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    李亞萍蝦皮海葬計程車集運商殺蟲劑 體態黃清源遺骸失聯
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    TA 結果共30筆

  • Sunny spells and showers: Taiwan’s weather rollercoaster

    Stay up to date with the latest weather forecast for Taiwan as a front weakens, bringing mostly sunny to partly cloudy weather with a chance of showers in mountainous areas. Unstable weather may return during the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, affecting northern regions more significantly. Be prepared and stay safe with WeatherRisk’s updates.
    2024/04/01 14:12
  • Taiwanese badminton star Lee Yang announces retirement

    Taiwanese badminton player Lee Yang, known for his successful partnership with Wang Chi-lin, announces retirement at Wu Wen-Ta Memorial Badminton Championships. Lee aims for gold at Paris Olympics after Tokyo success. Post-retirement plans include teaching or coaching.
    2024/03/27 12:07
  • Tsai celebrates Int’l Women’s Day with Taiwan’s milestones

    President Tsai Ing-wen highlights Taiwan’s achievements in gender equality on International Women’s Day, emphasizing the nation’s leadership in Asia. Taiwan endorses marriage equality, boasts the highest ratio of female legislators in Asia, and ranks first in gender equality performance according to the OECD. The government’s efforts include promoting gender-friendly workplaces, encouraging shared domestic responsibilities, and implementing reforms for gender equality mechanisms.
    2024/03/08 10:51
  • Taiwan’s Navy showcases might with Lunar New Year drills

    The Ministry of National Defense conducted drills at Zuoying Base in Kaohsiung, showcasing various military hardware such as the Ta Chiang Warship, Kuang Hua VI-class missile boat, M109 Assault Boat, and Hsiung Feng II and Hsiung Feng III mobile launcher vehicles. Lt. Col. Chen Quen-yuan of the Marine Corps’ Amphibious Reconnaissance Group Commander demonstrated the long-distance surveillance capabilities of their drones and highlighted the navy’s commitment to protecting maritime borders. The drills focused on preemptive threat detection and securing territorial waters. The M109 Assault Boat acted as a vanguard, providing critical information for subsequent operations. Commander Chun-Yin Chu of the 2nd Hai Feng Group, Navy, discussed the evolution of shore-based missile units and emphasized the navy’s ability to establish a common combat image and issue unified commands for an organized attack.
    2024/01/31 16:41
  • New Taipei City boosts sanitation workforce and bonuses

    The New Taipei City Environmental Protection Bureau plans to add 197 sanitation workers to its workforce in response to the heavy workload caused by the city’s vast jurisdiction. Currently, the sanitation team in New Taipei City consists of 5,298 staff members. City council member Huang Shu-chun emphasizes the need for increased staffing and highlights the improved work efficiency achieved through the use of GORE-TEX breathable raincoats in 2019. Director-General Cheng Ta-wei confirms plans to update the raincoats and increase staff numbers. The Ministry of Environment has also announced an increase in cleanliness and safety bonuses for sanitation workers employed by local governments. The cleanliness bonus cap will be raised from NT$8,000 to NT$10,000, and the safety bonus maximum will increase from NT$600 to NT$1,500, funded by local government budgets. These measures aim to improve the wellbeing of sanitation workers and maintain the cleanliness of the city.
    2023/12/12 21:25
  • National Defense Intellectual Tour begins in Kaohsiung

    The Navy’s 2023 National Defense Intellectual Tour began at Xinbin Camp in Gushan District, Kaohsiung City. Visitors had the opportunity to view naval ships, including the Yushan class, the ROCS Ta Chiang, and the Min Jiang-class minelayer, showcasing Taiwan’s maritime defense capabilities. The event featured a captivating performance by the R.O.C. Naval Academy Band and the 256th Battle Division Drum Team, receiving enthusiastic applause from the crowd. Attendees also had the chance to take photos with naval personnel. The annual tour aims to increase public understanding of the nation’s military capabilities and foster national pride and community support for the military.
    2023/11/13 15:03
  • Three military vessels showcase Taiwan’s defense power

    The Navy’s 2023 National Defense Intellectual Tour began at Xinbin Camp in Kaohsiung City’s Gushan District, showcasing Taiwan’s defense capabilities. The Yushan-class ship, with a displacement of 10,000 tons, demonstrated its ability to carry fully armed Marines and featured a spacious command center and medical facilities. The ROCS Ta Chiang, a 732-ton vessel, displayed impressive stealth characteristics and a powerful arsenal. The Min Jiang-class minelayer showcased its accurate navigation and mine-laying capabilities. This event provided insight into Taiwan’s contemporary naval capabilities and its commitment to strengthening national defense.
    2023/11/13 11:42
  • NIA disputes reports of surging growth in emigration

    Recent media reports claiming a tripling growth in emigration businesses in Taiwan due to war fears have raised public concerns. However, statistics from emigration companies show no increase in approved applications over the past five years, with annual numbers ranging from 1,077 to 704. The National Immigration Agency (NIA) states that the overall migration level, currently around 20,000 people, may fluctuate significantly in the event of major events such as pandemics or wars. The NIA also notes that the pandemic has caused an increase in citizens unable to return to Taiwan, rising from 180,000 to 220,000 between 2021 and 2022. The agency emphasizes that immigration consultancy firms represent only one channel of advisory services and do not reflect the total number of emigrants. They request that the public avoid generalizations that could lead to societal instability. The NIA further highlights that exaggerated media portrayals of war-evading migration risk can cause unnecessary social anxiety and emphasizes that population mobility is part of the freedom of migration.
    2023/10/30 14:27
  • Taoyuan police helps sick child achieve dream ’career’

    A 10-year-old Taoyuan boy with bone cancer had his dream of becoming a police officer fulfilled by the Taoyuan City Police Bureau and The Chou Ta-Kuan Cultural and Educational Foundation.
    2023/08/31 16:40
  • Taipei mayor commemorates 823 Artillery Bombardment

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an visited the "Yu Ta-wei’s Memorial Exhibition" at National Taiwan University on Tuesday (Aug. 22) ahead of his trip to the Taipei-Shanghai City Forum on Aug. 29.
    2023/08/23 14:57
  • 中職/中信兄弟時隔4年再辦阪神日 林威助不出席

    夏野球祭登場,中信兄弟時隔四年再度攜手歷史悠久的阪神甲子園球場,於6月10日、11日迎來人氣主題日「阪神甲子園球場日」,讓「六甲颪」再度響遍洲際棒球場。除了再度邀請到阪神虎啦啦隊「TigersGirls」及吉祥物Lucky & Ki-Ta來台以外,更將聯手中信兄弟啦啦隊「Passion Sisters」和小翔、艾比一起舉行賽前見面會,和球迷們一起替黃衫軍大力應援。
    2023/06/08 16:13
  • 2023世巡海外首場!iKON「5月首登小巨蛋」嗨喊:迫不及待

    韓國人氣男團iKON今日宣布來台舉辦「2023 iKON WORLD TOUR TAKE OFF」演唱會,除了是睽違5年再度來台與粉絲見面外,更是首次進軍台北小巨蛋。主辦方昨(20)日公布公告演唱會相關資訊,「台灣」為世界巡演海外場的首站,成員們相當期待,也表示上次到台灣的印象很好,已迫不及待見到台灣歌迷。
    2023/03/21 21:44
  • 女子百米賽7人跑進11秒內 象牙海岸女將追平非洲紀錄

    奧運田徑30日點燃戰火,而眾所矚目的女子100公尺項目,今年可說競爭相當激烈,目前預賽全數結束,其中象牙海岸女將塔勞(Marie-Josee Ta Lou)更以10秒78追平了非洲紀錄,同時也是預賽選手中最佳,而所有選手共有7人跑進11秒大關,接下來比賽勢必會創造更多驚人成績。
    2021/07/30 17:31
  • 滿身血拚命道歉… 陸留學生「遲到真相」讓老師淚崩

    2018/10/29 08:46
  • 眼鏡蛇大戰網紋巨蟒 互咬「交纏4圈」雙亡

    當「國王眼鏡蛇」遇上「網紋蟒蛇」誰會贏得勝利?柬埔寨臉書粉絲專頁「Ta Prumdaily」日前分享一張照片,兩隻巨蛇交纏在一起,雙方一陣交戰後,不料卻雙雙陣亡,畫面相當震撼。
    2018/09/25 22:52
  • 亞馬遜上架優惠 貿協聯手中華郵政推50家

    2018/01/23 11:20
  • 胸部吊床? 毛巾胸罩讓南半球不再溼答答

    胸罩款式越來越多樣化,除了美觀還要注重實用性,社群網站上最近有款「Ta-Ta Towel」毛巾胸罩,胸罩材質為毛巾布料可保持南半球乾爽,但有網友批評此款胸罩:「又蠢又醜」,還戲稱這像是「胸部的吊床」。
    2017/08/09 12:49
  • 冰箱藏虎屍…泰老虎廟悄更名 想重開張攬客

    有「老虎廟」支撐的泰國知名景點帕朗塔布寺(Wat Pha Luang Ta Bua),先前靠著讓遊客和寺內飼養的老虎近距離接觸,而知名度暴增,然而爆出有「虐殺」老虎的嫌疑,被迫停業,然而近日卻被爆出寺廟已經偷偷改名,想重新開業!
    2017/02/28 15:46
  • 韓流博覽會 安七炫、BoA到場支持

    濟州島的韓流博覽會已經進入了閉幕的倒數階段,這天請來SM家族的一哥一姐Kang Ta與BoA,首先登場的是小天后BoA。
    2007/03/14 21:55
  • 安七炫新電視劇 「男才女貌」探班

    Kang Ta安七炫在內地的第二部電視劇「男才女貌」,這天回到韓國拍攝外景,對戲中的女主角很體貼,Kang Ta還貼心的用中文跟其交談。
    2007/02/13 20:39
  • 安七炫發精選 豪華錄音室中受訪

    以人氣團體H.O.T出道,安七炫堪稱是韓流始祖,單飛之後發了3張專輯都獲得不錯的成績,Kang Ta也終於發行自己的首張精選。
    2007/01/31 21:25
  • SM Town拍冬日特輯 東方神起、BoA群星合照

    到了聖誕節前夕,SM Town的成員成員們按摩慣例都要推出冬季合輯,這一天大師兄Kang Ta,帶著BoA、東方神起,天上智喜以及Super Junior一起拍賣Snow Dream的音樂錄影帶,而今天也有一個特別的主題。
    2006/12/21 21:28
  • Kang Ta & Vanness北京開唱 互唱對方成名曲

    Kang Ta & Vanness這回站上了北京的舞台,在人民大會堂一連舉行了2場演唱會,能與當地歌迷有這麼近距離的接觸,讓安七炫與吳建豪相當開心。
    2006/09/27 19:41
  • Kang Ta & Vanness專輯大賣 改版拍照

    專輯賣出好成績,Kang Ta & Vanness這天在韓國,拍起改版宣傳照,不過一個狂秀胸肌,一個卻是包得緊緊,讓女主持人大呼不公平!
    2006/08/07 19:35
  • 新團體「Kang Ta & Vanness」 韓國小型演唱會

    第一個中韓雙人男子組合誕生,集合了F4當中的Vanness吳建豪,加上昔日韓國天團H•O•T的主唱安七炫,2人的新團體「Kang Ta & Vanness」日前在韓國舉行了小型Showcase。
    2006/05/12 21:06
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