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    battery 結果共25筆

  • Taiwan debates electric vs. gasoline-powered scooters

    Explore the debate on electric vs. fuel scooters in Taiwan, focusing on costs, sustainability, and the challenges of charging infrastructure.
    2024/06/21 16:27
  • KYMCO launches new charge-and-swap electric motorcycles

    KYMCO introduces the iONEX UNO, an innovative electric motorcycle featuring a hybrid system for both home charging and battery swapping, set to enhance the EV market in Taiwan and globally.
    2024/05/16 17:48
  • ProLogium: Dunkirk gigafactory to create 3,000 jobs by 2030

    ProLogium and Schneider Electric have signed a partnership to build a smart gigafactory in Dunkirk, France, aiming to enhance Europe’s battery production and support sustainable industrial growth.
    2024/05/15 21:23
  • KYMCO’s new iONEX UNO sets the stage for a new e-motor trend

    KYMCO introduces the iONEX UNO, an innovative electric motorcycle that combines charging and battery-swapping capabilities. It sets a new standard for sustainable urban mobility and supports global net-zero goals.
    2024/05/15 18:12
  • 有片/紐約公園驚見活春宮 男女「毯下激戰片」5千萬網友朝聖

    美國紐約的「砲台公園」(Battery Park)是許多當地居民的休息去處,然而日前社群平台卻出現影片,只見1對情侶在眾目睽睽下蓋著毯子、進行疑似性愛的動作,這場「活春宮」也引起大量民眾的注意,影片曝光後迄今已吸引超過5100萬次觀看,不少網友也湧入留言區痛批這對情侶的行為。
    2024/05/03 17:06
  • Thailand’s pivotal role in KYMCO’s EV strategy: Chairman Ko

    Discover how KYMCO’s partnership with Arun Plus is set to transform the electric vehicle landscape in Southeast Asia with the new AIONEX venture, focusing on sustainable transportation solutions.
    2024/04/29 18:08
  • KYMCO, Arun Plus launch joint venture to electrify Thailand

    Discover how KYMCO’s new joint venture with Arun Plus, Aionex, is set to transform the electric motorcycle market in Southeast Asia, aiming to establish a sustainable transportation model across the region.
    2024/04/29 17:57
  • ProLogium unveils world’s first giga-level battery plant

    ProLogium Technology unveils Taiwan’s first giga-level solid-state battery factory, with plans to become a global leader in EV battery production. Updates on the Dunkirk gigafactory and economic opportunities between France and Taiwan.
    2024/01/23 19:29
  • KYMCO eyes Thailand market to expand EV total solutions

    KYMCO and Arun Plus are partnering to create Aionex, aiming to dominate Southeast Asia’s electric motorcycle market. With plans to produce e-bikes and operate battery-swapping services, this joint venture is set to revolutionize the region’s two-wheeler industry.
    2024/01/22 10:53
  • Uber Eats Taiwan, Gogoro launch green delivery program

    Uber Eats Taiwan has partnered with electric scooter company Gogoro to launch a Green Delivery Program, aiming to promote sustainability in food deliveries. The program aims to increase the proportion of electric scooters in the Uber Eats fleet from 20 to 40 percent within two years. Gogoro’s swappable battery systems are already used in 26 percent of motorcycle logistics in Taiwan. The collaboration will provide a purchasing and battery subscription plan tailored for delivery partners, encouraging more riders to adopt green mobility. Uber Eats Taiwan aims to achieve zero emissions for global deliveries by 2040. The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) supports Uber Eats’ objective and will continue to advance subsidy policies to support green initiatives.
    2023/12/19 22:01
  • Austrian woman rescued from Taiwan mountains

    The New Taipei City Fire Department successfully rescued a young Australian woman who was lost in the mountains of Wulai District. The woman, identified as Marion, was studying in South Korea and visiting Taiwan. She had ventured alone to climb Badaoer Mountain but became disoriented during her descent. With her cellphone battery at 5% and unsure of how to report an emergency in Taiwan, she reached out to a friend in Germany who informed the hotel staff in Wulai to report her missing. A 25-person rescue team commenced the search and rescue mission, working through the night until they found Marion in the early hours of Monday. She was unharmed and escorted back to her hotel. The captain of the 4th Emergency and Rescue Corps emphasized the importance of traveling in groups and being prepared with food, cold weather gear, and lighting equipment.
    2023/12/05 19:26
  • Taiwan’s e-scooter company faces battery compatibility issue

    Learn about Taiwan’s commitment to achieving 100% electric scooter sales by 2040 in the fight against climate change. Discover the transportation policies of presidential candidates and the challenges faced in the e-scooter market.
    2023/11/08 18:13
  • iPhone fans queue around Taiwan for new iPhone 15

    iPhone enthusiasts in Taiwan eagerly await the release of Apple’s iPhone 15, forming long queues outside stores. Discounts from service providers add to the excitement. Learn more about the buzz.
    2023/09/22 21:09
  • iPhone 15有望改用新電池 可增加電量、延長壽命

    蘋果將在9月發表iPhone 15系列新機,近期有爆料指出iPhone 15可能會採用「堆疊電池」(Stacked Battery)技術,提高電池密度以增加續航力及降低電池發熱的問題。
    2023/07/19 08:24
  • All 1,700 KYMCO dealers to offer e-motors services by 2025

    KYMCO revealed major accomplishments on June 19 that the electric vehicle(EV) Ionex brand of the Taiwan-based automaker is the country’s largest battery swapping network, and announced its plan to upgrade all KYMCO dealers to KYMCO-Ionex dealers.
    2023/06/20 18:11
  • KYMCO reaches milestone with 2,600 battery swapping stations

    KYMCO announced on Monday (June 19) that the company has achieved its goal of building 2,600 battery swapping stations this year, half a year ahead of schedule. The most recent station was constructed at the Hehuanshan Visitor Center, located at an elevation of 3,158 meters, during a press conference earlier that day.
    2023/06/20 12:24
  • ProLogium unveils plans for first gigafactory in France

    Taiwan’s leading electric vehicle battery maker ProLogium has announced plans to build the first overseas gigafactory in Dunkirk, northern France. The founder and CEO of ProLogium, Vincent Yang, stressed the intention to keep its roots in Taiwan has not changed but expressed hopes to continue expansion across Asia on Friday (June 9).
    2023/06/09 18:45
  • Taiwan to ban sales of gas-powered cars by 2040

    TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan has set an ambitious goal of banning the sales of gas-powered vehicles by 2040, with a target of 30% electric vehicle market share by 2030 and 60% by 2035. 
    2023/05/03 09:54
  • Toyota將引進氫能電動車「Mirai」 這4天搶先亮相

    Toyota要達到淨零碳排這項目標除了推動純電車(Battery Electric Vehicle,BEV)之外,還有氫燃料電池車(Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle,FCEV)這項利器,而已發展至第二代的Mirai就是Toyota集團集最新FCEV技術於一身的尖端產品。而Toyota總代理和泰汽車在上(3)月20日宣布與國內的氣體公司-聯華林德進行合作,要將Mirai以專案方式引進至台灣且最快2024年就會上路試營運!
    2023/04/12 17:09
  • Toyota Mirai電動車要來了!最快明年上路 4月搶先亮相

    Toyota要達到淨零碳排這項目標除了推動純電車(Battery Electric Vehicle,BEV)之外,還有氫燃料電池車(Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle,FCEV)這項利器,而已發展至第二代的Mirai就是Toyota集團集最新FCEV技術於一身的尖端產品。而Toyota總代理和泰汽車在今日(3月20日)宣布與國內的氣體公司-聯華林德進行合作,要將Mirai以專案方式引進至台灣且最快2024年就會上路試營運!
    2023/03/20 21:34
  • Study: Low temperatures can sap Tesla car batteries

    Tesla was reportedly fined US$2.25M in South Korea for not telling customers this important information.
    2023/01/05 19:02
  • Tiny ants seek e-scooter battery warmth as temperatures drop

    Taiwan saw the first cold spell of the year on Sunday, and as most people wrapped themselves up in coats and sweaters, other creatures sought a different approach to stay warm.
    2022/12/19 17:46
  • BMW新市場!攜手Toyota 跨足零排放氫燃料電池車

    要達成2030年電動車佔新車銷售一半以上的遠大目標,BMW的i Series純電產品線並不是只押寶電池電動車(Battery Electric Vehicle,BEV),還攜手Toyota跨足到另一個「零排放」動力科技氫燃料電池車(Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle,FCEV)的開發上,而德日兩大車廠的合作成果iX5 Hydrogen在去年9月的慕尼黑車展上首度亮相後,過了一年的時間終於在12月份開始小規模量產,並在明年第一季開始陸續投放在各地的零碳排示範區中營運!
    2022/12/05 17:20
  • 「氫經濟」全球崛起 日本造運輸船超低溫配送

    2021/02/10 19:49
  • FOCUS360/ 杰生"潮"英語!dying battery 電池快沒電了

    2020/09/13 21:00
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