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    hospital 結果共105筆

  • Terry Gou shares loss, pledges cancer hospital for Taiwan

    Foxconn founder Terry Gou shares an emotional tribute on Facebook to his late brother Tony Gou and his first wife Serena Lin. He recounts the personal tragedies of losing his brother to leukemia at the age of 46 and his wife to breast cancer at the age of 54. Despite seeking medical experts worldwide, his brother ultimately lost his battle with cancer. Gou recently withdrew his presidential candidacy and now focuses on his determination to contribute to Taiwan’s medical field. He announces his plan to build a cancer hospital in Taiwan as a way to offer hope to those fighting the disease.
    2023/12/02 12:18
  • 20K join Taoyuan’s free lung scan; 63 diagnoses confirmed

    Taoyuan City has screened over 20,000 residents aged 40 and older for lung cancer through a free low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) scan program. However, only 18,000 have completed the examination, with 1,036 cases requiring further tracking and 63 confirmed lung cancer diagnoses. Taoyuan City Councilors raised concerns about the limited number of participating hospitals and the budget allocation for the program. The Taoyuan Public Health Department reported that 18 medical institutions currently provide the LDCT service, with plans to add four or five more next year. They assured that the program will continue with the same eligibility criteria and quotas, and aim to integrate smart technology to expedite the screening process. The screening service targets individuals with high-risk factors such as tobacco exposure, relevant medical and family history, occupational exposure, and air pollution. Occupational exposure includes individuals who have worked in environments with asbestos, arsenic, cadmium, nickel, or dust for over ten years.
    2023/12/02 10:55
  • Taiwan’s healthcare outweighs U.S. citizenship: Commentator

    Taipei City Hospital’s Chiang Kuan-yu commented on Lai Pei-hsia’s decision to give up her U.S. citizenship, stating that Taiwan’s lighter healthcare and tax burdens outweigh the benefits of U.S. citizenship. Lai, an entertainer, relinquished her U.S. citizenship in order to qualify as the running mate for Foxconn founder Terry Gou in Taiwan’s vice-presidential election. However, the Gou-Lai ticket failed to register for the race, leading many online users in Taiwan to describe Lai as the biggest loser in the electoral contest. Chiang highlighted that many elderly Americans choose to return to Taiwan for superior elderly care and more familial support, as incapacitated seniors in the U.S. often do not survive beyond three years. He characterized Taiwan as "a paradise for the elderly, a promised land for retirement," promoting the country as an ideal place for a comfortable and supported aging experience. Chiang questioned the significance of retaining U.S. citizenship once one’s children are independent, suggesting that Lai may not have lost much by forfeiting her American nationality.
    2023/11/26 18:29
  • Taiwan opens first alcohol rehab & prevention center

    Taiwan inaugurates first alcohol rehab center to tackle addiction. The center offers consultations, screenings, and referrals. Over 8 million people in Taiwan have drinking habits, leading to health issues and economic damage. The center aims to reduce alcohol consumption and build on previous successes.
    2023/11/26 14:10
  • 以色列軍方護送記者參觀西法醫院地道口 秀哈瑪斯藏身處

    巴勒斯坦激進武裝組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)10月7日對以色列發動大規模突襲,衝突至今已過去1個多月,以色列國防軍(IDF)對加薩地區的圍困、轟炸致使大量平民死傷,引發國際譴責,但以軍仍強調,哈瑪斯在民生基礎設施、醫院附近建造地道,以色列士兵近期更護送記者前往加薩地區最大的西法醫院(al-Shifa Hospital),展示了醫院的地下隧道,稱這是哈瑪斯(Hamas)用於軍事目的隧道系統之一。
    2023/11/23 17:03
  • 世衛:加薩西法醫院已成「死亡區」 人員應全面撤離

    世界衛生組織(WHO)今天表示,率領評估團隊進入加薩西法醫院(Al-Shifa Hospital)後,確定該院為「死亡區」,敦促全面撤離。
    2023/11/19 16:39
  • 以巴不斷更新/西法醫院內疑有「地道豎井」 以色列防長:有重大發現

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)10月7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來最大規模的衝突。以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況。
    2023/11/17 15:13
  • 突襲西法醫院 以色列軍隊驚見「遭哈瑪斯綁架老婦遺體」

    以色列國防軍(IDF)16日指出,士兵發現1名上個月7日被巴勒斯坦激進組織「哈瑪斯」(Hamas)武裝份子綁架的65歲以色列婦女遺體,地點正好位於加薩走廊(Gaza Strip)最大的醫院「西法醫院」(Al-Shifa Hospital)附近。
    2023/11/17 10:05
  • Taiwanese doctor recounts Gaza evacuation amid war

    In an interview with TVBS, Taiwanese doctor Hung Shang-kai, a member of Doctors Without Borders (MSF), shares his experiences of living and working in Gaza amid escalating conflict. He recounts the challenges of providing medical aid during the Hamas-Israel conflict, the plight of the people, and the urgent need for humanitarian assistance.
    2023/11/14 19:36
  • Yu Tian becomes a grandfather, shares joy and tears

    Entertainer Yu Tian welcomes his granddaughter with a mix of joy and remembrance. Amidst celebrating the new arrival, he reflects on the loss of his daughter, Yu Yuan-chi, and makes a grand gesture with a traditional red envelope.
    2023/11/14 17:31
  • 加薩最大醫院淪墓地 腐爛屍體堆積如山「慘遭野狗啃食」

    以巴衝突持續至今未見緩解趨勢,在以色列軍方持續空襲加薩地區(Gaza)之下,當地恐有多達數千人被困在加薩最大的「希法醫院」(Al-Shifa Hospital)內,有官員警告稱「院內堆滿腐爛的屍體」、氣味甚至引來野狗啃食,畫面慘不忍睹。
    2023/11/14 10:07
  • Lung cancer takes the lead on Taiwan’s cancer list in 2021

    Taiwan’s most common cancer has shifted from colorectal cancer to lung cancer, according to the Health Promotion Administration (HPA). This change was observed in 2021, ending a 15-year record held by colorectal cancer. The HPA’s report listed the top 10 cancers, with lung and colorectal cancers being the most common. Other cancers on the list include breast, liver, oral, prostate, thyroid, stomach, skin, and pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer notably made the list for the first time. Dr. Chen Jin-shing, chief of surgery at National Taiwan University Hospital, explained that the shift is not surprising as lung cancer has been the leading cause of cancer-related deaths for the past decade. The HPA’s Cancer Prevention and Control Division director, Lin Li-ju, highlighted an increase in early lung cancer detection following the introduction of low dose computed tomography (LDCT) screening in 2022. In 2021, there were 121,762 new cases of cancer registered in Taiwan, marking the first decline in new patient numbers. On average, a person was diagnosed with cancer every 4 minutes and 19 seconds. HPA Director-General Wu Chao-chun urged individuals to reduce their risk factors and recommended regular screenings for early detection and treatment, especially for those at high risk.
    2023/11/13 12:01
  • Health minister unsure of nurses’ exam standards gripes

    The Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taiwan has decided to lower the entry standards for the national examination for nursing personnel in order to address staff shortages. The Minister of Health and Welfare, Hsueh Jui-yuan, expressed his uncertainty about the reasons for nurses’ dissatisfaction with the announcement. The goal of this policy change is to enhance the pass rate in the national examinations and boost the nursing workforce. However, the National Taiwan University Hospital Union argues that the real issue lies in the lack of conducive workplace environments to retain nurses, rather than the number of nursing licenses. They believe that both ministries have failed to adequately discuss the policy change and provide comprehensive explanations and support measures. The union urges hospital management to improve the workplace environment to better handle staffing predicaments.
    2023/11/12 18:02
  • Hospitals face pharmacist shortage amid low pay

    Amidst a severe salary gap and high workloads, Taiwan’s hospital pharmacists are facing a critical shortage. With a surplus of pharmacists but insufficient compensation, experts call for a re-evaluation of the National Health Insurance to prevent a looming healthcare crisis.
    2023/11/09 17:49
  • Taiwan state-run hospitals to raise salaries by 4% in 2024

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare has announced that 26 state-run hospitals will increase salaries by 4% starting in January 2024, with a maximum increase of NT$2,500 per month. Over 8,000 individuals will benefit from this raise, resulting in an annual expenditure increase of at least NT$140 million. This follows incremental raises in nursing bonuses or allowances at 21 state-run hospitals between March and November 2023, ranging from NT$800 to NT$3,000 per month. However, five state-run hospitals in remote areas, islands, or specialized psychiatric hospitals were not included in the adjustments. The increased expenditure will be covered by hospital funds, but it may impact doctor bonuses. The ministry is urging hospitals to implement management strategies to minimize the effects on doctors.
    2023/11/07 17:57
  • Investigation underway into tragic tour bus accident

    An investigation is underway into a tragic accident involving a tour bus that overturned on Taipingshan in Ilan, Taiwan. The 48-year-old driver claimed the brakes failed, resulting in the crash that caused one fatality and 38 injuries. The passengers were predominantly environmental volunteers visiting the Taiping Mountain National Forest Recreation Area. Preliminary investigations ruled out drink-driving, and early indications suggest a failure of the brake system. As of Monday morning, 23 people have been discharged from the hospital, while 15 remain under observation and treatment. The Highway Bureau and the Taiwan Transportation Safety Board officials are investigating the cause of the accident.
    2023/11/06 15:53
  • Shin Kong Hospital raises salaries to address nurse shortage

    Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital in Taipei will raise salaries for nursing staff starting in November. Salaries for nurses on the three-shift rotation will increase by NT$1,680, and the monthly salary for new nurses will be raised to NT$43,680. The salary increase is in response to concerns over nurse departures and a shortage of staff, which has led to a reduction in the number of beds in many hospitals. The Taiwan Union of Nurses Association (TUNA) reported a drop in the number of nurses in the country from 187,519 to 185,901 from January through May. As a result, larger hospitals have been forced to close an average of 8% to 10% of beds. Shin Kong Hospital has hired 74 nurses but lost 125 as of September, leading to a decrease in the number of available beds. In addition to the salary increase, the hospital is implementing other incentives such as retention bonuses, team performance bonuses, special allowances, signing bonuses for new hires, and up to four years of free accommodation. The hospital also plans to increase all staff salaries next year in line with a government wage adjustment policy to attract and retain talent.
    2023/10/28 14:42
  • 誰炸了加薩醫院?CNN分析證據提3關鍵:非以色列所為

    加薩(Gaza)的阿里阿拉伯醫院(Al-Ahli al-Arabi Hospital)17日遭轟炸,導致數百人死亡,爆炸究竟由哪方造成至今眾說紛紜,《CNN》找來擁有數十年評估炸彈損害經驗的武器與爆炸專家,審查社群媒體上、現場直播、CNN加薩自由記者拍攝的數十段影像和衛星照,提出3關鍵認為轟炸醫院非以軍所為。
    2023/10/22 16:56
  • BBC篤定稱以空襲加薩醫院!可能將被打臉 英部長也批自家人

    以巴衝突持續至今仍未獲得緩解,位於加薩地區的阿里阿拉伯醫院(Al-Ahli Arab Hospital)17日更遭受空襲、造成數百人死亡,事發當下《英國廣播公司》(BBC)馬上報導稱是以色列所為,但後續越來越多證據顯示罪魁禍首其實是哈瑪斯(Hamas)份子,被打臉的BBC也受到外界大肆批評,就連英國安全大臣圖根哈特(Tom Tugendhat)也痛批糟糕。
    2023/10/20 11:47
  • 以色列公布哈瑪斯錄音檔 控「兩特務討論火箭射失敗」害醫院爆炸

    位於加薩走廊的阿里阿拉伯醫院(Al-Ahli al-Arabi Hospital)遭到攻擊,當地衛生部門稱死亡人數超過500人,還有數百人被困在醫院廢墟中。以色列國防軍(IDF)、哈瑪斯(Hamas)互相指控此次事件是對方所為,以色列外交部今(18日)則公布一段電話錄音,表示他們成功攔截了2名哈瑪斯特工之間的電話,且哈瑪斯當時正在討論伊斯蘭聖戰組織火箭發射失敗,導致醫院被火箭擊中。
    2023/10/18 17:13
  • 駁炸加薩醫院!以色列:解密中將分享情資 稱哈瑪斯火箭造成

    加薩市(Gaza City)的阿里阿拉伯醫院(Al-Ahli al-Arabi Hospital)17日遭空襲,釀500名巴勒斯坦平民死亡,是這波以巴衝突爆發以來死亡人數最多事件,也是2008年以來以巴傷亡最慘重事件;以色列堅決否認轟炸醫療設施,稱是哈瑪斯(Hamas)「火箭發射失誤」造成。
    2023/10/18 10:01
  • Taiwanese doctor joins frontline efforts in Gaza

    Taiwanese intervention in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, particularly in the Gaza Strip, aims to provide aid. Dr. Hung Shang-kai, an emergency physician from Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and part of Doctors Without Borders, has been stationed in Gaza since July. He hopes to improve the local emergency triage system to help more injured patients due to frequent conflicts and a shortage of medical resources in the area. The Gaza Strip faces challenges such as overdevelopment, saltwater intrusion, clean water shortage, and limited electricity supply, which result in medical supply shortages and hinder specialized treatment. Various organizations are extending their help to locals during these turbulent times.
    2023/10/16 10:49
  • Hospital stops visits as fireman recovers from blast

    Pingtung Christian Hospital has temporarily suspended visits for Chen Wen-chuan, the squad leader of Pingtung’s second team, who sustained severe injuries and fell into a coma after the fatal explosion at Pingtung Launch Technologies factory. Chen, who woke up from his coma, tearfully revealed that he was the only survivor from his squad.
    2023/09/25 18:47
  • Five hikers stung by bees in northern Taiwan, one in ICU

    Five hikers, three women and two men, were stung by bees in a mountainous area near Keelung and Rueifang in New Taipei City. One hiker was taken to intensive care, while the others were transported to Keelung Hospital.
    2023/09/25 18:20
  • Firefighter tragic death leaves wife and mother in grief

    A heartbreaking story unfolds as a fireman tragically loses his life in Pingtung, leaving his bereaved wife and mother-in-law devastated.
    2023/09/23 10:56
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