
King Pu-tsung hopes DPP scandal brings more awareness

Reporter Vivian Hsiao
Release time:2023/06/02 18:02
Last update time:2023/06/02 18:02
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Former deputy mayor of Taipei, King Pu-tsung, voiced his hopes on Friday (June 2) that the latest political sexual harassment case will bring more awareness to similar issues in Taiwan.

Earlier this week, a former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) worker came forward on Facebook to reveal she was sexually harassed during work. 


After reporting the incident to her then-supervisor, Hsu Chia-tien, director of the DPP's Department of Women's Development, she was subjected to victim-blaming and dissuaded from taking her complaints further.

Following the bombshell post, Hsu was suspended and forced to step down from her position, but many criticized the action as coming too little too late.

"I think the DPP is in trouble," King said.

DPP legislator hopeful Lin Fei-fan also came under fire, as he supervised the department during that time.

When asked if he believes the DPP would withdraw their nomination of Lin as a legislator candidate, King admitted that the party is in a dilemma.  

"I think it is really up to Vice President Lai Ching-te, also the DPP chairman, because Lin Fei-fan was handpicked by him as the candidate for the fourthcoming legislator election," King said. "Probably, the DPP hopes he will withdraw of his own free will."

Even so, King is hopeful that such news may benefit society in the long run, as he is optimistic it could inspire more people to report similar incidents and raise more awareness of issues surrounding gender equality and sexual harassment.

Taiwan Affairs

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