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    Water 結果共122筆

  • Tainan proudly showcases net-zero efforts at COP28 event

    Discover the sustainable achievements of Tainan City in Taiwan as Director-General Hsu Jen-tse shares the city’s strategies for net-zero sustainability at the COP28 conference. Learn about Tainan’s initiatives to combat extreme weather, promote sustainable development, and achieve low-carbon adaptation. Explore their efforts in constructing an electric bus transport system and implementing smart parking solutions to reduce air pollution. With a focus on renewable energy, Tainan aims to become a solar-powered city with 4GW of solar panel installations. Additionally, the city is actively harnessing renewable water sources, projecting a future water supply of 83,000 cubic meters per day.
    2023/12/07 18:51
  • Premier Chen inspects Dongshi Wharf’s NT$175M upgrade

    Taiwan Premier Chen Chien-jen visited Dongshi Fisherman’s Wharf in Chiayi County to inspect the completion of the water environmental enhancement project. The project, which cost NT$175 million, was funded in part by the Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program. Chen expressed hopes for the local oyster industry to establish a traceability system similar to Japan’s Seto Inland Sea oyster industry. Dongshi Fisherman’s Wharf is an important fishing port and tourist destination known for its oysters. The wharf faced challenges such as land subsidence and pier damage, but improvement measures proposed by Chiayi County Magistrate Weng Chang-liang received central government funding. The Fisheries Agency has allocated NT$2.068 billion for water environmental infrastructure projects across Taiwan, with Dongshi serving as an example.
    2023/11/25 17:14
  • Chiang Wan-an gives passing grade to Taipei Dome trial match

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an gave a positive assessment of the trial match held at the Taipei Dome, stating that there is room for improvement and that the citizens will ultimately decide. During a City Council meeting, Councilors Chen Yi-chun and Hung Wan-jen raised concerns about various issues observed during the trial match. These included the absence of surveillance cameras in the underground parking lots, water stains in the lobby, accumulated water underground, disarray among people and YouBike users, water supply problems in the toilets, unremitting water flow in some sinks, the lack of vending machines, and bilingual signage issues. Mayor Chiang promised to demand that the Farglory Group, the construction contractors, address these issues and make improvements. The trial match was conducted to assess the condition and facilities of the long-awaited multi-purpose stadium.
    2023/11/20 13:42
  • NDC notes Taiwan’s breakthroughs in green energy transition

    The Taiwanese government is taking preemptive measures to achieve its goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. Premier Chen Chien-jen highlights the importance of a talented workforce and enhanced research in guiding industries towards a green energy transition. The government is also focused on strengthening strategies and providing better services for domestic industries. The National Development Council is actively removing obstacles to land acquisition for overseas businesses returning to Taiwan. The Ministry of Economic Affairs has proposed a plan to increase water supply capacity and promote the use of reclaimed and desalinated water. Additionally, the MOEA is investing in renewable energy infrastructure, particularly in solar and offshore wind power, with the aim of establishing high-performance offshore wind ports.
    2023/11/16 21:21
  • MOA to reward catering industry serving healthy vegetables

    The Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) in Taiwan has announced that starting in January next year, food service businesses will only receive rewards up to NT $14 per serving if they agree to use organic or traceable agricultural products for 12 varieties of fast-growing vegetables, including bok choy and water spinach. However, the catering industry has expressed concerns about potential price increases during typhoon seasons or cold weather, which could make certified and organic products even more expensive. In response, MOA officials have confirmed that subsidies will be offered to mitigate the impact of vegetable price hikes, with school lunch allowances per serving potentially increasing from NT $3.5 to NT$10, and remote schools eligible for an allowance of up to NT $14 per serving. Chen Mig-hsin, Director of Taiwan’s Food Catering Association, has called for the approval of integrating QR-code usage for verified products during natural disasters, emphasizing the need for additional reward systems to better prepare domestic food suppliers for weather disturbances. Agriculture and Food Agency (AFA) Deputy Director Su Mao-hsiang has acknowledged the efforts made by catering businesses to support the MOA’s goals of promoting healthy and affordable school lunches. Currently, over half of the 3,800 tons of vegetables purchased weekly are organic and traceable products, and Su anticipates that the expanded purchase of healthy agricultural foods will further incentivize farmers to produce them.
    2023/11/16 19:50
  • MOEA ensures sufficient land for semiconductor industry

    The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) reassures that Taiwan has sufficient land for the semiconductor industry, despite concerns over shortages in land, water, energy, labor, and talent. Media reports claimed that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (TSMC) had abandoned its Longtan plant, highlighting potential issues in the semiconductor industry. However, the MOEA states that it is actively working on land allocation and expansion plans in science parks and industrial parks. The government aims to meet all land requirements for industry expansion and new factories, while providing full services to manufacturing businesses. The MOEA is fully committed to assisting semiconductor companies in developing in Taiwan, with the goal of maintaining Taiwan’s dominant role in global semiconductor manufacturing.
    2023/11/09 15:05
  • Taiwan military sets new rules to counter Chinese drones

    The Taiwanese Army (ROCA) has established three principles in defense against increased military drones from China. The Minister of National Defense, Chiu Kuo-cheng, stated that any violation indicates bad intentions, regardless of whether the drones crashed into water. The three principles, as reported by the media, involve troops prioritizing firearms use but considering the range for target shooting, assessing whether shot drones fell into water, and determining if ships were within a three-kilometer radius. Minister Chiu emphasized that these regulations are in place to ensure a clear understanding of how violations should be handled. Colonel Sun Li-fang, speaking on behalf of the Ministry of National Defense (MND), emphasized the urgency for the ROCA to respond swiftly upon detecting hostile behaviors from the opposing side.
    2023/10/31 15:35
  • Taitung imposes fines to tackle alarming dog fouling

    The Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau (TTEPB) is dealing with an increasing number of public nuisance cases related to dog poop, with 31 reports accounting for 1.53 percent of total cases from January to September 2023. The challenge for inspectors is that dog owners often leave before they arrive, making it difficult to gather evidence. Furthermore, inspectors have faced intimidation and even knife threats despite having verified evidence. In response, the TTEPB is urging dog owners to be civic-minded and bring cleaning supplies when walking their dogs. This includes leashes, poop scoops, waste bags, and water bottles.
    2023/10/26 15:26
  • Taichung mini hydroelectric plant to complete by year’s end

    The "Taichung City Mini Hydroelectric Development Plan" in Taiwan has signed a 20-year contract with collaborating companies for total funding. The project, led by Fong He Green Energy & Environment Co. and JetPro, aims to create a mini hydroelectric facility within Taichung City. The first facility, the Shishuike Creek mini hydroelectric power plant, is set to be completed by the end of the year and will have an installation capacity of 185KW.
    2023/10/26 11:27
  • Sinkhole appears at Hsinchu construction site for 3rd time

    A sinkhole appeared for the third time within three days at a construction site in Hsinchu County. The sinkhole, measuring 2 meters wide and long, continued to expand, causing concern among locals as it was dangerously close to residential areas. Initial assessments by local authorities suggest that soil erosion caused by debris influx was the cause of the collapse. This incident was similar to the previous two collapses, with the first one causing gas and water leaks and the site already experiencing lateral groove ruptures.
    2023/10/18 13:21
  • Taiwanese doctor joins frontline efforts in Gaza

    Taiwanese intervention in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, particularly in the Gaza Strip, aims to provide aid. Dr. Hung Shang-kai, an emergency physician from Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and part of Doctors Without Borders, has been stationed in Gaza since July. He hopes to improve the local emergency triage system to help more injured patients due to frequent conflicts and a shortage of medical resources in the area. The Gaza Strip faces challenges such as overdevelopment, saltwater intrusion, clean water shortage, and limited electricity supply, which result in medical supply shortages and hinder specialized treatment. Various organizations are extending their help to locals during these turbulent times.
    2023/10/16 10:49
  • Devastating destruction on Orchid Island after Typhoon Koinu

    Typhoon Koinu has caused extensive damage to Orchid Island, leaving residents without power and severely impacting infrastructure. Over 2,400 households have been affected, and communication systems are virtually non-operational.
    2023/10/06 15:13
  • 有片/巨蜥闖新加坡F1賽道遭「路殺」 澳足賽毒蛇亂入急喊停

    位於東南亞的新加坡屬熱帶雨林氣候,潮濕多雨帶來豐富的生物多樣性,動物「四處橫行」屢見不鮮;近日在當地舉行的F1(一級方程式賽車)比賽,就有好幾隻澤巨蜥(Water monitors)大搖大擺闖入賽道「湊一咖」,近距離觀賞賽車競速,不過其中一隻卻沒能來得及躲過急駛而來的車輛,當場被「路殺。」
    2023/09/17 17:27
  • Taichung’s 33-hour water suspension affects over 256K homes

    A 33-hour water suspension will occur in Taichung from Sept. 19 to Sept. 20, affecting approximately 256,998 households.
    2023/09/12 15:01
  • Gov’t official: Taiwan safe from treated Fukushima water

    Taiwan Cabinet Spokesman Alan Lin assured the public on Thursday (Aug. 24) that Taiwan’s coastal areas are not at risk following Japan’s decision to release treated radioactive water into the sea on the same day.
    2023/08/24 15:48
  • Brain-eating amoeba claims second victim in Taiwan

    Taiwan reports a second case of Naegleria fowleri infection, a deadly brain-eating amoeba, with a fatality rate over 99%. Warm freshwater environments pose a risk, causing severe infection known as primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM). Learn about symptoms, prevention, and risks.
    2023/08/10 20:56
  • 充氣溜滑梯變兇器 法父親被吹上50公尺高空重摔喪命

    法國南部聖馬克西曼拉-桑特博默(Saint-Maximin-La-Sainte-Baume)一處水上樂園,日前發生一起不幸的悲劇,有名父親帶女兒入園遊玩,沒想到卻在充氣溜滑梯上發生意外,滑梯被一陣大風吹走,整組飛上50公尺高空,導致人在滑梯上的父親在墜地後,出現心臟驟停(Sudden cardiac arrest)症狀,35歲父親最終回天乏術,救生員只成功救回3歲女童。
    2023/08/01 12:31
  • Be water!李小龍逝世50周年 功夫之外.精神更傳遞海內外

    2023/07/21 19:54
  • Fines possible for air-con water dripping, excessive noise

    Summer is the peak season for using air conditioners, and recently the New Taipei City Environmental Protection Bureau has received numerous complaints from the public regarding water dripping or noise caused by air conditioners, which have been negatively affecting their quality of life.
    2023/07/11 00:59
  • Sinkhole disruption: Taipei aims to resume traffic in 3 days

    The sinkhole that emerged on Monday (July 10) morning is ten times larger than the one that materialized on Saturday (July 8) night, measuring 20 meters in length, 15 meters in width, and 2.5 meters in depth, leaving road users astounded and residents apprehensive. Repairs are underway, and traffic is expected to resume within 3 days.
    2023/07/10 17:53
  • Experts delve into Taiwan’s security at forum

    Experts from various fields convened on Tuesday (July 4) at the Deep Water Geostrategy Forum, facilitating an insightful exchange about Taiwan’s security outlook and regional stability. The comprehensive discussions encompassed China’s global projection of power, critical technologies, geopolitical risk, and the enduring facets of Taiwan’s democracy and resilience.
    2023/07/06 17:16
  • Heavy rain causes severe traffic disruption in Taipei

    Severe flooding on Beian Road in Zhongshan District, Taipei City, near The Grand Hotel, and Zhishan Road in Shilin District has disrupted traffic with water levels exceeding 10 centimeters.
    2023/06/30 17:45
  • 全球最冷.最鹹海域升溫又萎縮!將加速暖化

    「南極底層水」(Antarctic Bottom Water)是地球上最冷、鹽度最高的水體,能吸收海洋多餘的熱能、和人為造成的碳排放,但最新研究卻指出,這片水域正在升溫和萎縮,可能對氣候變遷和海洋生態造成嚴重衝擊。而南極洲最脆弱冰川下方的地面則首次被繪製出來,能幫助科學家更好地了解它如何受到氣候變化的影響。初期地質分析發現,沉積岩比預期的要少,代表可能會影響未來幾十年冰的滑動和融化方式。
    2023/06/13 19:54
  • First stationary front of plum season brings heavy rainfall

    The first stationary front of the plum season is set to arrive on Tuesday (June 13), bringing short-term heavy rainfall and localized torrential rain to various regions, particularly in southern areas, as forecasted by the Central Weather Bureau (CWB).
    2023/06/13 18:44
  • Commuter shock: Unforeseen deluge at MRT Nangang Station

    In a surprising turn of events on Sunday night (June 4), passengers at MRT Nangang station were met with an unexpected sight as water gushed across the floor. The deluge, which caught many off guard, was not the result of pouring rain, but rather a leaked pipe in the male restroom.
    2023/06/05 19:19
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