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    fire 結果共174筆

  • 巴黎奧運/日本男足5:0踢爆巴拉圭 Y-3隊服超吸睛網讚「帥翻想買」

  • 首爾場「日期確定」!2NE1開15週年世巡 粉絲見場地淚崩

    南韓人氣二代女團2NE1(讀音同 To Anyone),為YG娛樂旗下第一個女子組合,成員包括Park Bom、Sandara Park、Minzy和CL,歌曲〈Fire〉、〈I Am the Best〉都是經典回憶。值得關注的是,YG娛樂日前意外宣布,解散8年的2NE1即將回歸,甚至展開世界巡迴演唱會,目前首爾場日期和場地也已確定!
  • Taiwan’s military persists with drills amid Typhoon Gaemi

    Discover how Taiwan’s military pressed on with the Cheng Chiang exercise in Penghu during Typhoon Gaemi, focusing on ground forces and live-fire drills despite weather challenges.
    2024/07/24 08:48
  • 解散8年「2NE1回歸了」!YG深夜曝喜訊 10月合體世巡開唱

    一說到南韓二代女團,絕不能忘YG娛樂旗下第一個女子組合2NE1(讀音同 To Anyone),成員包括Park Bom、Sandara Park、Minzy和CL,歌曲    〈Fire〉、〈I Am the Best〉等堪稱經典,但卻在2016年正式解散。值得關注的是,YG娛樂竟拋下震撼彈,驚喜宣布2NE1即將合體回歸,消息曝光讓粉絲感動落淚,「真的要回來了!」
    2024/07/22 12:18
  • LINE Bank survey reveals Taiwanese digital financial trends

    a comprehensive survey on digital financial trends in Taiwan, conducted by LINE Bank, Schroders, and National Chengchi University. Learn about Taiwanese citizens’ investment habits, preferences for stable cash flow over retirement savings, and the rise of digital investing among 20 to 50-year-olds.
    2024/07/12 21:00
  • Mayor addresses Taipei Dome’s multifunctional use

    Discover how Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an is addressing the Taipei Dome’s multifunctional use and safety concerns, following the Control Yuan’s recommendations and local ordinances for a better city experience.
    2024/07/12 16:37
  • Taipei mayor vows to protect Zhongshan Shopping District

    Taipei City Mayor Chiang Wan-an plans to protect the Zhongshan Shopping District from redevelopment pressures, addressing business concerns and urban planning.
    2024/07/10 20:00
  • 加州野火燒掉「56座大安森林公園」 宣布緊急狀態近3萬人急撤

    美國加州北部近日爆發野火災情,截至當地時間3日,延燒面積已達超過3,500英畝以上,約等於56座台北大安森林公園。州長紐森(Gavin Newsom)已宣布火災地區進入緊急狀態,加州森林暨消防廳(California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection)指出,4日已有將近2.8萬人收到避難警告或命令。
    2024/07/05 13:20
  • Taiwan’s defense ministry monitors PLA’s live-fire exercises

    Discover the latest on China’s PLA imposing a no-sail zone off Zhejiang’s coast for live-fire drills, and how Taiwan’s defense ministry is monitoring these developments for regional security.
    2024/07/04 14:10
  • Officials probe training death as heatwave grips Taiwan

    Discover the details of a tragic incident where Sergeant Chang from the Army Hualien and Taitung Defense Command passed away during a training exercise in Changhua. Learn about the ongoing investigations and the army’s response.
    2024/06/28 15:01
  • 美國加州野火燎原! 強風助火勢、州立公園急疏散1200人

    美國加州15日發生大規模野火迅速蔓延,加上乾燥天氣、強風以及陡峭的地勢等因素加速火勢的擴大,加州消防局(Cal Fire)表示火勢緣起於洛杉磯郡非建置區戈爾曼(Gorman),火勢面積已擴大至逾萬畝,目前僅2%的火勢獲得控制。
    2024/06/17 13:26
  • Taichung uses drones for high-rise rescue operations

    Taichung City Fire Bureau integrates drone broadcasts for high-rise rescue operations, enhancing safety and efficiency for both victims and firefighters.
    2024/06/05 17:15
  • National Fire Agency to revise female recruitment criteria

    Discover how Taiwan’s Constitutional Court’s ruling against the National Fire Agency’s height requirement for female firefighters marks a significant step towards gender equality in emergency services.
    2024/05/31 17:13
  • Premier vows to boost firefighter safety after Hsinchu fire

    Discover the details of a tragic incident in Hsinchu City where two firefighters lost their lives, prompting Premier Cho Jung-tai to vow for enhanced safety measures for emergency responders.
    2024/05/27 14:39
  • Two Hsinchu firefighters die in late-night blaze rescue

    Discover the details of the tragic incident in Hsinchu City where two firefighters lost their lives during a rescue operation, sparking a conversation on firefighter safety.
    2024/05/27 13:25
  • Taiwan expert notes shift in China’s military drills

    Discover the latest on China’s military exercises around Taiwan, including the strategic implications of the shorter, non-live-fire drill Joint Sword 2024A, and its potential impact on regional stability.
    2024/05/23 13:47
  • TSMC assures Arizona plant operations unaffected by blast

    Discover the latest on the TSMC Arizona plant explosion: caused by a tanker truck anomaly, not affecting operations. Investigation ongoing, one contractor injured.
    2024/05/16 11:33
  • Live-fire exercises enhance Taiwan’s military readiness

    Discover how the 117th Army Infantry Brigade’s live-fire exercise in Kaohsiung’s Linyuan District is preparing Taiwanese troops for real-world combat, enhancing their responsiveness and tactical skills.
    2024/05/08 17:11
  • Jay Chou, Hannah Quinlivan donate NT$1M to quake-hit NDHU

    Renowned Taiwanese singer Jay Chou and his wife, Hannah Quinlivan, donate NT$1 million to National Dong Hwa University for earthquake relief in Hualien, also contributing to the Chinese Christian Relief Association with NT$4 million. Their generosity aids in the recovery from severe damages, including a major laboratory fire and the destruction of dorms, showcasing Chou’s commitment to public welfare.
    2024/04/16 16:44
  • 感動!日籍遊客求救警 即時滅火保住比賽用越野車

    2024/04/14 12:36
  • Hualien quake: Search, rescue efforts uncover more victims

    In the aftermath of the April 3 earthquake in Hualien, search and rescue teams have been tirelessly working on the Shakadang Trail, uncovering victims from the debris. With traditional rituals marking their efforts, they have recently recovered another body, continuing their mission amidst the ruins. The operation focuses on two major landslide areas, revealing the tragic impact of the disaster on the local community and visitors, including a family of five and a couple from Singapore.
    2024/04/10 16:14
  • Heroic Rescue Dog Roger makes int’l news after earthquake

    Discover the inspiring journey of Roger, a rescue dog from the Kaohsiung Fire Bureau, who became a hero by finding victims in the aftermath of a 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Hualien, Taiwan. Initially trained as a drug-sniffing dog, Roger’s boundless energy led him to a career in search and rescue, culminating in international recognition for his bravery. As he approaches retirement, Roger’s story highlights the invaluable contributions of rescue dogs in disaster relief.
    2024/04/10 15:53
  • Dong Hwa University to rebuild fire-damaged building

    Following the destruction of its physics and engineering building due to an April 3 earthquake, National Tung Hwa University in Hualien announces a reconstruction plan, supported by donations and school funds, aiming for completion by next September. The university emphasizes rapid restoration of the academic environment, collaboration with Tzu Chi University for student support, and has initiated a 24-hour hotline for emotional assistance. Appeals are made for broader disaster relief contributions to help restore Hualien’s natural beauty.
    2024/04/08 17:00
  • China warns against Taiwan’s ’provocative’ military drills

    The Taiwan Affairs Council spokesperson warns of China monitoring Taiwan’s military activities closely, emphasizing China’s stance on provocation and reunification. The statement follows Kinmen’s live-fire drill announcement and criticizes the DPP’s alleged provocations. The spokesperson reiterates Taiwan as part of China and rejects foreign interference in resolving the Taiwan issue.
    2024/03/27 16:55
  • Wistron factory fire: minimal impact on operations

    Wistron and Young Optics factories in Hsinchu unaffected by fire incident. Wistron reassures no significant impact on operations and finances, while Young Optics temporarily shut down for assessment. Employees safely evacuated as investigation into fire cause continues.
    2024/03/26 11:34
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