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    閔熙珍車禍李重儀開山刀溫柔語氣范少勳 果汁 官腔模式國民黨嘉義市
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    Claire 結果共17筆

  • 陳意涵曝夏威夷浪漫意外!速食店遇「流浪漢塞番茄醬」結局暖爆

    陳意涵近日登上《Marie Claire Taiwan美麗佳人》2月號封面,分享旅行對於自己的意義,在一次夏威夷的工作結束後,陳意涵和幾個同事多逗留了一段日子,旅程結束的前一天,一行人想吃番茄炒飯,但買一罐番茄醬實在不實惠,想著去麥當勞拿醬包,不料當地的番茄醬是以大容器裝,而且剛好都被擠完了。陳意涵說:「當我們失望地走出麥當勞時,遇見一個流浪漢把一包東西塞到我手上,竟然是一包番茄醬!」那一刻她深刻體悟到:「世界上擁有最少的人,才是最願意給予的那群人。當晚我們就用那包番茄醬做了炒飯,四個人非常珍惜地吃著一碗番茄炒飯。」這場旅途中的浪漫意外,不需要透過言語,卻令人感受到暖暖的情意。
    2024/02/03 17:47
  • 初到曖昧對象家過夜!妹子見「浴室4精品」解暈:肯定有女友

    2024/01/02 09:37
  • 林志玲曝夫妻真實相處 罕提「被催婚心境」:就算失敗也是一種可能

    迎來40歲尾聲生日的林志玲,罕見地在IG上曬出全家福照,在公園享受天倫之樂,照片裡的三人看來十二萬分開心。林志玲寫下「謝謝大家的祝福,我的生日願望真心只有一個,希望身旁的人都健康平安~大家快快樂樂。」如此簡單的生日願望,把幸福二字詮釋地淋漓盡致。她近日接受《Marie Claire Taiwan美麗佳人》採訪,甜笑著說:「我覺得自己個非常幸運的人,現在是非常滿足的狀態。現在的我,想更協助完成老公的夢想、孩子的夢想,甚至是他人的夢想,對我來說,這就是讓自己快樂的使命。」
    2023/12/29 12:44
  • NPP urges ban on wage law violators from gov’t bids

    The New Power Party (NPP) has called for stricter regulations on minimum labor wages, proposing that manufacturers who violate laws should be banned from government procurement. The NPP emphasizes equal representation in decision-making, with a "1:1:1" ratio of labor, capital, and government-academic parties. They argue that adjustments to the minimum wage should not fall below the annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) growth rate, linking wage increases to inflation and cost of living adjustments. NPP Chairwoman Claire Wang advocates for strict penalties, including adding violators to a government procurement blacklist. The NPP’s draft is inspired by France’s minimum wage laws, aiming to protect workers’ living standards in the face of rising costs.
    2023/12/12 13:11
  • Cheryl Yang reflects on personal struggles in new role

    Taiwanese actress Cheryl Yang discusses her role as a single mother in the mini-series "How Well You Love Me" (看看你有多愛我) in an interview with Marie Claire. Yang reflects on her own complex relationship with her mother and how it influenced her portrayal of a single mother in the series. Starting her career in the entertainment industry at 15, Yang’s dedication and sincerity have earned her acclaim in the drama industry. In the series, she plays an internet celebrity and a single mother of fraternal twin daughters. The role resonated with Yang, as she shares her personal journey with her own mother and the conflicts they faced. Through work experiences and maturity, Yang learned to appreciate her mother’s virtues and build a more harmonious relationship. She emphasizes the importance of communication and respect in finding mutual understanding. On set, Yang initially had concerns about the chemistry with her on-screen daughters, but was pleasantly surprised by their exceptional performances, creating a compelling family dynamic in the series.
    2023/12/07 20:56
  • Chinese Taipei Football Association faces multiple scandals

    The Chinese Taipei Football Association (CTFA) has come under criticism from New Power Party Legislator Claire Wang for failing to make progress in paying salaries to players and facing accusations of gender discrimination. These issues have reportedly persisted since the CTFA’s appointment in March. Wang revealed that players have been owed millions in wages since 2021. The Taiwan Women’s Football Players Association has accused the CTFA of negligence, claiming that the women’s national team’s long-term training plans were abruptly halted. The association has called on the Ministry of Education’s Sports Administration to take responsibility. The Sports Administration has stated that there may be misunderstandings and has requested the CTFA to submit a comprehensive plan for international events such as the 2026 Asian Games. Wang believes that the planned suspension of training is due to the CTFA’s failure to submit a planning document on time, rather than a problem with the National Sports Training Center. Wang has called for a re-evaluation of the CTFA by the Sports Administration to prevent further damage to football development in Taiwan. Under the current chairman, Wang Lin-hsiang, the CTFA is facing a debt problem of over NT$90 million from previous administrations, including player salaries, referee fees, and vendor costs. Chairman Wang has sent a lawyer’s letter to former chairman Chiou I-jen seeking clarification on these issues.
    2023/11/16 21:15
  • 嫁周杰倫8年!昆凌鬆口「第4胎進度」 回應藏玄機

    昆凌近日登上《Marie Claire美麗佳人》11月封面,身為3寶媽充分詮釋女人30歲之美,昆凌說,「聽從內心的指引,我們最終都會成為自己嚮往的樣子。」在演藝道路上作為一名開創性的女演員是這樣的,在生活裡作為人妻、母親也是這樣的,她說:「我感到自信是因為我已經找到了自己的方向和目標,充實是因為我擁有了許多寶貴的經驗和學習,開心是因為我能夠享受每一天的生活和工作。」
    2023/11/02 19:07
  • 對郭雪芙慾火難耐 劉俊謙羞喊「身體起飛卻被迫降落」

    郭雪芙、劉俊謙在Netflix愛情影集《此時此刻》單元劇「站一個晚上」,分別詮釋對生活失望的單親媽媽按摩師,以及極度渴望戀愛的聽障外送員,兩人在冷靜與熱情之間的酸甜苦辣日常中,找到了未來值得期待的秘密,共譜一段意想不到的羅曼史,兩人近日一同接受《Marie Claire美麗佳人》採訪,也是去(2022)年該劇殺青後,雙方首度見面。
    2023/10/27 13:58
  • 加拿大小網紅突傳離世 曾「病毒式」爆紅卻消聲匿跡 

    年僅9歲本名為克萊兒·霍普(Claire Hope)的加拿大網紅饒舌歌手Lil Tay,曾在Instagram上靠著炫耀自己奢華的嘻哈生活,紅極一時。但她五年前突然消聲匿跡至今,昨天(9日)她的個人IG突然發布聲明公布Lil Tay已經過世的消息,外國網友紛紛猜測是否和她疑似遭受父母虐待一事有關。
    2023/08/10 16:48
  • 救命恩狗!女被愛犬「狂襲胸」 就醫檢查竟發現罹乳癌

    英國36歲女子克萊爾(Claire Churchill)2019年收養被遺棄在收容所門口的流浪狗荷莉(Holly),狗狗回家後卻不斷「抓撓」她的左胸並發出啜泣聲,她起初以為是自己胸口掉落食物殘渣,後來一摸竟發現腫塊,健檢後被診斷出罹患乳癌,所幸及時發現,經治療後已康復,毛小孩則成了「救命恩犬。」
    2023/07/11 17:52
  • 天后回歸!蕭亞軒無預警宣布喜訊 結婚生子進度曝光

    天后蕭亞軒(Elva)今年驚喜現身金曲獎頒獎典禮,成為盛會上最亮眼的彩蛋,更霸氣宣告 :「Elva is back!」最近她受《Marie Claire美麗佳人》邀約前往在浪漫花都巴黎,談及對愛的領悟,她表示:「現在喜歡能深入內心交談的對象,必須能有心靈溝通層面,而日常相處是擁有自然生活化的感受。」且沒有設定幾歲結婚、生小孩,「我比較隨興、享受當下!」
    2022/12/31 10:18
  • 響應乳癌防治!高雄洲際「粉紅主題專案」 收入捐贈基金會

    每年的10月是乳癌防治月,希望大家可以重視乳房健康,高雄洲際酒店響應《美麗佳人》雜誌「2022裙襬澎澎RUN」路跑活動,9月28日起至11月30日推出限時限量粉紅公益主題房,專案含全自助式早餐每房兩客、粉紅主題迎賓西點、《美麗佳人》當期雜誌1本、Marie Claire × MOMA粉紅小澎裙1件;前50名成功預訂入住房客,更可帶走SONY集團旗下So-net曾任日本乳癌活動大使的momo熊和其朋友comomo熊限量玩偶1隻。
    2022/09/25 17:05
  • 吳姍儒早知鹿希派分手6年女友 「沒有撕破臉」讚兩人懂處理

    女星吳姍儒(Sandy)今(2)日以代言人身分出席由《Marie Claire美麗佳人》所發起的「裙襬澎澎RUN」公益活動,一同響應乳癌防治、為愛齊跑。吳姍儒的弟弟鹿希派日前與交往6年的網紅女友水兒分手,她坦言老早就知道,「他們都是朋友,畢竟認識很久,算是和平分手,水兒有說不難過,不是撕破臉、痛苦的感受,我覺得他們這件事處理得很好」。
    2022/09/02 21:25
  • 東方諾貝爾 2018邵逸夫獎 每人獎金120萬美元

    素有東方諾貝爾獎之稱的「邵逸夫獎」頒獎典禮,於9月26日(星期三)在香港會議展覽中心舉行,香港特別行政區行政長官林鄭月娥女士特別蒞臨,並擔任主禮嘉賓及頒獎人。本屆「邵逸夫獎」三位得獎者是來自法國的尚-盧•普吉 (Jean-Loup Puget)以及美國的瑪莉-克雷爾•金 (Mary-Claire King)和路易•卡法雷 (Luis A Caffarelli),三人依序榮獲天文學獎、生命科學與醫學獎和數學科學獎的殊榮。
    2018/09/27 16:00
  • 都愛死侍!《深海鯊機》女主要和花邊教主搶老公

    夏天到了,好萊塢電影又開啟新一輪的海灘消暑系列電影,看沙灘美女也要享受刺激的感官挑戰;曼蒂摩兒(Mandy Moore)和克萊兒霍特(Claire Holt)在新片《深海鯊機》中飾演一對好姊妹,卻因意外受困47米深海底,面臨鯊魚環伺的危機,他們又該如何逃生。
    2017/06/08 09:47
  • 四爺、若曦閃很大! 劉詩詩:結婚就因遇到了他

    當初《步步驚心》在亞洲各地熱播,一舉捧紅飾演「四爺」、「若曦」的吳奇隆和大陸女星劉詩詩,他們也因為這部戲墜入愛河,假戲真做,在去年1月20日正式領證結婚,預計2016上半年要補辦婚禮,而近日更是一起甜蜜登上中國版《嘉人Marie Claire》雜誌,合體大放閃。
    2016/01/12 23:47
  • 引用部落格照片未加註來源 TVBS更正致歉

    TVBS 9月6日製播『飢餓行銷!小吃也要限量供應 民眾搶排隊』,畫面引用部落格Claire『食旅記事』照片,因疏忽未及時加註引用來源,就此致歉!
    2015/09/06 21:00
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