
Hong Kong slams Taiwan over travel alert increase

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/06/28 14:42
Last update time:2024/06/28 18:26
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Hong Kong slams Taiwan over travel alert increase (TVBS News) Hong Kong slams Taiwan over travel alert increase
Hong Kong slams Taiwan over travel alert increase (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region strongly condemned and opposed Taiwan's claims on Friday (June 28) that the risk of traveling to Hong Kong has increased following the implementation of the Hong Kong national security law (香港國安法) and the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance (維護國家安全條例). The Hong Kong government accused Taiwan of distorting facts and manipulating politics.

Taiwan Raises Travel Alert

Taiwan raised its travel alert to "orange" for Hong Kong and Macau a day earlier, advising Taiwanese citizens to avoid non-essential travel following a set of newly issued guidelines targeting advocates of Taiwan independence.

Mainland Affairs Council (MAC, 陸委會) Deputy Head and Spokesperson Liang Wen-chieh (梁文傑) stated that due to the continuous amendments to national security-related laws in China, Hong Kong, and Macau, a significant number of Taiwanese citizens have been illegally detained, held, and interrogated during their visits.

Hong Kong Government Responds
A spokesperson for the Hong Kong government emphasized that the Hong Kong national security law and the ordinance clearly define the elements of criminal offenses.

Ordinary travelers would not fall into the legal net if they do not engage in activities that endanger national security. The spokesperson urged the Taiwanese authorities to stop defaming the Hong Kong national security law and the ordinance, stating that such despicable political tricks are doomed to fail.

Taiwan Affairs

#Hong Kong#Taiwan#national security law#travel alert#Taiwan independence#Mainland Affairs Council#Liang Wen-chieh#Hong Kong travel risks#Safeguarding National Security Ordinance#Taiwanese citizens detained in Hong Kong
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