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    Y 結果共10,000筆

  • Culture minister apologizes for museum plagiarism scandal

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s cultural sector facing scrutiny over plagiarism allegations involving the National Museum of Taiwan Literature and the Taiwan Pavilion’s visual designs. Culture Minister Li Yuan apologizes and takes action.
    2024/05/22 16:28
  • National consensus sought on Chiang Kai-shek Memorial

    Explore the ongoing debate over the National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall’s role in Taiwan as Culture Minister Li Yuan calls for national consensus on its transformation. This story delves into the complexities of historical reconciliation and the future of memory spaces in a democratic society.
    2024/05/22 16:27
  • 台人為何狂酸楊丞琳?YTR曝「2句話」釀禍 全場點頭:讓人不適

    女星楊丞琳日前參加大陸綜藝節目《歌手2024》,並在第2集演唱個人代表作〈帶我走〉,怎料卻因在高音處大翻車而遭到淘汰,甚至遭受台灣網友大肆批評。對此,YouTuber「雪梨看世界 With Sydney」便透過一部影片分析,發現兩岸對楊丞琳的評論風向截然不同,並點出造成此現象的「2句話」。
    2024/05/22 16:26
  • 國情報告「即時即答」違憲 柯建銘評估:合憲前賴清德不赴立院

    2024/05/22 16:19
  • Premier seeks legislative support for anti-fraud bills

    Discover how Taiwan’s government is taking a strong stance against fraud with Premier Cho Jung-tai’s push for legislative support on four anti-fraud bills aimed at enhancing penalties and security measures.
    2024/05/22 15:56
  • Italian Senate leader lauds Taiwan’s democracy during visit

    Explore how Gian Marco Centinaio, Italy’s First Deputy President of the Senate, praised Taiwan’s democracy during his recent visit, highlighting the importance of mutual respect and understanding between the two nations.
    2024/05/22 15:47
  • Marshall Islands pledges strong support for Taiwan

    Discover how the Marshall Islands reaffirmed its support for Taiwan during President Hilda C. Heine’s visit, marking 26 years of diplomatic ties and future collaboration on key issues.
    2024/05/22 15:46
  • Taiwan’s health minister decries China’s interference at WHA

    Discover how Taiwan’s Health Minister Chiu Tai-yuan confronts political pressures and China’s interference at the World Health Assembly. Learn about Taiwan’s unwavering efforts for global health inclusion and international support.
    2024/05/22 15:27
  • French lawmakers meet with Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan Speaker

    Discover how Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan Speaker expressed gratitude to France for supporting navigation safety in the Taiwan Strait and Taiwan’s WHA bid during a meeting with French parliamentarians.
    2024/05/22 15:15
  • Han: Taiwan’s new cabinet faces immediate challenges

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s governance as Premier Cho Jung-tai and Vice Premier Cheng Li-chun meet with Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu for crucial talks on infrastructure, education, and legal reforms. This pivotal meeting underscores a commitment to collaborative governance and addressing national challenges.
    2024/05/22 15:02
  • Han Kuo-yu addresses foreign concern over disputes

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan: President Han Kuo-yu addresses concerns over disputes and procedural criticisms amid a contentious reform bill debate. Learn about the divisions and challenges facing Taiwan’s legislative process.
    2024/05/22 14:31
  • Premier to push for anti-fraud laws in legislative meeting

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Cho Jung-tai is taking a stand against fraud with a proposed set of laws aimed at enhancing law enforcement’s capabilities. Learn about the "New Four Anti-Fraud Laws" and their potential impact on internet platforms, financial institutions, and penalties for fraud.
    2024/05/22 14:28
  • Taiwanese association condemns KMT, TPP

    Discover the Taiwanese Association of America’s condemnation of the KMT and TPP for pushing controversial bills, risking Taiwan’s democracy and misusing U.S. support. Read their call for integrity and public response.
    2024/05/22 14:06
  • Taichung mayor vows to improve metro intercom after attack

    Discover how Taichung’s Mayor Lu Shiow-Yen plans to enhance the metro’s emergency intercom system after a knife attack revealed its limitations. Learn about the commitment to safety improvements.
    2024/05/22 13:59
  • Taiwan’s culture minister unveils comprehensive policy

    Discover how Taiwan’s Minister of Culture, Lee Yuan, plans to integrate President Lai Ching-te’s vision of "cultural sustainability, Taiwan to the world" into daily life, focusing on lifestyle, thought, creativity, and dissemination.
    2024/05/22 13:41
  • Mother praises son’s courage in Taichung Metro incident

    Discover the story of bravery on the Taichung Metro, where a young man named Hsu confronted a knife-wielding attacker, protecting passengers and sustaining injuries. Learn about his heroic act and his mother’s pride.
    2024/05/22 13:36
  • 高爾宣出道5年破億!無預警宣布「有喜」 貴人竟是謝和弦

    「當紅炸子雞」高爾宣近期雙喜臨門,招牌抒情神曲〈Without You〉發行滿五週年之際,迎來YouTube點擊正式衝破億萬大關的好消息,不僅為自己的音樂生涯再創里程碑,屢創「宣式旋風」的他更將於七月開始攜破億神曲挺進香港、新加坡、馬來西亞三地開唱,2024下半年行程滿檔的他正式宣告將當起空中飛人唱遍全亞洲。
    2024/05/22 12:00
  • 半年內第6人!女模控被吹牛老爹灌醉 帶到錄音室強迫性交

    美國知名饒舌歌手「吹牛老爹」(Sean ”Diddy” Combs)捲入性交易、性虐待和強暴等醜聞,近日爆料者再+1人。前女模麥金尼(Crystal McKinney)指控,22歲被迫在吹牛老爹位於紐約市(New York City)的錄音室為他口交,是吹牛老爹半年內面臨的第6起性侵訴訟。
    2024/05/22 11:36
  • New Taipei offers free enterovirus vaccines for young child

    Discover how New Taipei City is tackling the enterovirus outbreak with free vaccinations for infants under three from low and middle-income families, starting May 23. Learn about eligibility and where to get vaccinated.
    2024/05/22 11:27
  • Minister of Culture plans to lower age for Culture Points

    Discover how Taiwan’s Minister of Culture, Lee Yuan, plans to transform youth education by lowering the Culture Points age to 13, aiming to foster early cultural engagement.
    2024/05/22 11:25
  • Misinterpretation of U.S. Rep. Smith’s comments clarified

    Explore the complexities of Taiwan’s legislative controversies as U.S. Rep. Chris Smith congratulates President Lai on his inauguration and emphasizes the need for peaceful dialogue among political parties. This article delves into the opposition within the DPP, the proposed amendments by the KMT and TPP, and the potential impact on Taiwan’s democracy.
    2024/05/22 11:11
  • Japanese scholar analyzes Lai’s omission of ’One China’

    Discover insights on Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te’s inaugural speech, where he omitted the "One China" principle, signaling wariness towards China, and emphasized Taiwan’s sovereignty. This analysis explores the implications for Taiwan’s political landscape and cross-strait relations.
    2024/05/22 11:10
  • Nymphia Wind, democracy advocates join Taipei protest

    Discover the story of over 40 civil groups rallying outside Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan, demanding the withdrawal of a controversial bill. The protest, drawing 30,000 people including celebrities and democracy advocates, underscores Taiwan’s commitment to democratic integrity and procedural justice.
    2024/05/22 11:04
  • Peng takes on environmental challenges as new minister

    Discover how Peng Chi-ming, Taiwan’s new Minister of the Environment, addresses the pressures of his role and his stance on nuclear energy amid climate change challenges in his first report to the Legislative Yuan.
    2024/05/22 10:59
  • 蕾菈抓鳳筋被酸「為什麼不把錢買大麻?」 本尊19字回擊了

    2024/05/22 10:52
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