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    Package 結果共19筆

  • U.S. delegation backs Taiwan’s security and global role

    Vice President Lai Ching-te and Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim meet with U.S. Representative Jack Bergman to discuss Taiwan-U.S. cooperation in stabilizing the Taiwan Strait. The meeting underscores the significance of the Taiwan Relations Act and recent U.S. initiatives to bolster Taiwan’s national security.
    2024/03/28 14:23
  • Jimny五門版印尼開賣!售價免百萬 加碼推3大實用套件組

    Suzuki Jimny五門版最初於印度亮相之後,也陸續導入全球各市場,且原廠同樣有左駕版滿足像是中東、菲律賓等地區。而台灣總代理雖然還沒相關的導入計畫,但國內已有貿易商先行從中東引進,並開出建議售價138萬元,預計最快3月底交車。日前,Jimny五門正式登陸印尼,建議售價4.62億~4.786億印尼盾,換算新台幣約93萬~96.3萬元,原廠更推出3大兼具實用性與帥氣的風格套件組,連露營套組都一併提供,滿足各類車主需求。
    2024/03/04 13:47
  • Taichung pork tests positive for lean meat powder: FDA

    Taiwan’s FDA confirms detection of Cimbuterol in pork sample from Taichung, with trace levels at 0.001ppm. Public urged not to worry as only one package tested positive and levels are very low. Further test results to be released after the holiday.
    2024/02/07 11:39
  • Taiwan to U.S. travel nears pre-COVID levels, up 84%: MOTC

    Discover America Committee in Taiwan President Brenda Tang revealed that the U.S. travel market from Taiwan has rebounded to 84% of pre-pandemic levels, according to data from the Tourism Administration. Taiwanese travelers heading to the United States surged by 185% from January to October this year, reaching 396,913, as reported by the National Travel and Tourism Office. Flights to the U.S. during the peak summer season had load factors of over 90%, while the off-peak months of September and October maintained load factors of at least 85%. China Airlines and EVA Airways have nearly returned to pre-pandemic flight levels, and Starlux Airlines is set to launch its San Francisco route. United Airlines plans to double its Taipei to San Francisco flights, and Delta Air Lines is preparing to commence a Taipei to Seattle route. Tour package prices to the U.S. for the first quarter of next year and the Lunar New Year peak season are expected to increase by no more than 25%, offering travelers some price assurance amid growing demand.
    2023/12/12 19:26
  • 204 workers accept severance from Launch Tech after layoff

    Launch Technologies Co., a golf manufacturer in Pingtung, Taiwan, has reached a severance agreement with 204 of its local workers following a layoff plan submitted last month. The company, which suffered a significant explosion at its factory in September, has also helped some employees find new jobs and provided them with generous severance pay. The Ministry of Economic Affairs has pledged to closely monitor the labor rights of the affected workers. The factory buildings remain closed and operations will only resume after third-party verification of their structural safety. Launch Technologies has established an internal legal team to compensate the impacted employees and has committed to continuing salary payments through the end of the year.
    2023/12/07 14:30
  • Taiwan to include mainland students in NHI program

    Taiwan Premier Chen Chien-jen has announced that mainland Chinese students who have completed their academic registration for six months will be included in Taiwan’s National Health Insurance (NHI) program, similar to foreign and overseas Taiwanese students. The new policy is set to take effect on Feb. 1, 2024. Chen emphasized the universal value and fundamental human right of health, and highlighted that the new policy will aid in epidemic prevention efforts. The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) will announce the new regulations in accordance with the Enforcement Rules of the National Health Insurance Act. Chen also urged related government bodies to prepare administrative procedures and effectively communicate with mainland students. Currently, overseas Taiwanese and foreign students who have resided in Taiwan for more than six months with a residence certificate can apply for NHI coverage through their schools. Foreign students are required to pay NT$826 per person per month for their NHI package.
    2023/11/23 17:49
  • Yellen highlights U.S.-China divide over Taiwan status

    Amid growing tensions between the U.S. and China, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen revealed that there is a significant divide between U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping regarding the global status of Taiwan. Despite the U.S. officially recognizing the Chinese Communist Party as the sole government of China, it maintains that Taiwan is an autonomous territory. The deadlock between Biden and Xi on the "Taiwan issue" could have severe military consequences, as China has deployed warships, drones, and bombers near Taiwan. Concerns are rising that this intimidating activity could lead to a head-on confrontation and spark a full-scale conflict. To address the risks, Biden proposed a $105 billion assistance package, including nearly $2 billion for security measures in Taiwan and the broader Indo-Pacific region.
    2023/11/22 20:29
  • TSMC sees orders hike as October revenue hits record levels

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) predicts a surge in artificial intelligence (AI) orders in the coming year, with October’s revenue reaching NT$243.203 billion ($8.6 billion), a 34.8 percent monthly increase and a 15.7 percent annual increase. TSMC’s stock price has also been on a steady rise, accumulating a growth of 7.5 percent since November. Morgan Stanley semiconductor research analyst Charlie Chan attributes TSMC’s revenue growth to signs of recovery and the robust demand for AI semiconductors worldwide. NVIDIA’s expanded order to TSMC, along with increased demand from clients like Apple and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), has led TSMC to accelerate the enhancement of its advanced packaging technology, Chip on Wafer on Substrate (CoWoS). CoWoS enables TSMC to effectively reduce costs and trim electric consumption by packaging chiplets on a silicon interposer and placing them on a package substrate. However, TSMC’s current CoWoS capacity remains a bottleneck for NVIDIA’s AI GPU chips, though the company forecasts a rebound in productivity by the end of 2024 to meet customer demand.
    2023/11/16 21:24
  • 有機專區68折!外送平台推循環外送袋 抽免費霜淇淋

    周六世界地球日啟發全民綠色行動,Uber Eats 優市宣布和 PackAge+ 配客嘉合作,於即日起至5月4日合作推出「蔬福袋」與「循環外送袋」,號召消費者在享受便捷的外送生活同時也重塑美麗綠色地球,蔬福袋內含自選3種蔬果,如果到全家便利商店歸還有機會免費吃霜淇淋。
    2023/04/23 11:08
  • Some TSMC staff unhappy about U.S. relocation package

    TSMC employees who have relocated to the United States from Taiwan have claimed in a recent online post that they are being treated differently than the American staff. The article was posted on the online platform PTT, and translated and reposted on the American forum Reddit.
    2022/12/09 02:23
  • U.S. to upgrade Taiwan military weapon package

    Washington has proposed selling 100 most advanced Patriot air-defense missiles with radar and support equipment, according to a US Department of State notice obtained by Bloomberg News.
    2022/12/07 18:40
  • 食安注意 知名寶可夢款泡麵檢出農藥殘留

    食藥署今(1)日公布邊境檢驗不合格產品,當中包括日本進口的知名泡麵「SANYO芝麻醬油風味碗麵(SANYO SAPPORO ICHIBAN GOMA RAMEN CUP POKEMON PACKAGE )」檢出農藥殘留含量不符規定,一共45.6公斤退運或銷毀。
    2022/11/01 13:02
  • 日本再放寬邊境!擬開放無導遊套裝行程 入境調升至5萬人

    日本首相岸田文雄今(31)日舉行記者會,宣布將再次放寬邊境管制,自9月7日開始,單日入境人數上限將調整為5萬人,也將接受來自全球無導遊的套裝旅行(package tour)遊客入境。日本政府將觀察第7波疫情的狀況,討論是否廢止入境人數限制。
    2022/08/31 11:11
  • 22年式Mazda CX-30售價82.8萬元起 導入CTS全速域車道維持輔助

    Mazda於11/16推出2022年式Mazda CX-30,這次除了接單生產的20S之外,全車系皆導入了CTS全速域巡航模式車道維持輔助系統,讓安全防護品質可以獲得實質提升。建議售價方面,2022年式CX-30的售價自82.8萬元起,目前2022年式CX-30已經展開預售,預計2022年1月中開始陸續交車。
    2021/11/18 12:10
  • 430i Convertible回歸軟蓬 德哥:穿西裝開也很ok

    中秋連假剛結束,連假期間各大景點都擠滿了人潮,如果不想和大家擠在一起群聚,那麼開著一台四座敞篷車與好友們一起悠遊於濱海或山林公路之間,似乎是個很酷的出遊方式,這次《地球黃金線》帶來BMW 430i Convertible,回歸軟蓬後的車身線條搭上選配的米白色內裝,讓汽車達人葉明德讚賞:「穿西裝開也不覺得違和。」
    2021/09/24 10:26
  • 全新M3、M4正式發表 510匹馬力堪稱歷代最強!

    自1986年第一代M3發表以來,這款車一直給人強悍的印象,歷經多次進化後,全新第六代M3、M4帶來更加剽悍的操控性能。而BMW總代理汎德於4/29正式發表全新M3 Competition與M4 Competition車型,建議售價分別為555以及558萬元,消費者還可以加價25萬選擇Racing Package,帶來更極致的駕駛體驗。
    2021/04/29 23:13
  • M3、M4 Competition開賣 選Racing Package比較划算?

    為了德國房車賽而生的BMW M3車系,推出至今已有三十餘年,直至目前仍是BMW M GmbH最具代表性的性能車款。而備受矚目的全新世代M3 Competition、M4 Competition正式於2021年2/3在台展開預售,預售價格分別為555萬元和558萬元。
    2021/02/03 21:47
  • 保時捷推出台灣專屬Macan車型

    保時捷出席2017新車大展,展示一系列保時捷最新跑車,包括台灣專屬Macan Premium Package車型。  
    2017/01/13 15:46
  • 專屬打造的限量車型!保時捷2018勁裝車款

    2018年式Macan Premium Package Plus車型是永業與台灣保時捷為台灣消費者特別打造的限量車型,採用全新進化的 2.0 升四缸渦輪增壓引擎可在引擎轉速 5.000 至 6.800 rpm 之間輸出252 匹 (185 千瓦) 的最大馬力,與所有 Macan 車款一樣標準配備 7 速 PDK 雙離合器自手排變速箱。Macan 能發揮驚人的加速性能:在短短 6.7 秒內加速至時速 100 公里;若選配跑車計時套件,還可縮短至6.5 秒,極速可達每小時 229 公里。在油耗方面,Macan 經證明非常省油:根據 NEDC 標準計算,視安裝的輪圈和輪胎組合而定,Macan 每百公里僅需消耗 7.2 至 7.4 升燃油。
    2016/12/09 09:12
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