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    PET 結果共52筆

  • Tsai meets with English education pioneer Doris Brougham

    President Tsai Ing-wen meets with Studio Classroom founder Doris Brougham to discuss their love for pets and English education in Taiwan, highlighting Brougham’s 70-year contribution and welcoming her as a true Taiwanese citizen.
    2024/04/30 13:38
  • Pets overtake newborns: Taiwan’s shifting family dynamics

    In Taiwan, pet registrations have surpassed the number of newborns, highlighting a shift towards pet ownership and an increasing demand for pet healthcare. Veterinarians are now more common than pediatricians, with pets often treated as family members.
    2024/04/26 15:17
  • Pig on the loose: Yunlin police’s unusual day herding a sow

    In Sihu Township, Yunlin County, a 50 kg sow’s adventurous stroll through the streets was brought to a halt by local police officers Wang An-shun and Ting Hsin-wen, who, with the help of the pig’s owner, safely returned the escapee to its pen after a 20-minute effort involving sticks and tail-pulling. The incident highlighted the importance of secure animal enclosures for safety.
    2024/04/10 13:19
  • IKEA delights shoppers with hidden pet adoption QR code

    Discover a heartwarming surprise at IKEA! A customer found a QR code on a golden retriever plush toy that leads to the National Animal Shelter Management System. Scan the code to find your perfect furry companion waiting for adoption. IKEA’s thoughtful initiative has touched hearts online.
    2024/02/15 10:43
  • Pet hotels in great demand during Lunar New Year holidays

    Amid Taiwan’s Lunar New Year, pet owners face booking difficulties and soaring prices at pet hotels. Tsen Chi-ying, a cat hotel manager, highlights the rising costs and limited capacity, prompting pet owners to seek alternative care solutions.
    2024/02/09 08:00
  • 習近平傳罹胰腺癌!醫曝出現「3症狀」快就醫:暴瘦要小心

    2024/01/31 18:52
  • Doggy Christmas party brings holiday cheer to beloved pets

    Taipei’s Family Dog hosts a unique Christmas celebration, bringing together over 20 dogs and their owners for a festive feast. Embracing the growing trend of including pets in holiday festivities, the event highlights the increasing importance of pets in family life and supports animal shelters.
    2023/12/25 11:15
  • Pets join owners at Christmas charity event for stray dogs

    The Family Dog center in Taipei organized a heartwarming charity event, uniting pet owners and their furry companions in the festive season. The event, aimed at supporting stray animals, featured shared meals and a "Promise Tree" initiative, highlighting community spirit and pet-owner bonding.
    2023/12/24 15:01
  • Taipower wins top honor for eco-friendly SME collaboration

    Taiwan’s state-run power company, Taipower, has been recognized at the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ "2023 Buying Power Small and Medium Enterprise and Startup Administration Awards" for its collaboration with the Maria Social Welfare Foundation. The award was given in appreciation of Taipower’s efforts in procuring socks made from recycled PET bottles, an eco-friendly initiative that catered to the demand for memorabilia at its annual shareholder meeting in 2023. This marks the fifth consecutive year that Taipower has received the top honor, making it the sole state-owned enterprise to be recognized this year. The company expressed pride in this achievement and highlighted its commitment not just to providing stable electricity but also to supporting environmentally friendly products. Taipower plans to sustain its responsible procurement practices and continue focusing on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues.
    2023/12/16 17:30
  • Textile industry seeks alternative recyclable materials

    Discover how Taiwan’s textile industry is embracing sustainability, tackling challenges in recycling clothes and combating greenwashing while innovating with PET bottle recycling and textile sustainability.
    2023/12/09 16:45
  • 「永續」成餐飲趨勢! 食創獎:參賽數增逾1成

    2023/12/06 18:33
  • 花王(台灣)攜手遠東新世紀創全球第一! 成功開發50%再生PET樹脂製成收縮標產品

    2023/11/23 09:00
  • Kaohsiung man carrying husky in capsule backpack faces fine

    A man from Kaohsiung is facing fines for carrying his husky in a capsule backpack, which violates the Animal Protection Act. The incident, shared on Dcard, sparked online discussions and drew the attention of the local animal protection office. The office quickly identified the pet owner and found the husky to be in good health. The owner could be fined between NT$15,000 to NT$75,000. The protection office emphasized the need for considerate behavior when taking pets to public places, including providing adequately ventilated carriers with enough room for pets to move freely and ensuring that animals are accompanied by a person over the age of seven.
    2023/11/20 18:20
  • Hualien animal shelter adjusts hours to boost adoption rate

    An animal rescue shelter in Hualien County, Taiwan, is adjusting its opening hours starting from November 1 to increase pet adoption rates. The Hualien County’s Agriculture Development Department announced that they will reopen applications for residents to schedule adoption appointments. The new adoption hours will be from Tuesday to Saturday, with sessions available from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The shelter, located in Fenglin township, covers 0.88 hectares and can accommodate 330 dogs and 20 cats, significantly expanding the capacity compared to another shelter in Hualien. The shelter will be closed every Sunday and Monday for park organization, medical treatment, and animal disinfection. For more information on making appointments and adoptions, the public can contact the shelter at 03-8421452.
    2023/10/30 15:49
  • Household spending on fitness and pets soar in Taiwan

    Despite facing economic challenges like inflation and stagnant wages, Taiwanese households are ramping up spending in two unexpected categories: fitness and pet care. With an annual growth rate of over 15% in fitness spending and a 36.2% increase in pet-related expenses over the past decade, these sectors show strong resilience and growth.
    2023/10/19 13:24
  • Taichung says swings for children only amid dog swing video

    A recent video depicting pet owners bringing their dog into the Hongen Park in Taichung and allowing the dog to play on the swings has sparked controversy. 
    2023/07/25 17:16
  • 「搞笑寵物攝影獎」25強揭曉 牧羊犬全身騰空超吸睛

    2023「搞笑寵物攝影獎」(Comedy Pet Photography Awards)正盛大舉辦,今年的動物種類繁多,包括雪貂、烏龜、驢、貓狗等,每張照片中的動物都以各種身體變形、表情浮誇模樣被拍下,喚醒人們的笑容。日前主辦單位公布25強名單,其中一張「狗狗騰空」照片尤其吸睛,超逗萌畫面引起討論。
    2023/07/20 11:59
  • Taiwan shopper criticized for locking dog in car for hours

    In Taiwan, dedicated dog owners often view their pets as members of the family. However, on New Year’s Eve (Dec. 31) shoppers were aghast to hear loud barks coming from inside a car parked in a retail store lot — clearly, the desperate calls for help were of an animal left locked up and forgotten by its owner.
    2023/01/04 18:47
  • Cute Taiwan doggie chews up NT$10,000 with a smile

    An 11-month-old doggie in southern Taiwan found his owner’s NT$10000 cash and chewed up for fun.
    2022/12/12 16:54
  • Podcast助破案!澳40年懸案真凶獲判24年恐關到死

    澳洲犯罪懸疑類「播客」節目(Podcast)《老師的寵物》(Teacher’s Pet)內容講述一名澳洲婦女萊內特(Lynette Dawson)在40多年前,突然「人間蒸發」的懸案。自2018年推出以來,大受網友喜愛,澳洲執法部門也在輿論壓力下重啟調查,於今年8月,罕見在沒有「直接證據」的情況下,判定涉嫌重大的萊內特丈夫道森(Christopher Dawson)犯下謀殺罪,並在今(2)天正式宣布判處他24年有期徒刑。
    2022/12/02 11:55
  • Taiwanese politicians bring cute pets to attract voters

    TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwanese politicians have used their cute pets to attract more votes for the local election on Saturday (Nov 26).
    2022/11/21 17:39
  • Taiwanese YouTuber breeds question-mark cockroaches as pets

    TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Most people are afraid of cockroaches, but some of them are on the cuter side of the family.
    2022/11/13 10:59
  • 《老師的寵物》Podcast太夯!澳懸案凶手躲40年終遭定罪

    《澳洲人報》(The Australian)在2018年曾推出一檔名為《老師的寵物》(The Teacher’s Pet)的犯罪類Podcast節目,內容是關於一名澳洲女子萊內特(Lynette Dawson)在40年前突然人間蒸發的案件,引發全國關注,澳洲執法部門也在輿論施壓下重啟調查。最終,澳洲法院今(30)日「破天荒」,在沒有任何「直接證據」的情況下,判定萊內特的丈夫涉有重嫌,謀殺罪成立。
    2022/08/30 17:41
  • 雪碧60年經典「綠色」瓶身8/1起全面消失 變這顏色

    2022/07/28 17:32
  • 圖輯/2022搞笑寵物攝影獎!羊駝叼菸、浮世繪貓都幾?

    搞笑寵物攝影獎(Comedy Pet Photo Awards)是世界上最有趣、最可愛的比賽之一,它提供平台讓飼主展示自家寵物的逗趣模樣,獲勝者還能拿到2000英鎊(約台幣7.1萬元)的獎金。今年評審從超過70個國家收到大量參賽作品,並在近日挑出26組最佳作品進入決選,競爭相當激烈,每件作品都令人發自內心的大笑,而最終比賽結果將於9月13日揭曉。目前《抽菸的羊駝》最吸睛,成為決選名單之首,照片還被放在搞笑寵物攝影獎的首頁上展示。
    2022/07/22 12:20
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