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  • Tainan prepares grand displays for Lantern Festival 2024

    The Taiwan Lantern Festival 2024 will be held in Tainan on February 3, featuring lantern areas in Anping and the High Speed Rail (HSR), covering a combined area of about 50 hectares. The Anping Lantern Area will be open from February 3 to March 10, while the HSR Lantern Area will be open from February 24 to March 10. The HSR lantern area, spanning about 28 hectares, is located around the International Convention Center Tainan (ICC Tainan) and consists of three main sections: the main exhibit, "Light in the City," and a "green-energy" zone. The main exhibit will have 11 themes, while "Light in the City" will guide visitors through Tainan’s 400-year history using sound, light, and art. One of the main attractions in "Light in the City" is the art installation called "Infinity Cube," a 16-meter-high structure funded by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) at a cost of over NT$10 million. The Infinity Cube is made up of thousands of mirror-reflective plates, creating diverse visual effects that reflect the surrounding environment during the day and illuminate the city at night. Tainan Mayor Huang Wei-che expressed gratitude to TSMC for its sponsorship and believes it will attract more visitors to the festival. TSMC sees this artwork as an embodiment of its ESG vision, focusing on green manufacturing, responsible supply chains, a diverse workplace, talent development, and caring for the underprivileged.
    2024/01/29 14:27
  • 馬修連恩去台東竟遇「蘇花公路隧道坍方」 最近狀況曝光

    國際環保音樂家馬修連恩1月14日下午1點於台東縣東部海岸國家風景區管理處都歷遊客中心戶外舞台舉辦「THE SOUND FROM TAIWAN馬修連恩來台25周年音樂會」,原訂今日將隨同海外音樂家小提琴手-Alana Martinson、吉他手-Elijah Bekk、成音師ToddTodd Hooge以及部分台灣樂手,搭乘保母車前往台東,並沿途走訪美麗的東部海岸,豈料,因為今(12)日蘇花公路大清水隧道嚴重坍方,只能臨時改繞屏東到台東。
    2023/01/12 13:28
  • 慶來台25年!馬修連恩免費開唱 嘉賓名單驚見金曲歌后

    國際環保音樂家馬修連恩將在1月14日於台東縣東部海岸國家風景區舉辦「THE SOUND FROM TAIWAN馬修連恩來台25周年音樂會」,特別邀來台灣音樂人陳明章與金曲客語歌后米莎助陣,他很欣賞陳明章用音樂講台灣的故事,尤其是愛流浪的生活態度;與米莎之前在桐花音樂會同場演出,也曾到她居住的農村家鄉拜訪,對於米莎回歸家鄉後找到自己獨特的聲音,更獲金曲獎肯定,讓馬修十分敬佩。  
    2023/01/05 11:57
  • 才辦完亡父紀念音樂會!馬修連恩91歲母親離世 中風2年身體衰弱

    有「國際環保音樂家」封號的馬修連恩,今年9月初在父親91歲冥誕當天,在父親留下的育空小木屋舉辦小型的紀念音樂會。無奈11月中他又遭逢至親離世,他的母親這2年因中風身體衰弱,在睡夢中辭世,享耆壽91歲。當下他放下手邊所有工作,到療養院陪伴母親走完人生最後一程。走過喪親之痛的他,逐步透過工作回歸生活正軌,更宣布明(2023)年1月14日於台東舉辦「THE SOUND FROM TAIWAN馬修連恩來台25周年音樂會」。
    2022/12/21 13:26
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