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    awareness 結果共47筆

  • Taiwan unveils stamps celebrating human rights

    Premier Chen Chien-jen celebrated the release of Human Rights Stamps by Chunghwa Post, showcasing Taiwan’s advancements in human rights. The event was attended by notable figures such as Chen Chu, Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission, and Wu Hong-mo, Chairperson of Chunghwa Post. Premier Chen, an avid philatelist, emphasized the universality of human rights and the power of stamps in raising awareness. Taiwan’s progress in human rights was highlighted, including the implementation of the National Human Rights Action Plan in 2022, incorporating five out of nine major human rights conventions into domestic laws. Taiwan’s junior high students also achieved top scores internationally in civic education assessments, particularly excelling in gender equality, ethnic equality, immigrant rights, and environmental awareness. Chen Chu recalled a previous stamp featuring Eleanor Roosevelt during martial law in 1964, introducing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The new set of four stamps features acronyms of major human rights documents, each illustrated with distinct colors and symbols representing their respective themes. Wu expressed hope that these stamps would showcase Taiwan’s human rights achievements as they circulate.
    2023/12/11 12:08
  • Textile industry seeks alternative recyclable materials

    Discover how Taiwan’s textile industry is embracing sustainability, tackling challenges in recycling clothes and combating greenwashing while innovating with PET bottle recycling and textile sustainability.
    2023/12/09 16:45
  • Hsinchu Fire Bureau calendar honors heroes, teaches safety

    The Hsinchu City Fire Bureau unveils its 2024 Firefighting Calendar featuring 22 local firefighters and volunteer firefighters as representatives. The calendar showcases the courage and dedication of these heroes, who were photographed at scenic spots in Hsinchu City. Commissioner Lee Shi-kung emphasizes the impressive physiques and professional rescue capabilities of the chosen representatives, aiming to portray the professional image of the fire service personnel. Hsinchu City residents have the chance to participate in a disaster prevention quiz, with 2,500 lucky winners receiving a copy of the calendar, promoting public safety and awareness.
    2023/12/07 20:20
  • JINS, guide dog association launch bandana set for charity

    JINS and the Taiwan Guide Dog Association have collaborated to release a limited edition ’Matching Bandana Set’ for pets and owners, with proceeds going to support guide dogs. The collection draws inspiration from parent-child outfits, featuring dogs leading their owners on outdoor adventures. Celebrity Ada Pan endorses the campaign, hoping to raise awareness and funds for the guide dog program.
    2023/12/07 18:49
  • Wu: China amps Up ’hybrid warfare’ ahead of Taiwan elections

    Taiwan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Wu, warns of China’s increasing interference and cognitive warfare tactics as Taiwan’s elections approach. China is using a "hybrid warfare" strategy involving military actions, economic pressure, disinformation campaigns, and unlawful financial flows to influence the election results. Taiwan’s government is actively countering these tactics by strengthening communication with the public, enhancing media literacy, and collaborating with public and private sectors. Wu calls for a united front among international allies to enhance democratic resilience and increase awareness of China’s unfriendly actions. This reflects Taiwan’s efforts to preserve its sovereignty and democratic values amid rising tensions with China.
    2023/12/05 21:54
  • Taipei councilor exposes ’red infiltration’ via China trips

    Taipei City Councilor Chen Yi-chun has expressed concerns about stealthy trips organized by local community leaders to China, questioning whether they could be instances of "red infiltration." Chen highlighted a heavily subsidized trip advertised as a "Wuxi Community Exchange Study," which cost participants just NT$15,000 and included flights, hospitality, and lodging. She suggested that the trip seemed imbued with Chinese propaganda, as it included visits to historical towns, canal boat tours, and a Belt and Road Initiative silk factory, with a guide from the National People’s Congress Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. Chen raised concerns about potential organized red infiltration, as local leaders covertly rallied groups and secretly canvassed like-minded community members to join the trip. She also questioned whether the Chinese Communist Party could be using these excursions to influence the votes of Taiwanese local residents in anticipation of Taiwan’s 2024 Presidential Election. Chen argued that the CCP could be engaging in a multifaceted campaign, including cognitive warfare and expansive propaganda, with the latest strategy involving ground-level infiltration to sway Taiwan’s electorate. She called for Taiwan’s national security agencies to remain vigilant and advised citizens to foster security awareness to guard against possible election meddling strategies by the CCP.
    2023/11/26 18:37
  • Taiwan’s rising child abuse cases raise concern

    This news story from Taipei covers the concerning rise in child abuse cases in Taiwan, as reported by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Child Welfare League. It explores public attitudes and the prevalence of child discipline in public spaces, highlighting the need for increased awareness and proper parenting education.
    2023/11/23 18:52
  • Taiwanese youth shine in Model UN event in Taichung

    Discover how over 300 Taiwanese students from 38 schools showcased their global awareness and English proficiency at the Taichung Youth Model United Nations event. This two-day gathering in Taichung highlighted the youth’s readiness to engage in international affairs, despite Taiwan’s absence from the UN.
    2023/11/15 15:48
  • MAC urges Taiwanese travelers to China to register online

    Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) minister has stated that multiple channels have been used to raise awareness of the "Online Registration System for Taiwanese Citizens Visiting Mainland China." The system was implemented in January 2023 to improve emergency assistance services for travelers. However, out of over one million Taiwanese nationals who visited China from January to September, only around 2,000 registered with the system, resulting in a usage rate of just 0.19%. MAC Minister Chiu Tai-san acknowledged the low uptake and stated that efforts have been made to promote the system, including engaging travel agencies. Legislator Chuang Jui-hsiung highlighted that in August alone, over 200,000 people traveled from Taiwan to China, but only 554 registrations were made. Minister Chiu explained that registration is voluntary, and if citizens do not anticipate encountering problems in mainland China, it is challenging for the ministry to enforce it. In response to calls for increased promotion, Chiu promised that MAC colleagues would intensify efforts to raise awareness about the registration system.
    2023/11/13 19:40
  • Anatomy classes in Taiwan struggle with donor deficit

    Facing a pressing shortage, Taiwan’s medical schools, especially non-religious institutions like Taipei Medical University, are calling for more body donors for anatomy classes. The gap between demand and supply highlights the need for greater public awareness and a shift in societal attitudes.
    2023/11/05 12:25
  • Taiwanese tourists safely return from Israel

    Amidst escalating tensions in the Middle East, Lion Travel Service successfully transported a group of 29 Taiwanese tourists from Israel. Despite ongoing conflicts between Israel and Palestine, the tourists noted a surprising calmness among the Israeli locals during the war. The Tourism Bureau reported that Artisan Tour and Yung Shin Travel Service still have tourists in Israel, with plans to arrange early returns for customers. Uni Travel Services also adjusted travel plans for one group to avoid entering Israel.
    2023/10/09 20:56
  • Summer depression rates surge sparks mental health concerns

    Learn about the increasing cases of summer depression globally, exacerbated by extreme heat. Physicians emphasize prevention and self-care.
    2023/10/02 09:40
  • New Taipei City hosts youth climate forum, Future Con 2023

    New Taipei City’s "The Future Con 2023" youth climate forum brings together students and experts to address climate change, fostering environmental awareness and action. Discover how the city is taking strides towards a sustainable future.
    2023/09/27 19:20
  • Taiwanese universities roll out mental health leave

    Amid rising awareness of mental health issues, Taiwanese universities have started implementing "mental health leaves" to support students experiencing emotional stress.
    2023/09/07 16:48
  • Recycling old tech booms as environmental awareness grows

    Learn how old tech recycling gains momentum as major companies release new devices annually. Growing environmental awareness prompts businesses to push for greener practices, offering profit and eco-consciousness. Discover the CO2 reduction potential and business growth in this article.
    2023/08/16 10:20
  • Vehicle-pedestrian yielding rules tightened again for safety

    New Taipei City witnessed a surge in reports of vehicles failing to yield to pedestrians, prompting authorities to tighten regulations for pedestrian safety. Learn about the increased fines and improved driver awareness.
    2023/08/09 19:50
  • Digital transaction boom in Taiwan coincides with scams rise

    As digital transactions simplify everyday life for many in Taiwan, they have also become a convenient tool for scammers targeting unsuspecting victims. Statistics provided by the National Policy Agency (NPA) under the Ministry of the Interior (MOI) reveal that Taiwan has witnessed over 20,000 annual scam cases since 2017.
    2023/07/11 16:59
  • King Pu-tsung hopes DPP scandal brings more awareness

    Former deputy mayor of Taipei, King Pu-tsung, voiced his hopes on Friday (June 2) that the latest political sexual harassment case will bring more awareness to similar issues in Taiwan.
    2023/06/02 18:02
  • Taiwan sees surge in demand for green burials

    In recent years, businesses and communities worldwide have become more environmentally conscious, leading to a rise in eco-friendly choices. 
    2023/04/18 09:59
  • Single-use paper cups likely to contribute to landfill waste

    As Taiwan aims to reduce plastic usage and promote environmental awareness, many drink shops are now turning to paper cups in response to the government’s ban on single-use plastic cups. 
    2023/04/11 16:36
  • iPhone新4招!旁白功能必學 放大鏡測距離超便利

    iPhone必學3招,比小白點更實用技巧!視障人士亦適用、全球無障礙關注日。5月19日正是每年一度的「全球無障礙關注日」(Global Accessibility Awareness Day/GAAD),不少人以為視障人士因為看不清事物的關係,難以使用電話,但原來iPhone內置不少非常實用的輔助功能,讓視障人士都可以完美使用iPhone,而且這些技巧就連一般人都值得學習。
    2022/05/18 11:42
  • 品牌開發治癒系桌遊  響應支援自閉症關注月行動

    據估計,全球每59名兒童中就有1名患有自閉症。4月2日是世界自閉症關懷日(World Autism Awareness Day),每年4月則被稱之為自閉症關注月。為此,電通安吉斯集團(Dentsu Aegis Netwrok)旗下提供全方位服務的綜合代理商品牌麥利博文大中華區(mcgarrybowen Greater China),日前宣佈推出一款在治療師指導下所設計的「The Critical Core」專案,這款桌上角色扮演遊戲旨在幫助自閉症孩童培養基本的社交能力並建立自信。
    2019/04/16 12:00
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