
Taipei mayor moves to resolve Dazhi building subsidence

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/09/11 16:49
Last update time:2023/09/11 16:49
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Taipei mayor moves to resolve Dazhi building subsidence (TVBS News) Taipei mayor moves to resolve Dazhi building subsidence
Taipei mayor moves to resolve Dazhi building subsidence (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an introduced four measures on Monday (Sept. 11) to resolve the issue of residential building subsidence in the city's Dazhi District caused by improper handling by Kee Tai Properties Co. Ltd.


Chiang stated that the city government will work with four major guilds from now on to conduct audits of all 184 construction sites in the city, particularly focusing on construction sites under the tenure of Kee Tai Properties and Fu Yi Construction.


The mayor also directed Taipei's Department of Urban Development to conduct across-the-board reviews of the standard procedures and mechanism of the "Taipei City Building Construction Neighbors' Damage Dispute Handling Rules" (台北市建築施工損鄰事件爭議處理規則).


"The proposed improvement plans will made public once ready," Chiang added.


Chiang ordered the Department of Legal Affairs, Taipei City Government, to submit official written proceedings today to petition a second wave of provisional attachment of property against the construction company.


Regarding the costs for the affected residents to take legal actions, Chiang reassured that the city government would cover the total amount in advance.

Taiwan Affairs

#Chiang Wan-an#Urban Development#residential subsidence#Construction#construction sites
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