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    Taiwan Music Festival 結果共11筆

  • Hengchun peninsula thrives during 2024 Taiwan Music Festival

    The 2024 Taiwan Music Festival attracts over a million attendees, boosting the local economy of the Hengchun Peninsula and generating NT$ 1 billion in revenue for businesses. The event provides a platform for independent music and enhances musical tourism in the region.
    2024/04/08 17:41
  • 滅火器領軍!美國南方音樂節台灣卡司曝光 驚見人氣金曲新人

    一年一度的全球音樂產業盛會美國南方音樂節(SXSW Music,South by Southwest Music Festival) 將於3月11日至16日舉行,SXSW官方日前公布「Taiwan Beats Showcase」演出日程及活動詳情,臺灣演出團隊包括滅火器、持修、Gummy B、Mong Tong、恐龍的皮、Majin等6組音樂人,於當地時間12日晚間接力演出,
    2024/03/05 17:26
  • Miami celebrates Taiwan’s rich culture at Asian Festival

    Miami-Dade County Commissioner Anthony Rodriguez praises Taiwan’s hospitality and cuisine during the 33rd annual Asian Cultural Festival in Florida, where Taiwan showcased its traditional culture through various elements like electronic music and puppet theater. Taiwan’s representative office in Miami offered calligraphy scrolls and high-mountain tea to promote the nation’s culture, with Director-General Chou Chi-yu expressing gratitude to the festival’s organizers for fostering cultural understanding. Rodriguez and Chou encouraged attendees to explore Taiwan’s vibrant cultural scene firsthand.
    2024/03/05 11:00
  • Taoyuan Lantern Festival goes out with a bang

    The Taoyuan Lantern Festival concluded with breathtaking dragon dances, music, and circus acrobatics, connecting two venues with the Taolin Line Bikeway and setting the stage for the 2025 Taiwan Lantern Festival.
    2024/03/03 16:33
  • Fire EX. announces first northern Taiwan concert in 8 years

    Fire EX. announces "One Life, One Shot" concert at Taipei Music Center on June 15, marking their first major northern Taiwan performance in eight years. The band, known for their punk music, gained fame with their hit "Island’s Sunrise" during the 2014 Sunflower Student Movement. Join them for a unique musical experience showcasing life as "a film shot in one take." Don’t miss their upcoming North American tour and participation in South by Southwest festival.
    2024/02/27 13:44
  • Taitung brightens Christmas with Tiehua Lighting Festival

    Discover the Tiehua Lighting Festival in Taitung, featuring Taiwan’s tallest Christmas reindeer, vibrant lantern displays, and festive celebrations at the Tiehua Music Village from December to February.
    2023/12/16 09:52
  • Amis Music Festival resumes in Taitung after 3-year hiatus

    The Amis Music Festival resumed its melodious celebrations on Oct. 8 and Oct. 9 in Taitung after a 3-year hiatus due to the pandemic. Amis performers took to the stage to belt out their songs and swayed to the beat while the crowds below basked in the energetic music.
    2023/10/15 20:00
  • S2O Taiwan重磅回歸! 強勢推出性感比基尼水舞盛宴

    S2O Taiwan潑水音樂節今(2023)年8月19、20日在台北大佳河濱公園盛大登場,活動由泰國S2O Factory Company團隊來台操刀指導、Rising Film風度影業主辦、泰樂文化執行,引進獨家360度水舞系統來台,號稱霸王級「最濕派對」S2O Songkran Music Festival潑水音樂節。
    2023/08/18 07:00
  • 世界級電音節降臨台灣 Ultra Taiwan重量級卡司曝光

    世界最受歡迎之一Ultra Music Festival(超世代音樂節)每年3月在美國邁阿密登場,吸引全世界超過十萬人次的樂迷朝聖,也以Ultra Worldwide™的品牌在全世界6大洲、29個國家、26個城市遍地開花,台灣也是亞洲的重要據點之一。主辦單位宣布Ultra Taiwan將在明(2023)年4月16日於台北市大佳河濱公園重磅回歸,除了Mainstage(主舞台)之外,廣受好評、主打Underground Techno、House曲風的特色舞台RESISTANCE 同步登場,邀請多組全球最炙手可熱的電音藝人來台演出,將世界一流的聲光饗宴原汁原味搬來台灣。
    2022/12/16 16:19
  • Animal lovers praise music festival in Taiwan animal shelter

    Animal lovers in Kaohsiung enjoyed the 2022 Paw Wurf Music Festival this weekend.
    2022/12/05 22:15
  • 今夏必到!萬人一致好評的音樂節 S2O Taiwan Mix Edition

    泰國 S2O 潑水音樂文化節 (S2O Songkran Music Festival) 將於 9 月 5 日、6 日一連兩天,在台北大佳河濱公園再次來台舉熱鬧登場!去年突破兩萬人次共襄盛舉,一致好評的 S2O Taiwan,今年更加升級成 “Mix Edition”,除了場地規模擴大,還新增 6 種不同風格舞台,邀請超過 70 組國內外藝人、歌手演出,搭配全球獨一無二的 360 度噴水系統,絕對是今夏最涼最嗨的音樂節。
    2020/08/10 12:00
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