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    kick 結果共12筆

  • 外國實況主被控「帶HIV來搞台妹」 小商人出手:請他喝茶

    2023/12/31 21:09
  • 「約跑」老外來台掀波 他狂澄清沒性病!怒嗆:收死亡威脅

    2023/12/31 17:45
  • 老外實況主「疑染性病」來台到處約!囂張嗆:台女不辣但吃得下

    2023/12/31 11:51
  • Taiwan election campaign yet to kick off: TPP’s Ko Wen-je

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je declared that the election outcome remains uncertain and that the race will transform into a civic movement. Ko argued for amendments to the Assisted Reproduction Act, expressing concern that only the wealthy would be able to afford assisted reproduction procedures abroad. He hinted at a grassroots approach for the upcoming election, drawing parallels to the Sunflower Movement. Ko revealed his campaign staff’s advice to conduct rolling polls and release new results daily. Given the TPP’s limited campaign budget, Ko mentioned opting for cost-effective alternatives such as studio rentals for live streams and recordings. University students suggested Ko should be more cautious with his public remarks and intensify flash campaign events, but Ko reassured them with a message of mutual perseverance.
    2023/12/07 21:08
  • New Taipei’s Christmasland to light up skies with sculptures

    New Taipei’s annual Christmasland, opening on November 17, will feature stunning light sculptures and kick off a series of festive activities. Deputy Mayor Liu Ho-jan expects a record-breaking turnout of 7.7 million visitors this year. A pop concert on December 9 and 10 will further enhance the holiday spirit. The New Taipei Christmas Market, themed the "Santa gift box," will delight attendees with local gourmet foods and tourism factories from December 1 to 3. Additionally, the German Trade Office Taipei will host a Christmas party from December 15 to 17, showcasing an authentic German Christmas village in the downtown area.
    2023/10/30 13:53
  • 韓劇男神罹腦動脈瘤! 醫生告誡「猶如定時炸彈」:不知何時會死

    韓國男星丁一宇演出《不可阻擋的High Kick》後走紅,《擁抱太陽的月亮》也是他的代表作,身高184公分又有精壯身材,可說是韓劇男神之一。不過最近他在韓綜《來了!金機長》中透露,其實27歲時發現患有腦動脈瘤,更被醫生說這種病彷彿是一顆定時炸彈,不知道什麼時候會引爆,丁一宇更分享了現在已經看開的心境。
    2023/09/03 11:29
  • Fulbright-Hays seminars abroad kick off in Taiwan

    Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad has chosen Taiwan as its host country for the first time this summer, marking a significant milestone in the program’s history spanning 66 years. Since its inception in 2008, the renowned scholarly research program has taken place in 36 countries, but Taiwan’s rise to global eminence has made it an ideal destination.
    2023/06/13 15:37
  • 2023 Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival to kick off on Feb. 5

    Get ready to light up the night sky this February in celebrating the 2023 Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival.
    2023/01/29 18:00
  • 米津玄師變身大肌肉猛男 「KICK BACK」播放數四週破億

    日本樂壇億級天王米津玄師,新單曲「KICK BACK」搭配《鏈鋸人》片頭,先後在Spotify、Billboard等音樂榜闖出好成績,全世界播放僅用四週的時間,更迅速突破1億次,米津玄師表示這部作品原本就包含強大的能量,要找出能夠契合作品的音色創作,真的十分困難。
    2022/12/09 18:48
  • 把病毒揪出來「先踢再殺」! 愛滋可望有解

    隨著醫學進步與文明的提升,人們不再把愛滋病視為絕症,患者每天服用相關藥物就能控制病毒量,但仍無法完全根治。近來加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)的病毒學家,研發出「先踢再殺」(Kick and Kill)的方法,將藏在細胞內部的愛滋病毒揪出來後摧毀,初步動物實驗已有不錯的成效。
    2022/01/18 16:36
  • 陸規Kicks維持1.5自然進氣動力 ADAS規格不變依然沒有ICC

    2021/10/01 00:53
  • 日規Kick預計6/24發表 直上e-Power動力

    2020/06/21 05:00
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