
Peng takes on environmental challenges as new minister

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/22 10:59
Last update time:2024/05/22 11:01
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Peng prepares for legislative debut (TVBS News) Peng takes on environmental challenges as new minister
Peng prepares for legislative debut (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Peng Chi-ming (彭啟明), the newly appointed Minister of the Environment, known as a meteorologist, made his first administrative report to the Legislative Yuan's (立法院) Social Welfare and Environmental Hygiene Committee (衛環委員會) on Wednesday (May 22), admitting to feeling "pressured."


During his inaugural interpellation session, Peng shared his preparation efforts, stating, "Considering the Legislative Yuan is a sacred hall of the nation, I indeed felt pressured and prepared diligently until 11 p.m. last night, hoping to exchange ideas and receive guidance from the committee members."


He acknowledged the vast scope of responsibilities within the Ministry of the Environment, expressing confidence yet recognizing the need for rapid learning and adaptation.


Peng emphasized his commitment to the nuclear-free homeland policy as outlined in the Basic Environment Act (環境基本法), noting that the current cabinet has not prepared for the extension of nuclear power operations.


He highlighted the international perspective on climate change and net-zero carbon emissions, pointing out that while nuclear energy has been temporarily considered for investment due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict within the European Union's sustainable investment criteria, strict regulations apply, including those concerning nuclear waste management and safety.


"The international community has not dismissed nuclear energy, nor has it mandated its use; it varies by each country's situation, making it crucial to build a consensus," Peng stated.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei news# environmental policy# climate change# nuclear energy# carbon emissions# legislative yuan# net-zero goals# nuclear waste management# nuclear-free homeland policy# environment minister Taiwan
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