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    Water 結果共122筆

  • Approaching Typhoon Mawar threatens Taiwan’s eastern coast

    Coast guards erected barricades along the eastern coast beaches on Tuesday (May 30) to impede individuals from venturing into perilous areas. Coastal residents are urged to maintain vigilance against high waves and to refrain from approaching the water.
    2023/05/30 15:51
  • Spawning event transforms Penghu seascape into dreamy pink

    A dreamy pink coral sea emerged along the west coast of Cimei, the southernmost island in the Penghu archipelago, on Mother’s Day (May 14). The spawning event, which is a natural phenomenon that occurs when corals release their eggs and sperm into the water, captivated onlookers and cast a spell of awe and wonder.
    2023/05/16 14:05
  • 香港反送中策略啟發 法國反退改抗爭轉換模式

    法國退休制度改革抗議行動延燒不歇,但自政府強制通過法案後,抗爭模式改變。面對大規模警力與衝突,民眾受香港反送中Be water策略啟發,開始採自發小團體靈活聚散的方式。
    2023/03/23 11:23
  • Hsinchu Science Park implements water usage cuts

    Factories operating within the Hsinchu Science Park have commenced a reduction in water consumption in March as a result of scarce rainfall, according to reports. 
    2023/03/08 20:00
  • Taiwan’s thirst for rain grows stronger amid climate change

    Once again, the water supply in southern Taiwan has hit an all-time low due to record low rainfall in the area, the lowest in the past 30 years. 
    2023/03/07 11:50
  • Southern Taiwan to adopt water conservation measures

    Southern Taiwan has been experiencing a severe lack of rainfall since the end of last year.
    2023/02/21 15:32
  • 天花板狂傳「彈珠彈地聲」 內行曝真相:錯怪鄰居

    不少人都有在家中的天花板上會聽到彈珠「答答答」的彈地聲,尤其是在夜深人靜時聽到這些詭異聲音,總會讓人「心驚驚」,令不少人深得其擾,然而醫師卻表示,這其實是一種被稱為「水錘(Water Hammer)」的現象。
    2023/02/12 18:48
  • 《阿凡達:水之道》續航力驚人 躍升影史第4賣座強片

    《阿凡達:水之道》(Avatar: The Way of Water)持續雄霸票房第一寶座,週末在北美進帳約1570萬美元,全球累計票房已來到影史第4。
    2023/01/30 16:47
  • Low water levels in southern Taiwan spell drought in 2023

    Due to low rainfalls in southern Taiwan in 2022, the Central Weather Bureau pointed out that Taiwan may suffer from water shortage again in 2023.
    2023/01/06 17:24
  • Water sports businessman creates food delivery water bicycle

    A water sports businessman in Xiaoliuqiu created a food delivery water bicycle.
    2023/01/04 11:54
  • Water-filled rear tail light frustrate Taiwan Tesla driver

     A Taiwan Tesla driver has shared his frustration with his water-filled right rear tail light.
    2022/12/29 19:10
  • A winter spectacle:Crystal Palace in Taiwan mountains

    Last weekend, the cold weather froze the water on a mountainside in central Taiwan, creating a winter spectacle called the "Crystal Palace."
    2022/12/28 11:28
  • 《阿凡達2》規格太高 日影城「幀率降一半」才播得出來

    曾經創下票房神話、在台灣乃至於全球影史都是最賣座電影《阿凡達》的續集《阿凡達:水之道》(Avatar: The Way of Water)上周起在全球各地上映,但是電影製作運用了許多高規格技術,倘若播映設備性能不夠好,恐怕無法順利放映!近日就傳出日本有影城因為設備老舊、故障等技術問題,使《阿凡達2》無法順利播放,甚至有業者乾脆將電影畫面的幀率調低一半,才順利播映。
    2022/12/22 11:48
  • 12 Indonesian sailors lost at sea in shipwreck near Taiwan

    Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration reported Tuesday (Nov. 1) that 12 Indonesian sailors are likely lost at sea after a shipwreck near the Taiwan coast. The Panama-flagged freighter sank a day earlier near the coast of central Taiwan. The stormy seas and strong winds from Tropical Storm Nalgae reportedly tilted the ship, causing water to enter the body and damaging the engine.
    2022/11/03 19:04
  • 兒子出生就帶財! 許書豪當爸投資秒獲利50% 

    許書豪今年4月當爸,他今(18)日出席活動,分享當爸心得及新歌〈逼瓦特 Be Water, My Friend〉,他分享此次有與田一德合作舞蹈,笑說現在回家一直在練舞,也會跳給小孩看,每當小孩看到他跳比較大的動作,還會邊看會邊笑。許書豪說兒子超帶財,在兒子出生當天,就讓他投資的加密貨幣大漲50%。
    2022/07/18 21:00
  • 許書豪嘆田一德「舞者容易被遺忘」 致敬MV找來陳漢典

    許書豪新歌〈逼瓦特 Be Water, My Friend〉今(12)日上架,這首歌的誕生始於他對好友田一德的有感而發,田一德曾在選秀節目《這就是街舞》獲亞軍,並在《原子少年Atom Boyz》擔任導師,有感於「舞者」雖同為舞台上的表演者,卻常容易被觀眾遺忘,因此許書豪和他一同寫下歌曲為舞者致敬,歌名「逼瓦特」截自英文「Be Water」諧音,也是許書豪及田一德的人生哲學。
    2022/07/12 12:45
  • 「柴語錄」帶隊! 新北水利特展邀你一同探索WATER TOUR

    新北市政府今 (7/1) 日辦理《新北水利特展-柴語錄的WATER TOUR》開展記者會,知名IP的角色「柴語錄」布偶,也特別來到現場一同揭開序幕,向市民分享過去3年多來新北市落實「安居樂‧水」的秘訣,並帶領大家一起體驗水利建設的翻轉與創新!
    2022/07/01 19:29
  • 等了13年!《阿凡達》續集將上映 馮迪索參腳預告出爐

    等了13年!迪士尼影業近日在美國電影博覽會「CinemaCon」公布,全球賣座冠軍電影《阿凡達》續集《阿凡達:水之道》(暫譯,Avatar: The Way of Water),確定將在今(2022)年底上映,預告前導片於下週正式公開,另外首集《阿凡達》更將在9月重返全球大銀幕,引起影迷暴動。
    2022/04/28 22:03
  • 沖進馬桶5大詭異物品曝!網見1生物認了:我沖過

    英國一家水處理公司(South West Water)近日分享了人們沖進馬桶最詭異的5種物品,其中包括假牙、床單、眼鏡和內褲等,就連鈔票、金魚都上榜,有趣的名單曝光後引發熱議。
    2021/11/24 21:01
  • 鄧紫棋嗨炸3首!自創新歌獻唱 粉絲尖叫

    江蘇跨年晚會,藝人鄧紫棋抱病演唱,實力依舊不減,一身皮褲勁裝,飆唱3首歌,讓台下粉絲大飽耳福,尤其今年推出的《Walk on Water》新作,還是自己填詞譜曲。
    2020/01/01 01:48
  • 聖誕愛無限全台報佳音 音樂慶典 巫啟賢壓軸演出

    2019/12/06 14:29
  • 日皇德仁即位遊行 近12萬人夾道祝賀

    2019/11/11 20:01
  • 似水柔戰 港示威者多點「快閃」抗爭引市民聲援

    香港反送中4日採「Be Water」策略,示威者在中聯辦、銅鑼灣、將軍澳、觀塘與黃大仙等地,且戰且走「快閃」多點闢新戰線;港警因疲於奔命又爆無差別打人,反而激發市民上街支援示威者。
    2019/08/05 09:38
  • 【觀點】港人去中心化抗爭的優勢與極限

    2019/07/28 17:30
  • 李小龍Be Water精神 貫穿香港反送中浪潮

    反送中示威連續進行到第8個禮拜,這1個多月的浪潮中,示威者奉行武打明星李小龍的名言「be water」,讓占領行動變得有所進退,更為成熟,Be water讓香港的社會運動再進化,也考驗港府的應變態度與處理方式。
    2019/07/27 21:24
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