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    RING 結果共20筆

  • 三星MWC秀腕戴彎曲手機Cling Band 耳機裝螢幕秒看電量

    技界盛事、世界行動通訊大會(MWC)26至29日在西班牙巴塞隆納(Barcelona)登場,南韓科技大廠三星(Samsung)除展示可更簡單量測身體健康數據的智慧戒指Galaxy Ring,也秀出一款名為Cling Band的概念手機,最大亮點在可彎曲設計,能輕鬆配戴在手腕上,揭露未來手機型態新趨勢。
    2024/02/28 10:58
  • 華為、榮耀MWC秀AI旗艦手機 三星加碼秀Galaxy Ring

    為期4天的世界行動通訊大會(MWC)26 日起在西班牙巴塞隆納登場,熱門的人工智慧(AI)技術成為最大焦點,多家手機大廠如三星、華為、小米、榮耀等主打搭載AI功能的智慧型手機,此外看點還有三星首次展出智慧戒指「Galaxy Ring」、榮耀甫推出的首款AI筆記型電腦等,至於蘋果則可能要等到今年6月的全球開發者大會才會發表 最新的AI系統。
    2024/02/26 14:10
  • Northeastern monsoon to cool Lunar New Year celebrations

    Get the latest weather forecast for Taipei during the Lunar New Year period. Meteorology experts predict a drop in temperatures due to the incoming northeastern monsoon, with temperatures potentially dipping into the low 20s. Stay prepared and keep your heavy coats handy as you celebrate the new year.
    2024/01/30 10:11
  • Taiwanese actor JC Lin announces engagement on social media

    Taiwanese actor JC Lin announced his engagement to his girlfriend Cindy on December 26. He shared a sweet picture on social media, captioning it with ’Christmas gift exchange -- she got a ring, I got a YES.’ The couple had been in a relationship for 10 years before JC Lin proposed on Christmas day. He posted a heartfelt message alongside the photos, expressing his happiness. JC Lin publicly released a video of his wedding proposal, where he went down on one knee and thanked Cindy for being with him through the happiness and hardships of the past decade. Cindy accepted the proposal, leading to a heartfelt kiss witnessed by friends, including Taiwanese actor Kai Ko. In 2019, JC Lin received praise for his role in the TV drama ’The World Between Us,’ where he skillfully portrayed a character suffering from schizophrenia.
    2023/12/26 16:54
  • Tainan police bust NT$6.55M election betting ring

    Tainan police have arrested six individuals involved in a gambling ring on a Facebook group, which was taking bets on the 2024 General Election outcomes totaling over NT$6.55 million. The case has been handed over to the Tainan District Prosecutors Office for investigation under several acts, including the Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and Recall Act, the Money Laundering Control Act, and the Anti-Infiltration Act. The ring recruited bettors on Facebook to place wagers on various outcomes related to the forthcoming elections, including potential collaborations between political parties and candidates such as Lai Ching-te, Ko Wen-je, Hou Yu-ih, and Terry Gou. The Tainan City Police Department Criminal Investigation Corps initiated the investigation after spotting the illicit activity online and tracked down suspects across multiple locations. The investigation has revealed that the gambling funds were being converted into Tether (USDT), a popular cryptocurrency stablecoin, by unidentified individuals abroad, and transferred to other gambling organizations, potentially violating election-related gambling laws.
    2023/12/15 18:16
  • Taichung Prosecutor indicts six in child exploitation ring

    Six men have been indicted by the Taichung District Prosecutor’s Office for alleged sexual exploitation offenses under the Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act. Led by Chen Tso-wei, the group imitated the infamous "South Korea’s Nth Room case" and used deceptive tactics to lure their victims, promising easy money for photos or offering iPhones. They profited over NT$8 million from their illicit activities. Authorities discovered that the syndicate blackmailed the young girls involved with explicit videos and threatened to leak their nude photos if they didn’t comply. A total of 86 girls were found to have fallen prey to this exploitation, with the youngest victim being just nine years old. Some of the victims resorted to self-harm as a result of the abuse. The Taichung District Prosecutor’s Office is seeking a substantial sentence of 30 years imprisonment for three of the accused, including Chen, who played a particularly malicious role with a severe impact on human dignity. The remaining three face sentencing recommendations of five to ten years.
    2023/12/08 17:35
  • 火環帶蠢動?菲律賓7.6強震 印尼火山爆發

    亞洲幾個位於「環太平洋火山帶」(Ring of Fire)的國家,近期陸續傳出地震與火山活動。上週六(2號),菲律賓發生規模7.6強震,屬於淺層地震;氣象單位對菲律賓與周邊地區發布海嘯警報,距離數千公里的日本,也因地形關係,對太平洋沿岸發布海嘯警報。而印尼的蘇門答臘島也傳出火山爆發,多名登山客逃生不及喪生。日本則是在10月、11月時,小笠原諸島的硫磺島海域,觀測到海底火山噴發,熔岩凝聚成一座新的小島。
    2023/12/04 19:41
  • 「她」讓鳳飛飛重出江湖!真實身分曝光 竟是金鐘女星

    2023/08/27 12:42
  • 替五月天唱開場!女星爽搭戀愛巴士 驚曝創下新紀錄

    2023/04/24 16:18
  • 女星獻「第一次」狂拚72小時 靠這物品保命支撐體力

    2023/02/27 15:50
  • 才剛奪金鐘!女星情人節前突暴走 怒喊「都去死」內幕曝

    被譽為「敲鐘最強新人」琳誼Ring昨(12)日在CORNER MAX舉辦「在某個角落努力的你」新專輯演唱會,她開心直呼:「大家好呀!距離上次演唱會過了半年多了,有想我嗎?我很想你們!」與台下粉絲們話家常,她打趣說,「這次演唱會其實不開放全程拍攝,但你們可以拍30秒的短影音,大家要自由心證唷,影片拍太長,我IG是不會轉發的唷」,這另類的恐嚇話語惹來台下笑聲不斷。
    2023/02/13 15:03
  • 馬來西亞必買伴手禮!國民飲料比台更濃郁 榴槤巧克力超特別

    2023/01/11 10:31
  • 才剛拿金鐘!《蚵仔麵線》主唱無預警宣布「有喜」:怕體力跟不上

    拿下金鐘獎的最強新人琳誼Ring推出新專輯《在某個角落努力的你》勢如破竹!宣布舉辦新專輯演唱會將於2023年2月12日在CORNER MAX開唱,邁入千人等級的場館,琳誼直呼:「今年年初辦了好幾場百人巡迴,明年終於要挑戰千人的場地開演唱會了,真的非常期待。」她迫不及待想趕緊現場與樂迷分享新作:「專輯收了滿多輕快的歌,既期待又怕受傷害,期待讓歌迷看到更多我不同的樣子,又怕自己的體力跟不上,跨年忙完後,得好好練習準備才能呈現最好的一面給大家。」
    2022/12/19 16:23
  • 穿越古今看東京樣貌 日本電影反思戰爭之殤

    2022/07/08 19:48
  • 全球9成地震都在這!環太平洋火山帶 成東亞潛在危機

    台灣今(23)日凌晨震不停,花蓮外海更紀錄到規模6.6的強震。事實上,台灣地處的「環太平洋火山帶」(Pacific Ring of Fire)近期相當不平靜,光是在上週就出現至少2起規模超過6級的強震,其中印尼西岸於14日遭遇6.7級地震襲擊,日本東北部則是在16日出現規模7.4級地震,造成200多人受傷,3人身亡。
    2022/03/23 11:46
  • 終於能夠發動引擎 2020年F1賽季本週末開跑

    受COVID-19新冠肺炎疫情影響,2020年Formula 1一級方程式賽季不僅被迫延後開跑,更從原先破紀錄的22場分站比賽刪減至只剩8場分站比賽。如今,2020年Formula 1賽季「真」開幕戰確定於本周末開跑,悶壞了的F1車迷終於能夠發動心中的引擎。不過,本周末開跑的2020年F1奧地利分站因為疫情關係,將以閉門賽事方式進行,並不開放觀眾入場。
    2020/07/03 10:00
  • 「我是耶誕老人」 駭客入侵攝影機女童嚇壞

    2019/12/14 14:33
  • 渡邊直美夜店開唱嗨爆 好感台灣男秘密到場支持

    日本重量級諧星女教主渡邊直美,18日晚間回到故鄉,在台北OMNI夜店開唱,吸引了千名粉絲朝聖她一開始就演唱爆紅的招牌金曲碧昂絲的《Ring The Alarm》、《Crazy In Love》等歌,把碧昂絲的表情、動作都模仿的唯妙唯俏,立刻就嗨翻現場。
    2016/10/19 17:38
  • 讓手指變魔杖! 智慧戒指能開燈、付款

    2014/03/07 12:04
  • 〈獨家〉被批「冒牌蔡依林」 RING遭恐嚇!

    2006/05/01 19:33
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