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    Trade in 結果共120筆

  • MND confirms legal hurdle for the Narwhal submarine project

    Taiwan’s Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng comments on South Korea’s ongoing legal investigation into several marine tech firms involved in Taiwan’s navy submarine project. The probe poses questions about trade laws and raises concerns about regional security and potential economic retaliation from China.
    2023/10/17 17:29
  • Taiwan accuses China of using trade as political tool

    China’s decision to extend its trade barrier investigation into Taiwan, which coincides with the upcoming elections, is seen by Taiwan’s Executive Yuan as a politically motivated move to interfere with the elections. The Executive Yuan argues that this action violates World Trade Organization (WTO) rules. Taiwan maintains that it has not violated any WTO rules and criticizes China’s investigation process as opaque and discriminatory. The extension of the investigation date is seen as further evidence of China’s political agenda. Both the Executive Yuan and the Mainland Affairs Council call on China to stop politicizing trade issues and adhere to WTO regulations in resolving disputes.
    2023/10/09 21:14
  • Investigation into Taiwan’s trade restrictions extended

    China’s Ministry of Commerce has extended its trade barrier investigation into Taiwan’s trade restrictions towards the mainland. Originally set to conclude on Oct. 12, 2023, the investigation will now end on Jan. 12, 2024, a day before Taiwan’s 2024 general elections. The investigation, authorized under the Foreign Trade Law and the Foreign Trade Barrier Investigation Rules of China, targets 2,455 items blocked by Taiwan from mainland importation, including agricultural products, petrochemicals, and textiles. The extended analysis is expected to heighten tensions between China and Taiwan in the run-up to Taiwan’s crucial elections next year.
    2023/10/09 16:03
  • 蘋果官方舊換新方案來了! 「這2款舊機」換購價不降反升

    iPhone 15系列昨(22)日正式發售,不少蘋果使用者會選擇舊換新方案,來購買最新一代iPhone;而根據官方最新「Trade In」方案顯示,本次可換購的機種,包括iPhone 14系列到iPhone 7系列,最高可折新台幣30900元。另據媒體報導,有2款機型,相較去(2022)年換購價是不減反增。
    2023/09/23 20:14
  • Taiwanese in China face tougher business environment

    Taiwanese seeking opportunities in China face growing challenges, leading some to repatriate while others opt to stay. These challenges stemmed from the U.S.-China trade war, the COVID-19 pandemic, and China’s economic downturn.
    2023/09/07 17:22
  • Taiwan projects $50M trade opportunities in Malaysian expo

    The 2023 Taiwan Expo in Malaysia opened its doors on Thursday (Aug. 24) in Kuala Lumpur for a three-day run.
    2023/08/25 13:33
  • Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange kicks off in Kaohsiung

    TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange, funded by the Taiwan Stock Exchange and the National Development Fund commenced operations in Kaohsiung on Monday (Aug. 7) to advance Taiwan’s carbon credits trade business and to move another step towards Taiwan’s net-zero emissions goal by 2050.
    2023/08/07 19:59
  • iPhone15將登場 最佳「賣舊機時間」曝 錯過最慘虧65%

    除了iPhone 12外,近代的新系列iPhone幾乎是依循慣例在每年9月發布,但是搶購新機後,舊機何去何從?不少人選擇蘋果(Apple.inc)自家的舊換新方案,或是拿到二手交易市場賣掉。若不想在新機發布後,手上的iPhone二手價大跳水,外國手機回收業者透露最佳的出售時機。
    2023/07/15 17:18
  • 蘋果更新iPhone回收價!6機型縮水 這款二度調漲最保值

    蘋果一直以來都有推出「Apple Trade In換購方案」,讓用戶在購買新品時能以舊有的裝置折抵,因此也被外界視為官方的二手機回收價,而蘋果「舊換新」方案換購新機的價格表經常會進行異動,近日官方公布最新價格,有6款手機的回收價竟「不減反增」,其中iPhone 13 Pro、iPhone SE 3更是二度調漲價格。
    2023/07/01 18:12
  • Ko calls for legal foundation in cross-strait interactions

    Presidential candidate Ko Wen-je called on Tuesday (June 20) for the resumption of cross-strait exchanges and the reopening of negotiations on the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement (CSSTA). 
    2023/06/20 17:31
  • Taiwan’s beer industry resilient facing China’s import ban

    The shelves of Taiwan’s supermarkets are increasingly filled with Chinese-made beers, highlighting a stark disparity in the trade relationship between the beer industry on the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. As Taiwanese breweries face repeated bans on selling their products in China, they are now trying to establish alternative business partnerships.
    2023/06/09 18:26
  • Major trends for consumer electronics show IFA 2023 unveiled

    The world’s largest trade show for consumer electronics and home appliances, IFA (Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin), is set to take place in Berlin, Germany from Sept. 1-5. With travel picking up, this nearly century-old expo expects to draw around 200,000 visitors and has designated Taipei as the premier promotional city in Asia.
    2023/06/01 17:47
  • Taiwan official calls for more collaborations with the U.S.

    Taiwan’s Minister without Portfolio John Deng and other top officials are in the United States to attend the SelectUSA Investment Summit in Maryland from May 1 to 4. During a visit to Washington DC, Deng met with U.S. government officials to discuss bilateral trade agreement and investment opportunities in Taiwan.
    2023/05/05 20:13
  • 要賣趁現在!蘋果更新iPhone回收價 6機型不降反漲

    為了吸引果迷消費,蘋果向來都有推出「Apple Trade In換購方案」,讓用戶在購買新品時能以舊有的裝置折抵,被視為iPhone的官方回收價,而「舊換新」方案換購新機的價格表不時會進行異動;近日蘋果再度調整價格,這次竟然沒有任何1款機型降價,反倒還有6款機型調漲價格。
    2023/05/05 12:53
  • Expert shares insights on Taiwan’s role in global trade

    TAIPEI (TVBS News) — In a recent interview with Commentator Wenchi Yu in TVBS Meeting Room, Wendy Cutler, vice president of Asia Society Policy Institute and former acting deputy of the U.S. Trade Representative, shared her insights on globalization and the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade.
    2023/04/27 17:32
  • 蘋果更新iPhone回收價格 5機型縮水、4款不跌反升

    蘋果向來都有推出「Apple Trade In換購方案」,讓用戶在購買新品時能以舊有的裝置折抵,而「舊換新」方案換購新機的價格表不時會進行異動,近日官方再度調整了價格,當中有5款機型的回收價格「縮水」,4款機型調漲價格,另外11款機型的價格則是維持不變。
    2023/03/03 09:44
  • 蘋果悄更新iPhone官方回收價 5年前舊機竟不跌反升

    蘋果一直以來都有推出「Apple Trade In換購方案」,讓民眾在購買新品時能夠以舊有的裝置折抵,而「舊換新」方案換購新機的價格表時常會進行異動,蘋果繼去年11月調整價格後,近日再度悄悄異動價格,當中有14款iPhone的回收價「縮水」,但也有部分機型的回收價不跌反升。
    2023/02/01 08:14
  • 蘋果悄降16款舊iPhone回收價 唯獨這款不跌反升

    蘋果一直以來都有推出「Apple Trade In換購方案」,讓民眾在購買新品時能夠以舊有的裝置折抵,而「舊換新」方案換購新機的價格表時常會進行異動,近日官方悄悄調整了價格,當中有16款iPhone的回收價都下降了。
    2022/11/11 17:32
  • Taiwan chipmakers hit hard by U.S. export controls to China

    At the annual Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association (TSIA) convention held in Hsinchu on Wednesday (Oct. 19), TSMC Chairman Mark Liu said little on recent reports of waning demand due to the weakening global economy and trade conflicts between the U.S. and China.
    2022/10/20 17:32
  • 換手機趁現在!蘋果推限時「舊換新」 這機型最高折2萬

    想換手機的千萬別錯過!蘋果(Apple)近日推出「Apple Trade In 換購方案」,即日起至5月31日,只要拿符合條件的Apple裝置換購新機,就可以享額外折抵優惠,像是iPhone 12 Pro Max以舊機折抵,最高可以折到2萬元。
    2022/05/13 10:31
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