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    net zero 結果共70筆

  • New Taipei City hosts youth climate forum, Future Con 2023

    New Taipei City’s "The Future Con 2023" youth climate forum brings together students and experts to address climate change, fostering environmental awareness and action. Discover how the city is taking strides towards a sustainable future.
    2023/09/27 19:20
  • Hou Yu-ih stands firm on nuclear policy amid scrutiny

    KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih faces scrutiny over nuclear policy during Taichung visit. His unwavering stance, energy objectives, and power supply concerns are discussed.
    2023/08/10 21:45
  • Hou Yu-ih unveils 2050 Net-Zero Energy Plan for Taiwan

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential hopeful Hou Yu-ih unveiled his energy policy on Wednesday (Aug. 9), outlining four goals aimed at achieving net-zero emissions by 2050: environmental sustainability, national security, public health, and a sustainable transition.
    2023/08/09 16:28
  • Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange kicks off in Kaohsiung

    TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange, funded by the Taiwan Stock Exchange and the National Development Fund commenced operations in Kaohsiung on Monday (Aug. 7) to advance Taiwan’s carbon credits trade business and to move another step towards Taiwan’s net-zero emissions goal by 2050.
    2023/08/07 19:59
  • Taiwan lauds efforts in net-zero emissions in agriculture

    Taiwan Vice President Lai Ching-te attended the "Green Finance, Work Towards Net Zero" event on Thursday (July 20).
    2023/07/25 17:11
  • Taiwan accelerates electric vehicle charging investments

    Taiwan is making strides toward achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, including the ban on fuel-powered cars by 2040. As a result, the electric vehicle market is growing rapidly, and there is an increasing demand for more charging stations to support this trend.
    2023/07/25 17:06
  • President Tsai, Premier Chen unite to propel net-zero agenda

    President Tsai Ing-wen and Premier Chen Chien-jen encouraged large enterprises business leaders to be the bellwether to embrace low-carbon supply chains in the 30th Asia Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce board meeting on Thursday (July 20).
    2023/07/20 16:11
  • President Tsai, business leaders confident in Taiwan economy

    President Tsai Ing-wen emphasized Taiwan’s goal of net-zero emissions and digital transformation in her speech at the 26th second members meeting of the Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce, Taiwan (CNAIC) on Tuesday (July 4). 
    2023/07/05 10:36
  • Lai advocates innovation-driven approach to net-zero goal

    Vice President Lai Ching-te emphasized the significance of collaboration across various sectors to achieve the ambitious net-zero emissions objective during his address at the Taiwan Future International Summit (台灣大未來國際高峰會) opening ceremony on Thursday (June 29). 
    2023/06/30 13:40
  • New TPASS enables commuters to save big

    Taiwan’s newly introduced monthly transport ticket, "TPASS," aims at assisting residents in saving money, reducing private vehicle usage by 5%, and contributing to Taiwan’s goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.
    2023/06/23 02:00
  • Vice President Lai stresses importance of net-zero target

    Taiwan Vice President Lai Ching-te emphasized the significance of Taiwan’s net-zero emissions goal on Tuesday (May 23) at the 2023 Fubon Sustainability Forum, a collaborative event by Fubon Financial Holding Co. and the Risk Society and Policy Research Center.
    2023/05/23 16:03
  • Taiwan reaffirms commitment to net-zero emissions goal

    The 2023 Earth Solutions event concluded successfully on April 23, with Taiwanese government officials and international businesses coming together to discuss environmentally-friendly policies that can make the Earth more sustainable and healthier.
    2023/05/03 17:34
  • Increase in electric buses prompts new safety drills

    In pursuit of its target to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, the Taiwanese government has been providing financial support to bus companies to acquire electric buses. 
    2023/02/22 19:40
  • Taiwan companies join hands to expand EV charging network

    Taiwan’s electric vehicle industry aims to reach net-zero carbon emissions. Companies are working hand in hand with enterprises to integrate green energy applications and actively implement environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) goals.
    2022/12/29 11:02
  • Taiwan: All police scooters to go electric by 2028

    Taiwan’s police departments have joined in the fight to go green as it recently announced plans to have all police scooters go electric by 2028.
    2022/12/22 17:43
  • 鴻海董事長曝「台灣電動車困境」 最缺整車人才、使用環境

    鴻海(2317)電動車吸引市場關注,工商協進會今(5)日舉辦「第264次公亮紀念講座」,國內金控界大老、工商協進會理事長吳東亮致詞時指出,淨零排放(Net Zero Emissions)是當今全球重要議題,運具電動化則是落實的重要路徑;鴻海董事長劉揚偉則以「台灣在全球電動車產業的機會與挑戰」為題,分享鴻海投入電動車經驗,直指台灣電動車最缺乏之處,希望能透過眾人力量,讓台灣成為全球電動車產業最可靠夥伴。
    2022/12/05 19:30
  • Taiwan feels full effects of climate change with hotter days

    Climate change is a pressing issue, and many in Taiwan are doing their best to recycle and cut down on waste.
    2022/11/10 18:23
  • 響應世界地球日!台北101晚間將點燈「邁向淨零未來」

    今天是世界地球日,台北101表示,將於晚間6時30分起,在大樓的59、60樓顯示屏幕點燈打字,內容包含NET ZERO、「邁向淨零未來」,呼籲民眾提升環境保護意識,共同愛護地球。
    2022/04/22 16:49
  • 台灣首創環保演唱會攜手 TRASH 樂團種下750棵樹!

    革命性的音樂節品牌「SPACEPORT 太空港」目標打造全球第一個 Net Zero 淨零排碳的大型活動!來自國際音樂節背景的執行團隊目睹過往產業中的諸多浪費,無法回收硬體、食物的過多消費……因此,SPACEPORT決定利用自己最擅長的方式與產業資源,快速擴散環保意識與氣候危機。
    2022/03/03 17:05
  • 「碳中和」掀全球熱議!這十大新興環保趨勢不可不知

    淨零Net Zero是什麼?近年來因環保意識抬頭,碳中和不僅成為國際間所重視的議題之一,為化解全球暖化危機,世界各國包含台灣在內,已取得共識,並陸續宣誓以2050年完成淨零碳排為目標,碳中和趨勢已然成形。所謂「淨零」(Net Zero)指的是以二氧化碳為主的七大溫室氣體(二氧化碳、甲烷、一氧化二氮、氫氟碳化合物、全氟化碳、六氟化硫、三氟化氮),總排放量趨近零值,人類才有機會在氣候變遷的危機中和生存下來。
    2022/02/09 19:31
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