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    drink 結果共11筆

  • HeySong Sarsaparilla price hike: First in over a decade

    HeySong Corporation, a Taiwanese company, has announced price adjustments for some of its products after 10-20 years of unchanged prices. The adjustments, set to take effect in March, will see prices increase by 10-20%. The most notable increase will be for the popular 330-milliliter HeySong Sarsaparilla, which will surge by up to 25%. The company attributes the price adjustments to rising costs of raw materials, packaging, transportation, and personnel. The recommended retail price adjustments will mainly affect packages less than one liter, with some increasing by NT$4 and others by NT$5-6. Other beverage brands, such as Taisun Enterprise, have also indicated rising drink prices due to increased international raw material costs. The King Car Group had already adjusted the price of its Pocari Sweat drink in November 2020, marking the first price adjustment in 17 years. Public opinion on the price changes seems to be accepting, with many stating that they understand most products are experiencing price increases as long as the surge isn’t too high.
    2024/02/17 11:21
  • 好市多老牌汽水1罐只要13元!他見「喜氣新包裝」:先搬兩箱

    美式賣場好市多進駐台灣多年,物美價廉深受消費者喜愛。一名網友近期在社群分享,發現一老牌汽水換了大紅色的新包裝,頗有過年氣息,直接搬了兩箱結帳;貼文引發討論,不少網友留言「義大利?」「Is it good to drink?」另從好市多官網查詢,每罐330毫升,一箱24罐售319,等於1罐約13元。
    2024/01/29 16:38
  • 日本架上飲料「多國語言強調」不能喝 老司機揭真實用途全網驚

    日本是許多台灣人經常出遊的國家,但語言隔閡下,有時選購飲料可能需要格外謹慎,以免不慎買到「別有用途」的商品。有網友指出在某些商店看到飲料架特別標註「No Drink」,或直接用中文寫「不是飲料」的提醒標籤,對此,有人好奇疑惑這些難道不是飲料嗎?
    2024/01/18 13:47
  • Investigation underway into tragic tour bus accident

    An investigation is underway into a tragic accident involving a tour bus that overturned on Taipingshan in Ilan, Taiwan. The 48-year-old driver claimed the brakes failed, resulting in the crash that caused one fatality and 38 injuries. The passengers were predominantly environmental volunteers visiting the Taiping Mountain National Forest Recreation Area. Preliminary investigations ruled out drink-driving, and early indications suggest a failure of the brake system. As of Monday morning, 23 people have been discharged from the hospital, while 15 remain under observation and treatment. The Highway Bureau and the Taiwan Transportation Safety Board officials are investigating the cause of the accident.
    2023/11/06 15:53
  • Apple Sidra producer faces potential NT$200M fine

    Customers of the popular Apple Sidra soda drink in Taiwan have reported discovering a white residue in the bottles, prompting concerns over product safety. As a result, operations at the Taoyuan factory of Oceanic Beverages Co., Inc., the manufacturer of Apple Sidra, have been suspended pending further investigation. The company now faces the possibility of a hefty fine of up to NT$200 million.
    2023/05/26 10:50
  • Single-use paper cups likely to contribute to landfill waste

    As Taiwan aims to reduce plastic usage and promote environmental awareness, many drink shops are now turning to paper cups in response to the government’s ban on single-use plastic cups. 
    2023/04/11 16:36
  • Beverage stores in Taiwan estimated to make NT$100 billion

    More and more stores are opening up to sell takeaway beverages in Taiwan.
    2023/01/10 20:49
  • 蔡振南‧伊馮睽違23年合體再續前緣 重現經典廣告

    1998年蔡振南和剛果裔的伊馮,以逗趣的「維大力!」「義大利?」「Is it good to drink?」對話席捲全台,一紅就是23年,堪稱台灣最經典廣告之一。近期兩人應直播平台邀請,再度合體,由億萬導演殷振豪執導,翻拍廣告,向經典致敬。
    2022/01/06 18:36
  • FOCUS360/ 杰生"潮"英語!drink the Kool-Aid

    2020/09/20 21:00
  • 維大力廣告外國人跑去哪?消失20年近況曝光

    「維大力」、「義大利」、「It’s good to drink」還記得說這幾句經典台詞的外國人嗎?20年前來自非洲剛果的伊馮(Yvon Pierre Loufoua)與蔡振南憑著知名品牌維大力廣告逗趣的台詞,打響名號;時隔多年,伊馮超狂近況也跟著曝光!
    2019/07/29 18:55
  • 從美國紅回來!熱波霸+冰奶霜「旦伴奶」登台

    又有名店紅回台灣!被國外網友譽為「全洛杉磯最受歡迎」的飲料伴伴堂Half & Half Tea Express,以顛覆傳統的「熱波霸」結合「冰奶霜」所調製出的「旦伴奶」(Ice Milk Drink),在美國洛杉磯地區掀起飲品一波排隊風潮;而這個從美國紅回來的品牌創辦人,可是位道地的台灣女孩。
    2018/03/13 17:02
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