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    飲料死亡國家青鳥行動黑夜奇俠潮境公園 私立大專校院孫鵬NVIDIA降雨
  • 搜尋:

    Round 2 結果共8筆

  • Legislative Yuan elects new leadership amid high stakes

    The 11th term legislators in Taiwan reported for duty and will elect the new Speaker and Vice Speaker of the Legislative Yuan. Notable incumbents include Han Kuo-yu, Wang Shih-chien, and Huang Kuo-chang. The KMT has put forth Han Kuo-yu and Johnny Chiang as candidates, while the DPP has nominated You Si-kun and Tsai Chi-chang. The TPP has unanimously elected Huang Shan-shan as its candidate. The KMT controls 54 seats, the DPP holds 51, and the TPP has eight. If no one secures a majority in the first round, a second round will be held. The speaker election will take place from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., followed by the vice speaker election from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Results are expected by 5 p.m.
    2024/02/01 11:35
  • Taipower to hire 1,103 specialists in 2024

    Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) is planning to hire 1,103 specialists in various fields, including power distribution and transmission, substation, and electromechanical, by 2024. Applications for these positions will be accepted from January 2 to January 15, with preliminary exams scheduled for May 12 in Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung, and Hualien. The results of the preliminary exams will be announced on July 16, and the second round will take place on August 6 in Taipei. After selection, new recruits will undergo one year of training and will receive a starting salary of NT$32,000, along with performance bonuses amounting to approximately 4.4 months of year-end bonuses. The largest portion of the jobs on offer is for maintenance staff for power distribution lines, with 429 positions. The next highest category consists of 157 posts for general administration workers, including 38 positions reserved for individuals with disabilities. This recruitment drive also includes three new positions in material management and various other maintenance and engineering roles. Certain positions require higher qualifications, such as a manual car license or a commercial heavy vehicle license. Taipower aims to address staff retirements, ensure stable power supplies, and implement net-zero transformation in the power industry to meet Taiwan’s energy needs.
    2023/12/26 13:12
  • 不畏颱風3萬人搶聽 蘇打綠才唱4首歌無預警道歉了  

    蘇打綠自從2017年1月1日舉辦完「『樂』計畫」演唱會後,就宣布休團,經過6年的等待,他們經過拿回蘇打綠商標權,在今(30)日蘇打綠日,在兩廳院藝文廣場舉行「Round 2」演唱會,大批粉絲不畏瑪娃颱風的來襲,聚集在廣場就是為了聽蘇打綠,估計3萬名粉絲到場,他們一登場就帶來〈再相遇〉、〈喜歡寂寞〉、〈下雨的夜晚〉、〈十年一刻〉,其中唱到〈十年一刻〉之前,青峰就先問粉絲:「這首歌有人會唱嗎?不是很相信耶,你們只會唱副歌,主歌根本不記得,你們試試看呀。」沒想到歌迷真的會唱,他直接道歉:「對不起是我誤會你們了。」
    2023/05/30 20:40
  • 蘇打綠530開唱!粉絲敲碗重現「這橋段」 青峰太害羞竟想逃跑

    蘇打綠奪回團名後,將社群帳號改為「蘇打綠aka魚丁糸」以及「sodagreen_aka_oaeen」,並宣布將於5月30日晚間7點半於兩廳院藝文廣場舉辦《Round 2》戶外演唱會,這個免費入場的大型復刻活動,將帶歌迷回到2017年第一天的故事,一起大聲喊出「蘇打綠」3個字。
    2023/05/26 14:40
  • 蘇打綠回來了!奪回團名大動作做這件事 宣布這天免費開唱

    魚丁糸奪回團名,更名社群帳號「蘇打綠aka魚丁糸」、「sodagreen_aka_oaeen」,中午更直接霸氣宣布「一個重要的日子,我們老地方見!」說到做到、承諾兌現的6人,將在5月30日的「蘇打綠日」回到2017年第一天的故事,於晚間7點半在兩廳院藝文廣場帶來「Round 2」,舉辦一日限定的戶外演唱,而免費入場也是延續6人的無限心意。
    2023/05/02 14:43
  • 穿搭照藏彩蛋!超模未婚妻曬凸肚 傑森史塔森再度當爸

    「光頭男神」傑森史塔森最早因犯罪電影《兩根槍管》和《偷拐搶騙》打開知名度,隨後又以經典的《玩命關頭》系列、《偷天換日》等多部動作片,在美國電影圈大放異彩。2016年與超模未婚妻蘿西杭亭頓宣布訂婚,隔年便產下1子,事隔4年再傳出好消息,未婚妻在IG宣布,Round 2(第二輪),表示已經懷了2寶!
    2021/08/20 21:23
  • 恭喜!維密辣妻曬孕肚 「魔力紅」亞當再當爸!

    美國流行天團「魔力紅」(Maroon 5)主唱亞當李維(Adam Levine),3年前娶維密(Victoria's Secret)辣模老婆貝哈蒂普林斯露(Behati Prinsloo),去年9月喜迎愛女達絲蒂蘿絲(Dusty Rose),讓亞當開心大喊:「我當爸爸了,還有一個全世界最美的老婆!」,今(14)日老婆再曬孕肚照,預告自己懷第2胎,讓粉絲紛紛獻上祝福。 貝哈蒂普林斯露去年9月產下愛女後,休養5個月,今年2月回歸伸展台,卻沒影響2人「做人」進度,今(14)日在個人IG分享孕肚照,並發文「ROUND 2.....」,預告自己懷第2胎,不到10小時超過56萬人按讚,並紛紛獻上祝福。 不過貝哈蒂普林斯露日前宣布,將出席今年在上海舉辦的「上海舉辦的「維多利亞的祕密」內衣秀,現在傳出懷孕消息後,是否會影響出席「維秘」秀,經紀公司目前尚未回應。
    2017/09/14 16:27
  • MiLB/曹錦輝救援成功 連6場無責失

    旅美投手曹錦輝最近狀況不錯,台灣時間9日面對德州遊騎兵3A球團Round Rock Express,曹錦輝在球隊領先局面登板後援,投1局飆出2次三振關門成功,幫助所屬球隊Oklahoma City Dodgers以7比5贏球,曹錦輝獲得今年在3A首場救援成功,連續6場登板無責失分。
    2015/06/09 15:12
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