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    Urban 結果共73筆

  • KMT Hou, Jaw blast rivals on urban mismanagement

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih and his running mate Jaw Shaw-kong criticize Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidate Ko Wen-je and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te over alleged poor urban administration. They highlight Ko’s lack of progress in the Shezidao area during his tenure as Taipei mayor and criticize Lai for allowing the burial of furnace slag in agricultural land in Tainan. The KMT duo showcases their achievements in transforming the Wugu Garbage Dump Hill into an eco-park, contrasting it with Lai’s term in Tainan. Hou emphasizes his background in public administration and strong execution skills, pledging to bring change to Taiwan and lead the Republic of China (ROC) toward further progress.
    2023/12/02 15:02
  • Weakening monsoon brings agreeable weather across Taiwan

    The weakening northeastern monsoon in Taiwan has resulted in temperatures staying above 17 degrees Celsius in northern Taiwan on Wednesday. The lowest morning temperature recorded was 16.7 degrees in Huwei, Yunlin County. As the monsoon shifts to a more easterly wind, cloud cover and localized short-lived showers are expected in the Northern and Northeastern coasts, as well as the Eastern half of the region. However, the western half of Taiwan will experience improved weather with sunny to partly cloudy skies. A front system on Thursday could increase cloud amounts and bring precipitation to areas north of Taichung and in the eastern half of the country, particularly in mountainous regions. Following the front, a southbound Northeast monsoon may lead to a temperature drop to 16-18 degrees in urban areas and possibly lower in suburbs at night. The arid and chilly influence will persist on Friday, with high temperatures ranging from 18-19 degrees in the north, 22-24 degrees in central Taiwan, 25-26 degrees in the south, and 21-22 degrees in Hualien and Taitung. This weather pattern is expected to continue until next Wednesday, providing Taiwan with a reliable forecast.
    2023/11/16 21:13
  • Taiwan popular science train sets out to inspire students

    The Taiwan Popular Science Train, now in its eighth year, has embarked on a journey across the island nation, bringing the excitement of scientific discovery to students. Premier Chen Chien-jen praised Taiwan’s digital economic growth and technological advancements, urging students to pursue careers in science. Minister Without Portfolio Wu Tsung-tsong and Digital Minister Audrey Tang also attended the kickoff ceremony. The train will visit both urban and remote areas, with stops including Taipei, Pingtung County, Hualien, Taitung, and Keelung. Approximately 240 elementary students are expected to participate in the event, which will feature over 330 experiments in fields such as zero carbon emissions, cyber security, artificial intelligence, and quantum and basic sciences.
    2023/10/30 16:59
  • 桃青局「城市節奏」設計展 在地「聲音」融合繪圖設計秀創意

    為鼓勵桃園青年設計交流並推動桃園設計產業發展,桃園市政府青年事務局於桃園設計庫辦理「城市節奏Urban Rhythm」主題設計展,帶領民眾探索音樂與視覺創作之間的連結,以城市的音樂及設計美學共創結合作品,即日起至11月12日前歡迎市民朋友前來觀展,互相交流彼此間的桃園專屬城市節奏。
    2023/10/23 14:45
  • Dazhi building collapse victims propose 3 demands

    Victims of the Dazhi residential building collapse in Taipei have presented three demands to the city government and expressed support for public urban renewal. The demands include returning to their homes within five years, the same property square meters plus parking space, and selecting their own construction company.
    2023/10/14 08:08
  • Dazhi apartment building demolition begins amid safety risks

    Demolition of the damaged Dazhi apartment building commenced under Deputy Mayor Lee’s supervision on Tuesday morning (Sept. 26). The affected residents are being offered temporary housing.
    2023/09/26 18:08
  • Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an shines in TIME100 Next list

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an has been named one of the world’s most influential rising figures in TIME magazine’s TIME100 Next list. He discusses his commitment to urban development and potential presidential candidacy, aiming to inject new energy into Taiwan’s political landscape.
    2023/09/14 20:32
  • Taipei mayor moves to resolve Dazhi building subsidence

    Chiang Wan-an introduced four measures on Sept. 11 to resolve the issue of residential subsidence caused by improper handling by Kee Tai Properties.
    2023/09/11 16:49
  • Ventilation corridors urged to counter urban heat island

    Office workers are grappling with extreme heat during the summer days as the urban heat island effect intensifies within the Taipei Basin.
    2023/08/13 13:21
  • Chiang Wan-an discusses bilingual education in Singapore

    Taipei City Mayor Chiang Wan-an embarked on an official visit to Singapore on July 5, where he engaged in discussions with Singaporean officials regarding the promotion of bilingual education, digitalization, and urban development. The visit aimed to foster mutual learning and collaboration between Taipei City and Singapore.
    2023/07/07 19:21
  • Aging buildings pose risks in earthquake-prone Taiwan

    The high number of aging buildings is causing concern for Taiwan’s residents, particularly in densely populated cities prone to frequent earthquakes.
    2023/03/20 18:55
  • 固特異球型輪胎360度無死角! 機動性超強還能變健身房?

    輪胎的樣貌已經固定了百年之久,基本上就是改變了胎皮的橡膠配方,除此之外似乎就有點了無新意,先前我們有看到米其林的免充氣式輪胎在慕尼黑車展上提供試乘體驗,現在另一個輪胎大廠固特異也宣布與雪鐵龍合作,將球型輪胎發揮最大效益,與雪鐵龍合作所打造的Urban Collëctif電動平台,在上面可以看到未來他們對於城市移動的交通願景,而模組化的設計也代表著將可以有非常多元的應用。
    2021/10/01 19:27
  • 超瞎趴飛天車拚明年試飛 有了它你連法拉利都懶得開!

    2021/08/18 15:50
  • BMX自行車賽連環撞 美國前金牌重摔後遭撞送醫

    東京奧運今(30)日在有明都市運動會場(Ariake Urban Sports Park),舉辦BMX自由車泥地土坡競速項目,但比賽中途發生嚴重意外,曾在里約奧運拿下金牌的美國選手菲爾茲(Connor Fields)與另一名選手發生碰撞,隨後在賽道上發生連環撞車事故,菲爾茲傷勢似乎相當嚴重,出動大批醫護人員協助將他以擔架帶離現場。
    2021/07/30 14:45
  • 休旅改電動超跑也改電動 Audi:我的盾形大嘴不會動!

    2021/07/22 17:08
  • Audi預告明年推3款電動新車 展現電能美學更重新定義移動概念

    從e-tron GT概念車到A6 e-tron概念車,Audi的電動車設計美學一直備受肯定,甚至完整保留概念車元素的e-tron GT quattro,更是目前電動車市場中美型四門跑車代表之一。近日,Audi設計總監Marc Lichte以及高級副總裁Henrik Wenders同步於Linkedin個人頁面分享一段對談影片,內容提到,Audi將於明年推出3款全新電動概念作品,展示Audi對於未來移動世界的概念演繹,更將預覽Audi新一代的電動車設計美學。
    2021/07/07 00:21
  • Lexus將推出豪華版86? 傳聞豪華雙門跑車UC將在今年現身

    這則傳聞或許有些天馬行空,但仔細想想Toyota集團近年來的發展方向,似乎又不是那麼離譜。那就是Lexus有意採用Toyota旗下雙門跑車GR 86平台為基礎推出豪華版本,就連車名都已經決定好了,就叫做UC,是Urban Coupe都會雙門跑車的縮寫。而且不會採用現行GR 86的汽油引擎,而是改為搭載油電混合動力系統。
    2021/06/25 11:49
  • Carlex Design打造豪華賓士9人巴 質感、機能全面提升!

    一般來說商旅車的設計通常較為務實,用料上也以兼顧耐用為主,但是來自波蘭的改裝品牌Carlex Design不這麼認為,以M-Benz Sprinter為基礎,打造出風格更強烈、內裝更豪華的Urban Edition Sprinter。經過Carlex Design改造之後,除了讓外型有更具張力之外,內部機能與豪華度都一併獲得提升,不過這樣的升級費用並不便宜,要價18,995歐元(約合新台幣64萬元),且不含M-Benz Sprinter車輛本車價格。
    2021/06/07 17:24
  • 大改款HR-V風格套件曝光 兩種選擇展現不同性格

    Honda在2/18發表全新大改款日規HR-V(Vezel),這次以嶄新的外型以及更加豪華的內裝,希望帶給消費者更勝以往的用車體驗。而在新車發表後,Honda也同步公開全新HR-V的原廠配件。這次帶來兩款風格套件,分別為Urban Style以及Casual Style,透過不同的風格呈現,讓車主在每個場景都能相當活躍。
    2021/02/19 10:49
  • 全新Defender正式上市 110長軸車型售價267萬起

    Jaguar Land Rover Taiwan於1/11正式在台發表全新世代Land Rover Defender,首波導入110車型,車系編成包含搭載MHEV輕油電混合動力的D250柴油車型,以及搭載汽油動力的P300車型。建議售價分別為267萬起以及300萬起。同時提供Explorer Pack探險家套件,Adventure Pack冒險套件,Country Pack鄉村套件與Urban Pack都會套件共四款專屬套件選項。 Jaguar Land Rover Taiwan於1/11正式在台發表全新世代Land Rover Defender,首波導入110車型,車系編成包含搭載MHEV輕油電混合動力的D250柴油車型,以及搭載汽油動力的P300車型。建議售價分別為267萬起以及300萬起。同時提供Explorer Pack探險家套件,Adventure Pack冒險套件,Country Pack鄉村套件與Urban Pack都會套件共四款專屬套件選項。
    2021/01/11 22:11
  • 可以上快速道路! CRF300L、CRF300Rally用來通勤也可以

    為滿足Honda Motorcycle車迷們的各種用車需求,Honda Taiwan不斷嘗試導入各式不同車款,現有販售高達19款二輪產品。涵蓋範圍自白牌車款到黃紅牌領域,更引進包含Urban、Adventure、Sports、Street、Cruiser等不同功能與風格的車種。
    2020/11/17 12:10
  • 檔車與速克達的混血兒? SYM線上發表倒叉KRN BT概念車

    SYM三陽機車今天以線上車展形式發表了9款機車,其中包含旗下BT靈獸系列的第三輛車款KRN BT,不但導入倒立式前倒叉及雙三角台,且官方還透漏未來將會有Urban、Scrambler兩種版本,造型與Honda Zoomer110有幾分相似。
    2020/11/03 17:44
  • Audi新年式Q5上市 直上主安與14萬元配備

    台灣奧迪宣布2020年式Audi Q5車款上市,並將ACC主動式定速巡航控制系統等多項安全科技列為全車系標準配備,且除45 TFSI quattro Active Plus與45 TFSI quattro Premium Plus外,新年式Q5還新增一款配備S line外觀套件等、總價值達14萬元的Q5 45 TFSI quattro S line Urban車型。
    2020/05/10 06:00
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