. election season, the KMT seeks to deepen dialogue on security and trade with both major U.S. parties, emphasizing a strategy of defense and dialogue for regional stability.
    2024/07/22 16:11
  • Taiwan premier responds to Trump’s ’protection fee’ comments

    Explore Taiwan Premier Cho Jung-tai’s response to former U.S. President Donald Trump’s remarks on Taiwan-U.S. relations and Taiwan’s commitment to defense and regional stability.
    2024/07/17 17:16
  • Taiwan boosts defense against AI-generated misinformation

    Discover how Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense is addressing the challenges of deepfake technology in national security, including its first discussion on deepfake recognition with the National Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology.
    2024/07/16 16:48
  • Taiwan extends condolences after Trump shooting incident

    Taiwan’s MOFA extends condolences and condemns political violence after the Donald Trump shooting incident, highlighting the international reaction and security concerns.
    2024/07/15 17:42
  • 「八國聯軍」指責陸資助駭客APT40 日韓首加入五眼聯盟一起罵

    日本近期發生多起駭客事件。其中包含京都市情報處理公司「ISETO」在5月份遭網路駭客攻擊,導致京都商工會議所的會員用戶端6萬筆情報遭外洩;角川集團(KADOKAWA)系統則在6月份遭到自稱犯案的俄羅斯駭客集團「BlackSuit」入侵,使用者個人資料遭散佈至各社群媒體。為應對此類事件,澳洲網路安全中心(Australian Cyber Security Centre,ACSC)今(9)日先發制人,與盟友合作,公開指責中國政府資助駭客組織「APT40(先進持續性威脅40Advanced Persistent Threat 40)」,並發布聯合聲明,指出中國資助的駭客組織對澳洲網路安全形成威脅。此次聯合聲明不僅得到澳洲等五眼聯盟國家的支持,也是日本與韓國首次參與其中。
    2024/07/09 17:51
  • Taiwan’s envoy criticizes rogue fishing practices

    Explore the diplomatic tensions and resolutions following Japan’s arrest of a Taiwanese fishing vessel, the first in eight years, and Taiwan’s call for industry compliance.
    2024/07/09 14:05
  • China detains 66 Taiwanese since 2023, says security chief

    Discover the risks for Taiwanese citizens traveling to China as National Security Bureau reports 66 detentions in the past year, emphasizing caution due to China’s new laws. Learn about the heightened travel advisories and who is most at risk.
    2024/07/08 15:32
  • Taiwan boosts patrols after fishing vessel seized by China

    Discover how Taiwan is boosting patrols in its waters following the seizure of a Taiwanese fishing vessel by the China Coast Guard, as announced by National Security Bureau Director-General Tsai Ming-yen. This move aims to protect legal maritime activities and uphold fishermen’s rights amidst rising tensions.
    2024/07/08 13:44
  • Taiwan warns against Chinese social media apps for security

    Discover why Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council warns against using Chinese social media apps like Xiaohongshu and Douyin, citing risks to personal and national security. Learn about the controversy surrounding Taiwanese band Mayday and the political maneuvers by China to influence Taiwan through social media and events.
    2024/07/08 10:43
  • Taiwan’s premier gears up for Constitutional Court hearings

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s Constitutional Court hearings set for July 10, as Premier Cho Jung-tai prepares for a pivotal legal review. Key legislation and national security concerns are at stake.
    2024/07/05 14:00
  • Taiwan military found using Chinese tech, raising concerns

    Discover how Taiwan’s military is addressing national security concerns after the discovery of Chinese-made tech, including Huawei routers, in its camps. Read about the actions taken by the Ministry of National Defense’s Armaments Bureau.
    2024/07/05 10:54
  • Taiwan strengthens cyber security laws, introduces fines

    Discover how Taiwan strengthens its cyber security with new amendments to the Cyber Security Management Act, mandating audits and imposing fines for non-compliance.
    2024/07/04 22:59
  • Tensions flare in Taiwan’s legislature over boat incident

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s response to the seizure of a Taiwanese fishing boat by Chinese coast guards near Kinmen, including statements from national security and ocean affairs officials.
    2024/07/04 16:02
  • Taiwan’s defense ministry monitors PLA’s live-fire exercises

    Discover the latest on China’s PLA imposing a no-sail zone off Zhejiang’s coast for live-fire drills, and how Taiwan’s defense ministry is monitoring these developments for regional security.
    2024/07/04 14:10
  • Tsai Ming-yen addresses unusual detention of fishing vessel

    Discover the latest on the detention of a Taiwanese fishing boat by Chinese authorities and Taiwan’s response to protect fishermen’s rights and address alleged media infiltration.
    2024/07/04 12:19
  • 中國非法移民爆增10倍 2018年來美首用大型包機遣返116人

    考量非法闖入美國的中國大陸移民人數持續爆增,美國國土安全部(Homeland Security)2日表示,他們不久前已啟用一架大型包機,一口氣將116名來自中國的非法移民遣返回家鄉,這也是近5年來首次。事實上,光是2023一年,美國邊境執法機構一共在南部邊界線,逮捕超過3.7萬名來自中國的非法移民,此一數量足足是2022年十倍之多。
    2024/07/03 09:26
  • Premier Cho clarifies comments on data use for incentives

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Cho Jung-tai aims to address the low birthrate issue using data for promoting incentive policies, clarifying recent misunderstandings about his approach.
    2024/07/02 16:20
  • Taiwan’s premier reaffirms equal status with China

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Cho Jung-tai reaffirms the non-subordination between the Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the status quo for regional stability.
    2024/07/02 14:03
  • Taiwan defense think tank visited by Hong Kong national

    Discover how Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense is bolstering security measures after a Hong Kong national visited a military think tank, aiming to protect against potential threats and maintain sovereignty.
    2024/06/28 20:00
  • Taiwan’s president pledges to improve soldier facilities

    Discover how President Lai Ching-te’s visit to Chenggong Ling military camp in Taichung highlighted his past training achievements and his commitment to enhancing Taiwan’s defense training facilities.
    2024/06/28 17:27
  • Hong Kong slams Taiwan over travel alert increase

    Discover the escalating tensions between Hong Kong and Taiwan over travel advisories and national security laws. Learn about Taiwan’s raised travel alert and Hong Kong’s strong condemnation.
    2024/06/28 14:42
  • DPP seeks constitutional review amid reform row

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s political scene as DPP caucus whip Ker Chien-ming submits a request for constitutional interpretation amid a legislative battle over parliamentary reform bills. Learn more about the controversy and the call for democratic rule of law.
    2024/06/26 16:09
  • Matt Pottinger presents new book to Taiwan’s president

    Explore the strategic discussions between former U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor Matt Pottinger and Taiwan’s President Lai Ching-te on deepening U.S.-Taiwan economic and trade relations and defending Taiwan’s sovereignty.
    2024/06/14 14:35
  • Taiwan faces espionage threat with 1,388 Chinese overstayers

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s national security concerns, including the unaccounted for 1,388 Chinese overstayers and the investigation of 81 espionage cases. Learn about the government’s efforts to combat espionage and safeguard sovereignty.
    2024/06/13 13:15
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