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    STOP 結果共72筆

  • 英倫敦街頭「慢速遊行」亂交通 62名氣候運動人士被捕

    2023/10/31 10:22
  • Chinese embassy urges U.S. to stop misinformation

    The Chinese Embassy in the U.S. has called on the United States to stop spreading misinformation and stated that China’s actions are necessary measures. This comes after the United States Department of Defense released videos and photographs showing People’s Liberation Army aircraft approaching and releasing jamming projectiles near U.S. military aircraft. The spokesperson emphasized that U.S. military aircraft conducted 657 close-reconnaissance missions in the South China Sea in 2022.
    2023/10/21 17:50
  • Taiwan accuses China of using trade as political tool

    China’s decision to extend its trade barrier investigation into Taiwan, which coincides with the upcoming elections, is seen by Taiwan’s Executive Yuan as a politically motivated move to interfere with the elections. The Executive Yuan argues that this action violates World Trade Organization (WTO) rules. Taiwan maintains that it has not violated any WTO rules and criticizes China’s investigation process as opaque and discriminatory. The extension of the investigation date is seen as further evidence of China’s political agenda. Both the Executive Yuan and the Mainland Affairs Council call on China to stop politicizing trade issues and adhere to WTO regulations in resolving disputes.
    2023/10/09 21:14
  • 柏林地標遭潑漆! 氣候變遷抗議者籲「禁化石燃料」

    2023/09/18 09:21
  • 6千萬點閱全沒了!洪佩瑜〈踮起腳尖愛〉突遭下架 嘆:心情複雜

    2023/09/10 11:22
  • Taiwan VP deems China’s military exercises as election ploy

    Taiwanese Vice President Lai Ching-te condemned China’s recent military exercises in light of his transit through the U.S. during the "Stop Killing Pedestrians" march on Sunday. (Aug. 20)
    2023/08/21 12:00
  • Lai Ching-te vows to tackle road safety issues at Ketagalan

    Taiwan presidential candidates Lai Ching-te, Hou Yu-ih, Ko Wen-je, and Foxconn Founder Terry Gou,addressed crowds at the "Stop Killing Pedestrians" march on Ketagalan Boulevard on Sunday, August 20.
    2023/08/21 10:14
  • Lai to stop in New York, San Francisco for Paraguay tour

    The Presidential Office announced on Wednesday (Aug. 2) that Vice President Lai Ching-te will attend the inauguration of Paraguay’s new President Peña, leading a delegation on a 7-day tour starting Aug. 12.
    2023/08/02 14:49
  • Worker accused of student’s death released on NT$30K bail

    A worker surnamed Li faced charges of manslaughter and was released on a NT$30,000 bail on Friday (July 21), a day following the tragic death of a 21-year-old university student. The unfortunate incident occurred when a 30-kilogram air conditioning unit fell on the student while she was waiting at a bus stop in New Taipei City.
    2023/07/24 16:08
  • Tragic accident claims life of woman at New Taipei bus stop

    A 21-year-old woman surnamed Huang was tragically killed when a 30-kilogram air conditioning unit fell on her while she was waiting for a bus in New Taipei City on Thursday (July 20).
    2023/07/20 16:31
  • Taipei Metro launches emergency stop buttons on Wenhu Line

    Taipei Metro launched two emergency stop buttons at a Wenhu Line station on Thursday (July 13) to enhance safety measures following the deadly accident on the Taichung Metro in May.
    2023/07/13 20:12
  • 法網/「科索沃是塞國心臟」 喬帥和平喊話捲統獨爭議挨轟

    網壇盛事法網(French Open)正式開打,手中有23座大滿貫冠軍的喬科維奇 (Novak Djokovic),首輪輕鬆獲勝後,卻因賽後發言,讓身為塞爾維亞公民的自己,無端捲入塞國與科索沃(Kosovo)之間長年統獨議題。綜合外媒報導,喬科維奇賽後接受家鄉媒體訪問時,說出並寫下「科索沃是塞爾維亞的心臟,停止一切暴力紛爭!」(Kosovo is the heart of Serbia. Stop the violence),本應只是呼籲和平,卻因涉及敏感主權認同,讓歐美網友大舉抨擊喬帥,不少人更指出科索沃早就獨立,這種言論被轟根本是自找的。
    2023/05/30 10:22
  • Group demands gov’t to stop bilingual education

    student group expressed opposition to Taiwan’s bilingual education policy on Monday (May 15), amid the country’s aim to become a bilingual nation by 2030.
    2023/05/15 19:19
  • Ma Ying-jeou pays respect to Sun Yat-sen in Nanjing, China

    Taiwan’s former President Ma Ying-jeou traveled to Nanjing on Tuesday (March 28) to visit Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum, marking the first stop of his 12-day journey in China.
    2023/03/28 17:47
  • Taiwan egg price remains the same despite shortage

    The Taiwan Council of Agriculture (COA) has decided to put a stop to egg price hikes, despite a shortage of 4.6 million eggs. 
    2023/02/08 18:00
  • 羅志祥再濕也要跳 敬業淋雨這裡「塌了」猛跳20分鐘還不停

    2023/01/01 01:04
  • Tourists escape the cold in Taiwan’s hot spring areas

    This weekend’s cold spell didn’t stop the Taiwanese people from visiting tourist spots around Taiwan.
    2022/12/19 17:28
  • 羅志祥曝獨家喜訊!跨年只想陪最愛的「她」 甜喊:格外珍惜

    2022/12/14 15:32
  • Taiwan to stop covering COVID fees of foreigners without NHI

    Taiwan announced on Monday (Dec. 5) that it will stop paying for COVID-related medical fees of foreign nationals who don’t have national health insurance starting on Jan. 1, 2023.
    2022/12/06 20:21
  • 停止造謠!具俊曄護愛反擊汪小菲 韓網力挺:好好保護大S

    女星大S和汪小菲的離婚風波持續延燒,連日幾天兩家人馬隔空互嗆,火藥味濃厚,就連具俊曄也跟著躺槍。對此,大s發出6點聲明,希望能讓事情到此為止,而始終保持沉默的老公具俊曄,稍早也首發聲寫下「Stop Fake News」,似乎在回應汪小菲和張蘭母子的各種惡意攻擊。
    2022/11/24 22:02
  • 具俊曄槓上汪小菲! 沉寂4天「霸氣發文聲援大S」:請停止

    汪小菲從21日起,接連在微博發文怒轟大S,甚至嗆大S的老公具俊曄「換個床墊行嗎?」,其母親張蘭也指控大S在還沒與汪小菲結束婚姻關係時,就婚內出軌具俊曄。就有大陸網友去翻具俊曄的IG,發現他2018年有PO過幾次來台灣的文,表示他疑似因為心虛,將這些文章都刪掉,但事實證明具俊曄根本沒有刪;沉寂4天,具俊曄終於打破沉默,在IG上貼出多張證據,霸氣寫下「Stop Fake News」聲援老婆大S。
    2022/11/24 22:01
  • 環保人士又出招!爬上倫敦高速公路門架抗議 釀封路堵車

    2022/11/08 08:43
  • 名畫又遭殃! 戴珍珠耳環的少女遭環保人士「頭襲」

    2022/10/28 08:50
  • 環保人士再示威「改丟蛋糕」 英王蠟像遭奶油砸臉

    擺設在倫敦杜莎夫人蠟像館(Madame Tussauds)的英國國王查爾斯三世(King Charles III)蠟像,今天被氣候變遷倡議人士朝臉上砸了巧克力蛋糕。
    2022/10/25 08:54
  • No PCR test needed on arrival in Taiwan starting Sept. 29

    As Taiwan gradually begins to relax its borders, many have expressed worries about the changes in the epidemic-prevention regulations, arguing that they won’t do much to stop the virus from spreading.
    2022/09/28 19:43
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