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    payment 結果共26筆

  • Taiwan to launch TPASS 2.0 for cheaper public transport

    Discover Taiwan’s new TPASS 2.0 scheme aimed at making public transportation more affordable with a 40% discount on national highway buses and plans for mobile payment systems by 2030.
    2024/06/13 10:31
  • New vending machine applies screen protectors in 90 seconds

    A new vending machine service in Taipei now allows customers to install screen protectors on their smartphones in just 90 seconds, offering a quicker and more affordable option than traditional manual installation.
    2024/06/11 17:08
  • Taiwan medical costs soar 4.47% in March, reach 18-year high

    Taiwan’s DGBAS reports a 4.47% year-on-year increase in medical costs for March, the highest in 18 years, due to the New Health Insurance Co-payment System. The March CPI showed a 2.14% year-on-year increase, with dining-out costs and essential commodity prices decreasing slightly. However, inflationary pressures persist in services like medical costs and rent.
    2024/04/10 17:16
  • Mobile payments in Taiwan embrace global reach

    Explore how Taiwan is leading the charge in mobile payment adoption, with over 12 million users benefiting from international collaborations like PXPay and PayPay. This shift towards digital transactions signifies a broader global expansion trend, enhancing consumer experiences and security.
    2024/03/22 16:24
  • Taiwan premier ties future cash payments to economic outlook

    Premier Chen Chien-jen addresses potential cash payments to the public in response to economic conditions for 2025 and 2026 during a Legislative Yuan hearing. Discussions highlight the government’s focus on National Health Insurance, labor insurance, and subsidies for Taiwan Power Company, with implications for Taiwan’s social policy and fiscal decisions in the future.
    2024/03/06 15:46
  • Vietnamese agency faces fine amid travel payment dispute

    Taipei-based WinnER International Travel Co. has ceased services for a Taiwanese tourist group visiting Phu Quoc Island in Vietnam during the Lunar New Year. The company has retained the group’s deposit and continued to charge fees, citing a violation of contract rules by Mega International Travel Service, which had not made the agreed payment. WinnER International signed a contract with Mega International on September 12, 2023, and received a deposit of NT$700,000 on January 18, 2024. The dispute arose when the two sides could not agree on the service price, leading to WinnER International sending a notice to stop providing service on January 31, which went unanswered. As a result, WinnER International asked each passenger to pay an additional US$720 to continue the journey. The Kien Giang Provincial Tourism Administration has deemed WinnER International’s actions a violation of regulations and will penalize the company for not adhering to travel contract regulations.
    2024/02/16 11:08
  • LINE Pay soars 195% in market debut, hits NT$1030

    LINE Pay, a mobile payment provider, had a successful over-the-counter market debut in Taipei, with shares soaring 195% from the listing price of NT$348 to a record high of NT$1030. The company’s financial documents reveal a capital of NT$600 million and earnings per share of NT$8.04 in 2022. LINE Pay’s revenue for 2022 reached NT$3.62 billion, demonstrating consistent growth over the past four years. With over 500,000 payment locations and more than 7 million active users out of 12 million customers in Taiwan, LINE Pay predicts that its revenue will increase to NT$4.78 billion in 2023. Notably, nearly half of the population in Taiwan are LINE Pay users. In terms of revenue share in 2023, transaction fee income accounted for 83%, financial promotion collaborations for 12%, and marketing product sales for 5%, according to LINE Pay’s statement.
    2024/01/26 17:23
  • Taiwan announces budget surplus for 7th straight year

    Taipei’s Executive Yuan Spokesperson, Lin Tze-luen, announced a budget surplus for the 2023 fiscal year, attributing the achievement to the combined efforts of civil society and the government. The surplus will be allocated responsibly to maintain fiscal discipline, primarily focusing on debt reduction and infrastructure investment. Taiwan’s economy has experienced consistent growth, resulting in a budget surplus for seven consecutive years. In 2022, the surplus reached an impressive NT$500 billion, leading to a proposed special budget of NT$380 billion. This special budget aims to enhance economic and social resilience, with provisions such as a cash payment of NT$6,000 per citizen, support for labor and health insurance programs, and assistance for Taiwan Power Company. Additionally, the special budget includes programs to aid residential loan holders from the middle class and below. Lin emphasized the government’s commitment to considering public opinion and promoting national affairs to facilitate Taiwan’s sustainable development.
    2024/01/25 16:34
  • Taiwanese conscripts worry about salary gap despite raise

    Taiwanese conscripts have expressed concerns that their monthly earnings still fall short of the country’s basic labor wage despite a recent salary increase. Privates, the lowest military rank, now receive a monthly salary of NT$26,307, including insurance and meal expenses. However, this amount is still lower than the standard basic labor wage of NT$27,470. Last year, President Tsai Ing-wen extended the mandatory conscription period to one year, and the wage adjustment for privates gained significant attention. Under the new system, privates can earn up to NT$20,320, consisting of a base wage of NT$10,130 and an additional NT$10,190 for specialized skills. In addition to their salary, they also receive military insurance (NT$1,240), national health insurance (NT$1,839), and a meal allowance (NT$908), bringing the total payment to NT$26,307. The first batch of 670 army conscripts for the one-year service started their eight-week entry training on January 25. Taipei City Mayor Chiang Wan-an encouraged the privates to form sincere friendships, develop disciplined habits, and cultivate a sense of responsibility during their military life.
    2024/01/25 15:11
  • THSR expands payment options to include credit cards

    The Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) has announced that it will now accept credit card payments for on-board ticket upgrades, push-cart sales, and station bento counter services. Passengers can also use their Easycard or iPASS to purchase items from the pushcart and high-speed rail bento boxes. However, THSR advises that Easycard and iPASS are only suitable for small payments, and on-board ticket upgrades should be paid for with a credit card or cash. Furthermore, THSR will be introducing a new hot beverage called "Taiwan Sugar Highland Small Farmer Coffee" on January 1, 2024. This coffee, made with beans from the Guatemala Antigua region, will be available from the first to the seventh day of each month, while illy coffee will be served on other days. THSR also cautions that unstable internet connections on board may cause credit card transactions to fail and asks for passengers’ understanding.
    2023/12/26 15:56
  • Renowned Taiwanese eatery faces eviction due to rent arrears

    A renowned Taiwanese traditional restaurant in Taipei’s Songshan district has been ordered by the Taipei District Court to vacate its premises due to rent arrears of five and a half months. The establishment, favored by non-partisans in its early years, temporarily closed after the founder’s death in February 2022 but reopened on Renai Road in May of the same year. However, due to structural irregularities in the kitchen, the restaurant relocated to Bade Road in 2021. The landlord claimed that the eatery had been persistently defaulting on rent, accumulating a debt of NT$760,000. After receiving no response to a notice of lease termination, the landlord filed a lawsuit demanding the return of the premises, compensation for the owed rent, and a monthly rental payment of NT$140,000 until the property is surrendered. The court ruled in favor of the landlord, terminating the lease agreement and ordering the restaurant to vacate the premises and continue paying rent until it does so.
    2023/12/21 21:02
  • Taiwan’s homeowner aid program ends next Friday

    The National Land Management Agency (NLMA) in Taiwan has announced that the application period for the "Mortgage Assistance Program for Low-and-Middle-Income Homeowners" will close next Friday. Since its launch on June 1, over 730,000 households have applied for the program, with more than 460,000 qualifying for the subsidy. The NLMA aims to benefit 550,000 middle to low-income households, and there are still places available for applicants as of Wednesday. Eligible customers are being notified by financial institutions through text messages, emails, or loan payment receipts. Applicants are only required to provide basic information online and will receive a one-time payment of NT$30,000 upon approval.
    2023/12/20 17:09
  • Ko Wen-je criticizes rivals’ housing loan policies

    Taiwan People’s Party presidential candidate Ko Wen-je criticizes the housing loan policies proposed by Kuomintang candidate Hou Yu-ih and Democratic Progressive Party candidate Lai Ching-te, deeming their focuses misplaced. Ko mocks Hou’s no-down-payment plan as a deferred payment scheme and questions Lai’s policy of extending the maximum loan period. He also dismisses Lai’s implications of corruption issues and counters with a list of Democratic Progressive Party corruption cases. Ko takes a dig at Lai over an illegal structure in his hometown, which has become a popular check-in spot online. In response to President Tsai Ing-wen’s sarcastic retort about stability, Ko acknowledges Tsai’s success in maintaining strong Taiwan-U.S. relations but disagrees with her domestic policies on cross-strait relations. Recently, Ko was seen replacing his original KP pin with the flag of the Republic of China, interpreted as an attempt to court the deep-blue vote. Ko clarifies that he simply received a batch of national flag pins and put one on, emphasizing that Taiwan is not owned by the Democratic Progressive Party and the national flag is not exclusive to the Kuomintang.
    2023/12/18 21:22
  • Hou Yu-ih announces new housing policy for young buyers

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih has unveiled a new housing policy aimed at helping young people in Taiwan purchase their first homes. The initiative is targeted at individuals under 40 years old who have never owned property and face income restrictions. Under the plan, qualified buyers can receive a loan of up to NT$15 million with no down payment required. They will also enjoy a 0.5% subsidy on their mortgage interest rates, with public banks cutting the rates in half after five years. The policy will last for five years and includes restrictions on reselling the purchased properties for a maximum of ten years to address housing market speculation concerns. Hou criticized the current New Residential Loans Policy for its lack of age and income restrictions, allowing affluent individuals to benefit and non-first-time buyers to take advantage of policy perks. The plan aims to ensure fairness and accessibility for those in genuine need of support in purchasing their first homes.
    2023/12/08 17:48
  • Taiwan stores debut smart carts with high-tech checkout

    Stores in Taiwan are introducing intelligent shopping carts equipped with either a Barcode Reader (BCR) or Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) system for a modern shopping experience. The BCR option requires shoppers to scan items individually for a self-checkout experience, while carts with RFID systems display item information and total amount due on a chip embedded in the item tags, allowing for faster checkouts. However, the RFID system is ten times more expensive than BCR technology. Retailers rely on an Internet of Things (IoT) system to resolve discrepancies if customers forget to scan or intentionally conceal items. Some patrons find the self-checkout process cumbersome, especially when item scans are inaccurate. Shoppers are advised to double-check their post-checkout details to avoid overpaying due to machine errors.
    2023/12/07 21:22
  • DPP’s Lin slams Taipei mayor, offers ’disdain’ placard

    DPP Councilor Lin Yen-feng accuses Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an of disrespecting the council and presents a "disdain for the council" placard. Lin criticizes the Taipei City Government for the controversial NT$190 million associated with the Taipei Music Center and holds former Mayor Ko Wen-je accountable. Chiang threatens legal action if the Ministry of Culture withholds payment. The Taipei City Council’s Education Committee passes a resolution allowing the city government to cover the disputed amount temporarily.
    2023/12/07 17:46
  • Ko’s spouse clarifies sudden bank deposit hike

    Chen Pei-chi, spouse of Ko Wen-je, presidential candidate from the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), explained in a Facebook post that the increase in their bank deposits was due to receiving NT$4.22 million from a public service pension after Ko’s term as Mayor of Taipei ended. This clarification came after concerns were raised regarding the rise in Ko’s bank deposits, as disclosed by the Central Election Commission (CEC). Chen, who has been responsible for Ko’s financial declarations for years, praised the user-friendliness of the Control Yuan’s property declaration system but noted that the process for fulfilling the CEC’s requirements was incompatible with the Control Yuan’s document handling. Chen meticulously calculated the savings and net value of funds, including residual payment insurance policies. The couple had paid approximately NT$700,000 in insurance premiums that year but did not explicitly list it in the commission’s financial report form due to a lack of specific fields. Chen expressed surprise at the deposit increase, considering Ko’s retirement and lack of salary income as chairman of the TPP. The family relied on Chen’s hospital income, and the discovery of the NT$4.22 million pension deposit was unexpected.
    2023/12/07 10:00
  • Chinese Taipei Football Association faces multiple scandals

    The Chinese Taipei Football Association (CTFA) has come under criticism from New Power Party Legislator Claire Wang for failing to make progress in paying salaries to players and facing accusations of gender discrimination. These issues have reportedly persisted since the CTFA’s appointment in March. Wang revealed that players have been owed millions in wages since 2021. The Taiwan Women’s Football Players Association has accused the CTFA of negligence, claiming that the women’s national team’s long-term training plans were abruptly halted. The association has called on the Ministry of Education’s Sports Administration to take responsibility. The Sports Administration has stated that there may be misunderstandings and has requested the CTFA to submit a comprehensive plan for international events such as the 2026 Asian Games. Wang believes that the planned suspension of training is due to the CTFA’s failure to submit a planning document on time, rather than a problem with the National Sports Training Center. Wang has called for a re-evaluation of the CTFA by the Sports Administration to prevent further damage to football development in Taiwan. Under the current chairman, Wang Lin-hsiang, the CTFA is facing a debt problem of over NT$90 million from previous administrations, including player salaries, referee fees, and vendor costs. Chairman Wang has sent a lawyer’s letter to former chairman Chiou I-jen seeking clarification on these issues.
    2023/11/16 21:15
  • A trend to watch: Buy Now Pay Later gains momentum in Taiwan

    Explore the rapid growth of the Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) payment method in Taiwan, its appeal to a wide consumer base, and the associated risks as highlighted by financial experts.
    2023/11/15 18:05
  • Australian firefighters apologize for drinking on Taipei MRT

    Australian firefighters visiting Taiwan apologize for drinking beer on Taipei’s Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), as captured by local netizens. They publicly displayed their fine receipt, confirming payment of penalties for their actions. According to Taiwan’s Mass Rapid Transit Act, passengers caught eating or drinking in forbidden zones within the MRT system can be fined from NT$1,500 to NT$7,500. The firefighters were in Taiwan to promote disaster prevention concepts and international camaraderie, engaging in activities such as a calendar photo-shoot, exchanging ideas with Taiwanese firefighters, and trying local specialties like stinky tofu.
    2023/11/13 11:33
  • Integrated payment system TWQR unveiled in Taiwan

    Explore the revolutionary TWQR system in Taiwan, a milestone in electronic payments. TWQR unites various payment providers, offering seamless QR code transactions and a unified payment experience for consumers and businesses. Dive into how this innovative platform is shaping the future of digital transactions in Taiwan.
    2023/11/11 16:38
  • Taipei Gov’t agrees to foot NT$190M music center bill

    The Taipei City Government has agreed to cover the remaining bill of NT$190 million for the completed Taipei Music Center. Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an made the decision in order to avoid the city government spending NT$800,000 per month on interest. The city councilors supported the decision but emphasized that the final payment responsibility still needs to be clarified. The Commissioner of the Department of Cultural Affairs, Tsai Shi-Ping, has promised to submit a complete report within two weeks. Councilor Chien Shu-pei supported the prepayment but also highlighted the need for continued coordination with the Department of Cultural Affairs, which may involve litigation. If litigation is lost, further discussions will be necessary to determine who will bear the legal expenses.
    2023/11/07 18:14
  • Police identify 68 victims in cardless installment scam

    Taichung City Police have identified 68 victims of a cardless installment scam involving purchases of electronic products. Two suspects, both surnamed Lin, including a communications store owner, have been arrested for targeting university students in central Taiwan. The police seized evidence including mobile phones, computers, cash, passbooks, and contract documents. The suspects deceived students by promising them NT$5,000 cash for purchasing electronics through cardless installments, but the victims discovered the deceit when they received payment notifications from debt collectors.
    2023/10/28 18:06
  • UK unveils NT$3.5M payment for Liz Truss’ visit to Taiwan

    The UK Parliament has revealed that former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss received over NT$3.58 million (US$115,000) for her four-day visit to Taiwan, sparking suspicions and criticism from opposition parties in Taiwan.
    2023/07/05 17:05
  • Apple Sidra workers allege non-payment of May salaries

    More than 70 factory workers at Oceanic Beverages Co. Inc., the popular beverage Apple Sidra manufacturer, have lodged complaints against the company, claiming that their May salaries have not been paid. The employees, based at the Taoyuan factory, reported the non-payment to the Taoyuan City Government, prompting an investigation by the Taoyuan City Labor Inspection Division.
    2023/06/14 17:11
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