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    mislabeling 結果共5筆

  • Taiwan tests pork for ractopamine after mislabeled incident

    The Ministry of Health and Welfare Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has discovered a food company in Taoyuan City that dishonestly labeled pork from the U.S. as being from Canada. The company claimed that an oversight in modifying shipping invoices led to the mistaken labeling.
    2023/10/16 10:53
  • Taichung restaurants bought 16K kg of mislabeled U.S. pork

    The Health Bureau of Taichung City Government has revealed that over 80 restaurants in Taichung city have consumed approximately 16,000 kilograms of U.S. frozen pork. It is suspected that the majority of the meat has already been used up, as the restaurants’ stock is nearly depleted.
    2023/10/06 16:29
  • No ractopamine pork in Taiwan, says Taiwan’s FDA

    FDA Deputy Director confirms no ractopamine pork in Taiwan. All imported pork inspected at borders has passed without ractopamine detection. No incidents of ractopamine pork were found in over 12,000 inspections as two companies will face penalties for mislabeling imported meats.
    2023/10/05 21:02
  • Taiwan FDA uncovers U.S. pork mislabeling scandal

    The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration has discovered that Hsin Hsing Frozen Food Co. Ltd. in Taoyuan has been selling hotpot pork slices labeled as Canadian but actually contain U.S. pork.
    2023/10/04 19:50
  • Tai Nong admits to Brazilian egg mislabeling, recalls all

    Tai Nong Egg Products Ltd. admitted on Tuesday (Sept. 12) to erroneously labeling the expiration dates on its imported Brazilian eggs, stating that a complete recall and de-shelving has taken place.
    2023/09/12 16:28
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