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    What 結果共70筆

  • Four airlines to offer direct flights from Taiwan to Seattle

    Explore the upcoming changes in air travel from Taiwan to Seattle, including new direct flights, competitive pricing, and strategic airport utilization. Learn what this means for travelers and the aviation market.
    2024/04/30 16:58
  • 姜麗文香港補辦婚禮!大秀甜蜜結婚照 秦沛喜迎女婿 

    姜麗文與老公柏豪原定20年結婚,但婚禮因為疫情延後,至22年在美國洛杉磯簡約行禮,不過家人當時只能透過影片參與婚禮。而最近姜麗文與老公就在香港補辦婚禮,只邀家人出席。她今午(29日)在社交平台分享喜悅,寫下:「A beautiful tea ceremony with our family. What a wonderful way to celebrate our love」又向老公告白:「Hello, best friend. I love you.」
    2024/04/30 09:56
  • IVE林口開唱炸翻1.8萬人 隊長嬌喊「我是你的小狗」超萌

    南韓大勢女團IVE由隊員包括隊長Yujin、Wonyoung、Gaeul、Liz、Leeseo、Rei組成,帶來生涯首次的世界巡迴「IVE THE 1ST WORLD TOUR ‘SHOW WHAT I HAVE’ IN TAIPEI」,台北站在國立體育大學綜合體育館連續兩天秒殺開唱,吸引近18,000人名粉絲瘋狂朝聖,愛上在地美食的IVE在福利Sound check時開心喜悅藏不住,不時電眼甜笑回應對DIVE(IVE粉絲名稱)的愛,還透露愛上「蓮霧」還用中文回覆「蓮霧好吃」接著許願想嘗試「鳳梨酥」。
    2024/03/04 10:15
  • 台灣第一千金行頭曝!2款愛包+1項鍊 「這款」出鏡率超高

    廖思惟23日在INSTAGRAM曬出一組近期生活照,並配文到「Let’s scroll thru random moments in my photo album what do we have?」,一系列照片中也意外曝光了多款廖思惟最近的精品穿搭,包括愛馬仕、PRADA、梵克雅寶等品牌,一起來看看台灣第一千金日常的愛用品!!
    2024/02/26 15:13
  • 圖輯/IVE來台開唱倒數 張員瑛「憔悴水腫」真實近照曝

    南韓大勢女團IVE於去(2023)年10月正式展開第一次巡演《Show What I Have》,為了前往下一站馬來西亞吉隆坡,她們16日也在仁川機場現身,預計為隔天的表演做準備。從圖片中可以看到,當天成員們身穿輕便又俏麗的服裝亮相,看起來相當有活力。不過,也有眼尖的粉絲發現,成員張員瑛雖以口罩遮住半張臉,但還是明顯看出眼睛周圍似乎有點水腫,略顯疲憊,讓粉絲們不禁心疼喊:「要好好休息!」此外,本次IVE也將於3月2日、3月3日在林口體育館開唱,剩下不到2個星期,相信不少粉絲們已經迫不及待期待著她們的到來。
    2024/02/23 13:01
  • 葛萊美得獎名單/泰勒絲4奪年度專輯「破紀錄」 22歲歌手抱走大獎

    第66屆葛萊美頒獎典禮已於台灣時間今(5)日稍早圓滿落幕,天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)憑《午夜>》破紀錄4度拿下最大獎「年度專輯」,成為史上獲得該獎次數最多的歌手,接受眾人喝采之餘,她還加碼宣布新專輯將於4月登場,讓粉絲們期待不已。另外,22歲女歌手怪奇比莉(Billie Eilish)不負眾望,以電影《芭比》主題曲〈What Was I Made For?〉拿下年度歌曲大獎,麥莉希拉(Miley Cyrus)則擊敗泰勒絲,抱走本屆「最佳流行歌手」。
    2024/02/05 14:19
  • EVA Air pilots secure right to strike

    Pilots for Taiwan’s EVA Air, supported by the Pilots Union Taoyuan (TUP), have voted in favor of striking due to ongoing disputes over pay raises. The TUP reported that out of the 910 participating pilots, an overwhelming 900 approved the strike action, with only 10 voting against it. The pilots are demanding a 20% salary adjustment, citing two main grievances – the hiring of foreign pilots amidst a staffing shortage and what they perceive as inadequate salaries and year-end bonuses, especially considering the airline industry’s substantial profits during the pandemic. EVA Air employs a total of 1,400 pilots, with 650 being TUP members. If all union member pilots choose to strike, it could result in half of the passenger and cargo flights being unable to operate during the Lunar New Year holiday. In contrast to the 2019 pilot strike at China Airlines, the TUP has stated that it will announce any confirmed strikes for 2024 at least 24 hours in advance to provide passengers with sufficient time to make necessary preparations.
    2024/01/22 12:14
  • 金球獎得獎名單/《奧本海默》狂拿5獎成大贏家 莉莉葛萊史東成首位原住民影后

    被視為奧斯卡的前哨戰的第81屆金球獎(Golden Globes),於台灣時間早上8點於美國洛杉磯揭曉,入圍大贏家為9項的《芭比》,全球賣破14.4億美元(約450億元台幣),《奧本海默》則以8項緊追在後,目前全球票房來到9.53億美元(約298億元台幣),目前已率先開胡,由小勞勃道尼拿下最佳男配角,克里斯多夫諾蘭也奪下最佳導演、席尼墨菲拿下劇情類最佳男主角。而《芭比》以最佳原創歌曲《What Was I Made For?》總算拿下一獎。《奧本海默》連拿5獎成本屆大贏家。
    2024/01/08 12:21
  • Lai Ching-te urges Taiwan to vote despite Chinese meddling

    Taiwanese presidential candidate Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has called on the Taiwanese people to use their votes as a defense against what he considers the most serious Chinese interference in the upcoming elections. Lai emphasized that while China has interfered in Taiwan’s elections before, the current situation is the worst. He believes that the best way to counter this interference is to ensure that the candidate supported by China does not win. Lai urged citizens to stand up against this interference by using their ballots to continue Taiwan’s progress and guarantee societal stability, economic growth, and the well-being of its people. He positioned the DPP’s battle not only against opposition parties but also against the Chinese Communist Party, underscoring the importance of maintaining a majority in the legislative yuan to prevent potential government functioning disputes. Lai kicked off his election campaign across 22 counties and cities, stating that this election is crucial for Taiwan’s future and Indo-Pacific peace stability. He encouraged the people to maintain the spirit of the past, choose the right person, and follow the right path.
    2024/01/03 15:45
  • TPP’s Ko calls for change in leadership

    Taipei mayoral candidate Ko Wen-je criticizes the lack of long-term vision and planning in economic policy by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and Kuomintang (KMT). Despite a 120% increase in Taiwan’s GDP since 2000, real wages have only increased by 4% and the country ranks sixth in total working hours globally. Ko believes that low wages and poor living conditions are not the fault of Taiwanese people but rather the result of the government’s lack of global strategic planning. He questions what keyword might define 2024 if the DPP and KMT continue to be in power, and asserts that a change in leadership is needed. Ko suggests that he should be elected president in 2024 to address these ongoing issues, emphasizing the absence of comprehensive strategic planning as the underlying reason behind the problems.
    2023/12/26 18:18
  • Ko criticizes DPP’s bilingual policy lacking concrete plan

    Taipei mayoral candidate Ko Wen-je criticized his opponent Lai Ching-te’s "Bilingual 2030" policy, arguing that it lacks a comprehensive plan and causes panic among educators and parents. Ko identified three major issues in Taiwan’s education system: limited social mobility for underprivileged children, a gap between school curriculum and society’s needs, and a lack of alignment with international practices. He also highlighted the disparity in educational opportunities between higher socio-economic families and disadvantaged ones. Ko criticized the existing bilingual education policy for lacking a concrete path to realization.
    2023/12/26 17:02
  • Dr. Chiang fears long-term effects on stabbing victim

    Dr. Chiang Kuan-yu, a prominent figure, criticized the inadequate security measures on campuses following a severe assault on a teenage student in New Taipei City. Dr. Chiang expressed concern that the victim’s life could be permanently altered due to the attack. He emphasized the potential long-term consequences, even if extracorporeal life support successfully saves the victim’s life and restores breathing. Dr. Chiang pointed out that prolonged absence of vital signs can deprive the brain of oxygen, leading to significant cognitive changes during recovery. The incident occurred when a 15-year-old male student scolded a female classmate for entering another classroom, which provoked her to seek help from a male classmate who then physically attacked the victim with a switchblade. Although the victim was revived through extracorporeal life support, his prognosis remains uncertain. Dr. Chiang condemned the incident as a serious campus safety issue and questioned how a juvenile delinquent managed to bring a knife into the school. He called for a "zero-tolerance" policy towards violence in educational institutions. Dr. Chiang further expressed concerns about the overall safety of students in what he described as a "dark campus" environment and stated that as a parent, he would not allow his child to continue attending the school.
    2023/12/26 10:46
  • 季芹又出事!雙腳佈滿水泡崩潰痛哭 王仁甫缺水慘吃「剩菜」

    2023/12/21 11:54
  • FamilyMart Taiwan sees fresh food sales jump 10% annually

    FamilyMart, a leading convenience store chain in Taiwan, has experienced significant growth in its fresh food sales, with an annual increase of at least 10% over the past three years. In 2022 alone, revenue from fresh foods reached NT$25 billion, accounting for over 30% of the company’s total revenue. Huang Cheng-tien, FamilyMart’s Fresh Foods Operations Manager, considers fresh foods a crucial strategic asset and has launched branded products targeting various market segments and trending categories. The focused brands, such as ’uno pasta’ for Italian pasta and ’minimore’ for desserts, have yielded impressive results, with pasta sales growing by 20% annually and dessert sales in 2022 skyrocketing by over 40%. FamilyMart has also made significant efforts to cater to health-conscious consumers, implementing structural reforms since 2016 that encompass ingredients, equipment, packaging, and processes. These reforms have contributed to the success of products like the tuna onigiri, which saw a 19% sales growth in 2022. Additionally, FamilyMart has collaborated with renowned restaurants and chefs, including Din Tai Fung, resulting in the sale of over 20 million co-branded items. These collaborations aim to create differentiated products by incorporating key ingredients from partners, such as a spicy sauce by Din Tai Fung used in unique offerings like grilled rice balls and fried noodles. In the first half of this year, FamilyMart’s fresh food revenue grew by an impressive 20%. The company’s General Manager, Hsueh Tung-tu, strives to attract more customers by offering unique products, following the motto "What others don’t have, we have; what others have, we excel in."
    2023/12/20 15:32
  • Jee Seok-jin takes health hiatus, exits ’Running Man’

    Beloved South Korean actor and variety show personality, Jee Seok-jin, has announced a sudden hiatus from all entertainment activities due to health concerns. Effective from December 18, Jee will be suspending all work commitments, including his regular appearances on the popular variety show "Running Man." Known for his humor and affable nature, Jee has been a key member of the show since 2010, amassing a significant fan base over the years. This marks the first break Jee is taking from the show since he joined its original cast 13 years ago. With the departure of another cast member in October, the "Running Man" team is now left with only five members, raising questions about how the show will adapt and what impact it will have on its future.
    2023/12/18 21:19
  • Yoga Lin stuns fans with surprise farewell at Taipei Arena

    Taiwanese singer Yoga Lin surprises fans with a flash mob performance after his last "idol" world tour concert at Taipei Arena. Wearing a paper bag mask branded with "yy," Lin serenades fans through a megaphone at the arena’s service counter. Accommodating live song requests, he performs hits such as "Linger On," "You Are What You Eat," and "Flight" before bidding farewell. Lin’s playful and unexpected stunt adds a perfect and memorable end to his tour.
    2023/12/18 21:06
  • Lai cites Hong Kong’s plight in Taiwan election rally

    Presidential candidate Lai Ching-te warns against Taiwan becoming the next Hong Kong and emphasizes the need to resist Chinese aggression. He cites Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Agnes Chow as an example of what Taiwan must avoid. Lai criticizes the plans of rival candidates to renegotiate the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement with China, recalling the 2014 Sunflower Student Movement. Vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim highlights Taiwan’s capabilities to construct warships and produce missiles, symbolizing the Taiwanese people’s fearlessness against Chinese pressure.
    2023/12/11 20:44
  • DPP’s Wang Shih-chien shrugs off vote-buying claims

    Amidst escalating tensions regarding allegations of vote-buying in Taiwan’s political arena, Wang Shih-Chien, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislative candidate for Taipei City, dismissed the accusations against him as "boring" on Thursday (Dec. 7) without providing further details. The allegations surfaced when his opponent, Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Yu Shu-hui, shared a Facebook post revealing beer boxes featuring images of DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te and Wang at a local banquet. This incident adds to a series of controversial campaign tactics in Taipei, including KMT candidate Hsu Chiao-hsin’s alleged distribution of noodles as a form of vote-buying. Hsu criticized the DPP for distributing lunch boxes and beer with Lai’s campaign slogans, suggesting a double standard. In response, Wang presented photos demonstrating that Yu had also distributed campaign items such as small bags, dishwashing liquid, and snacks. This exchange underscores the ongoing debate over what constitutes inappropriate campaign gifts, as both major parties scrutinize each other’s activities leading up to the elections.
    2023/12/07 19:51
  • Taiwan stocks surge 44%, outshine S&P 500 and South Korea

    SinoPac Securities Investment Service (SinoPac Inv. Service) has released a report on the Taiwanese stock market, highlighting its impressive growth streak. Taiwan stocks have surged over 44% since 2020 through the end of November, outpacing South Korea’s market and even surpassing the US S&P 500’s gain. The report suggests that Taiwan stocks are poised to set a new high for the year, as the index has successfully breached the critical threshold of 16,800 points. SinoPac Inv. Service also points out that political performance and a thriving stock market are often seen as indicators of the incumbent’s record, with the stock market tending to show an upward trend before the presidential elections. Given the current momentum and what is described as a "multi-bottom pattern," investment strategists at SinoPac are suggesting a "bullish-bias" investment approach. As investors closely monitor economic indicators before making their predictions on the election’s impact, Taiwan’s stock market enters the end-of-year season with robust investor optimism.
    2023/12/04 19:47
  • TPP’s campaign manager denies resignation rumors

    Vivian Huang, campaign manager for Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je, has denied rumors of her resignation, stating that she will stay by his side until the end. This comes as the presidential election is approaching in less than two months. Huang emphasized her loyalty to Ko, saying, "I’ve fought by Ko’s side for the past three years. What does not kill you makes you stronger!" Additionally, the TPP and Kuomintang (KMT) reached a party alliance consensus, with Ko meeting with KMT heavyweights, including party chairman Eric Chu and presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih, with former President Ma Ying-jeou as a witness. Both parties have agreed to use a point-based system to assess public opinion poll results, with three recommended polling experts evaluating the polls from November 7 to November 17, along with two internal polls from the KMT and TPP. The results will be unveiled by the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation on Saturday, ultimately determining the order of the ticket – either Hou and Ko, or Ko and Hou.
    2023/11/16 12:11
  • Ko disputes farmers’ claim of ex-agriculture chief’s success

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je criticized former Minister of Agriculture Chen Chi-chung for what he sees as ineffective agricultural policies. During a visit to Tainan, Ko asked farmers to name the most successful former Council of Agriculture chief, and some mentioned Chen. Disagreeing with this view, Ko criticized Chen’s subsidy policy, specifically the funding allocations for eggs and pork, which he believes have not brought about structural changes in Taiwan’s pig and poultry industries.
    2023/10/29 17:52
  • 楊祐寧曝愛妻懷孕驚險瞬間 竟邊「宮縮」邊視訊開會

    男星楊祐寧(祐祐)的YouTube頻道「What a life」今晚8點將上架最新一集《你們的CEO很扯》,本集主打全程由他親自掌鏡,以「老公視角」記錄老婆Melinda懷二胎到生產的過程,預告影片只見已開始宮縮的Melinda躺在醫院待產,仍緊握手機跟她自創保養品牌nomel員工們視訊開會,楊祐寧不敢置信直呼:「好扯喔!你們的CEO正在宮縮,還在跟你們開會!」讓她笑說:「緊急狀態沒辦法啊!」
    2023/10/16 16:13
  • NBA/讚柯瑞成就偉大!小李談交易「拒加盟勇士」:寧願每年輸球

    休賽季提出「賣我(Trade Me)」請求後,遲遲未能如願前進邁阿密的拓荒者王牌里拉德(Damian Lillard),雖然不排除將現身秋訓的可能,但仍希望可以離開效力了11個賽季的波特蘭;登上播客節目《It Is What It Is》時,里拉德也談到了自己尋求交易的心境、提到對聯盟現狀的部分看法,以及針對「潛在下家」相關流言的看法;其中里拉德直言,自己絕對不會加盟勇士。
    2023/09/20 13:03
  • 有片/震撼回歸!巨石強森重返摔角場 招牌動作痛扁對手

    身材魁武的好萊塢明星巨石強森(Dwayne ’the Rock’ Johnson)為職業摔角選手出身,雖然轉戰影壇多年,在摔角場上的名言「If you Smell What The Rock is Cooking!」(你猜得到巨石強森我葫蘆裡在賣什麼藥嗎?)至今仍讓粉絲津津樂道;闊別摔角場4年的他,15日震撼回歸,在與對手西奧里(Austin Theory)互噴垃圾話後,連秀2記招牌動作海扁對手,讓全場觀眾為之沸騰。
    2023/09/17 10:18
  • 不只美國隊長!「電音金童」秘婚小6歲女主持人 甩開泰勒絲情傷

    39歲「電音金童」凱文哈里斯(Calvin Harris)打造多首火紅電音歌曲,最廣為人知的包含《Summer》、《Outside》,以及與流行天后蕾哈娜(Rihanna)合作的《This Is What You Came For》等單曲,在音樂獎項屢獲佳績。他去(2022)年爆出熱戀33歲電台女主持人薇克霍普(Vick Hope),如今戀情開花結果,小倆口被證實於9日低調秘婚,正式結為夫婦。
    2023/09/11 13:24
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