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    O 結果共10,000筆

  • MOFA highlights global awareness of threat to status quo

    Explore the latest efforts by Taiwan and the U.S. to maintain peace in the Taiwan Strait amidst challenges. This article covers diplomatic strategies and the strengthening of U.S.-Taiwan relations.
    2024/06/18 17:50
  • Taiwan plans to fund HPV shots for junior high boys by 2025

    Discover how Taiwan plans to expand HPV vaccinations to junior high boys by 2025, aiming for nationwide coverage and addressing vaccination disparities. Learn about the ongoing discussions on enhancing vaccine accessibility for other diseases.
    2024/06/18 17:17
  • Taiwan aims to boost domestic orchid consumption

    Discover how Taiwan’s "Orchid Kingdom" achieves a booming NT$7 billion in sales, driven by young farmers’ innovation and efforts to integrate orchids into daily life. Learn about the challenges and future prospects of this flourishing industry.
    2024/06/18 17:14
  • Taiwan sees rise in average age of first marriages to 31.65

    Discover why the average age of first marriages in Taiwan has risen to 31.65 years and how neuroscience, societal changes, and education levels influence marriage decisions and singlehood rates.
    2024/06/18 17:09
  • Air pollution linked to rising lung cancer rates in Taiwan

    Explore the alarming link between air pollution and lung cancer in Taiwan, where cancer has been the leading cause of death for over four decades. Discover how prolonged exposure to PM2.5 is a significant risk factor, surpassing even smoking in some cases, and learn about the urgent calls for action to combat this public health crisis.
    2024/06/18 17:01
  • Taiwan to cull 1.8M hens monthly to address egg glut

    Discover how Taiwan’s Ministry of Agriculture plans to address the egg oversupply by culling 1.8 million old hens monthly, aiming to stabilize the market and egg prices.
    2024/06/18 16:04
  • Taiwan sees spike in COVID-19 cases

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s COVID-19 situation: a surge in cases, rising death toll, vaccination updates, and the prevalence of variant strains. Stay informed on public health measures.
    2024/06/18 15:35
  • Hsiao Bi-khim emphasizes AI role in Taiwan’s digital growth

    Discover how Vice President Hsiao Bi-khim emphasizes AI and digital economy growth in Taiwan, aiming for balanced development across sectors. Read more on her vision for the future.
    2024/06/18 14:50
  • Opel全車系降價!Mokka 90萬有找、這款現折35.9萬

    隨著時序進入年中,不少車款紛紛祭出銷售優惠來搶市,而Opel總代理歐吉汽車繼去年底台北車展上推出幅度不小的百萬內購車優惠之後,本月份 (6月) 釋出的「初夏特別優惠」方案中,入門跨界休旅Opel Mokka Elegance車型原價112.9萬,本月優惠價僅需88萬即可入手,折價幅度達到24.1萬;而主力車款之一的中型SUV Opel Grandland車系,特定車型與車色降價更達39萬之譜!當然中型掀背同樣也有不小的優惠價格空間,讓消費者挑選到合適車款。
    2024/06/18 14:11
  • Taiwan’s MND head confirms Chinese submarine sighting

    Discover the latest on a Chinese submarine spotted near Taiwan’s median line in the Taiwan Strait, confirmed by Defense Minister Wellington Koo. Learn about the unexpected encounter and ongoing speculations.
    2024/06/18 14:08
  • Tainan offers NT$1,000 rewards for dengue fever self-reports

    Discover how Tainan is combating a surge in dengue fever cases with a unique incentive program, offering NT$1,000 vouchers for self-reporting cases. Learn about the city’s prevention efforts and rewards for citizens and foreign workers.
    2024/06/18 13:50
  • 超正OL「竟是五月天師妹」 狂加班累壞眼妝全花了

    2024/06/18 13:05
  • Taiwan Railway adds stops for Fulong Sand Sculpture Festival

    Discover the Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival in Taiwan this summer. Taiwan Railway adds extra train stops at Fulong Station on weekends from June 29 to Sept. 1 to accommodate tourists. Enjoy 45 sand sculptures, including LINE FRIENDS characters, until mid-October.
    2024/06/18 11:50
  • Cancer leads as Taiwan’s top cause of death in 2023

    Discover the top ten causes of death in Taiwan for 2023, with a focus on the prevalence of respiratory diseases and cancer’s impact. Learn about the urgent issues and statistics.
    2024/06/18 11:28
  • Civilian flights near Taiwan’s islands monitored for safety

    Discover how Taiwan responded to China’s civilian aircraft flying over Kinmen and Matsu, emphasizing airspace control and safety measures. Read about the consensus reached between the two sides.
    2024/06/18 10:45
  • Taiwan braces for heavy rain and high heat, CWA warns

    Discover the latest weather update from the Central Weather Administration: Increased rainfall and high temperatures across Taiwan, with an orange heat alert in Taitung. Stay informed on precautions for intense UV rays and hydration tips.
    2024/06/18 10:22
  • President Lai’s approval dips in first month, survey shows

    Discover the latest poll results on President Lai Ching-te’s performance, showing nearly half of Taiwanese citizens approve. The survey, conducted by the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation, highlights a significant support loss and public opinion trends.
    2024/06/18 10:08
  • 張學友一開口他就哭了!金曲男星淚曝「感動內幕」:堅持跟信念

    2024/06/17 16:44
  • 林襄化身火辣OL!超近特寫「胸前扣子險蹦開」 全場驚呼噴鼻血

    中華職棒味全龍啦啦隊「小龍女」女神林襄,雖在今年賽季離開「Rakuten Girls」,但並未影響她的超高人氣。身材姣好的她,更在日前響應味全龍的「品客FUN開玩 」主題日,換上白襯衫配吊帶黑裙的OL穿搭,並大方用超近距離的鏡頭自拍,不但險些讓胸前鈕扣「蹦」開,就連粉絲們也差點看到噴鼻血。
    2024/06/17 16:06
  • 618購物節開買!爽拿折扣回饋 各大平台「3C優惠」一次看

    2024/06/17 14:20
  • 網購買爆!OK攜蝦皮「一週兩天」免運 全家加碼日本直飛商品

    2024/06/17 13:28
  • 牛津認證!TVBS連7年獲最受信賴新聞台 數位媒體穩坐前3

    英國牛津大學「路透社新聞學研究中心」(Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism,RISJ)每年都會發布《全球數位新聞報告》(Digital News Report),自2017年起開始將台灣市場納入研究調查。根據近日發布的2024報告,TVBS不論是在「傳統媒體、網路新聞平台的使用行為」,或「新聞品牌信任度」上都表現亮眼。《TVBS新聞》連續7年獲選最受信賴新聞台,台灣39%受訪者固定每週收看;《TVBS新聞網》也以28%的每週使用率,穩坐數位媒體觸及率前3名。
    2024/06/17 13:19
  • 戰爭疫情政治讓人心煩 調查:全球39%人「迴避新聞」創新高

    英國牛津大學「路透社新聞學研究中心」(Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism,RISJ)近日發布《2024全球數位新聞報告》(Digital News Report 2024),發現全球近四成(39%)民眾開始迴避新聞,認為新聞令人沮喪、無止盡且乏味,比重創下歷史新高。烏克蘭和中東戰爭可能是原因之一。
    2024/06/17 11:11
  • 拜登募款活動又當機愣10秒 歐巴馬神救援「拉手腕帶下台」

    爭取年底連任的美國總統拜登(Joe Biden),美國時間15日晚間在洛杉磯(Los Angeles)舉辦募款大會,喬治克隆尼(George Clooney)、朱莉婭羅伯茲(Julia Roberts)、芭芭拉史翠珊(Barbra Streisand)等好萊塢大咖都現身力挺,然而拜登卻在活動結束前呆愣在台上整整10秒,疑似再度「當機」,前總統歐巴馬(Barack Obama)伸手救援才回過神來。
    2024/06/17 09:36
  • Unstable weather brings showers, thunderstorms to Taiwan

    Discover the latest weather update from the Central Weather Administration: sporadic showers and thunderstorms expected across Taiwan, with temperatures reaching up to 36 degrees Celsius. Stay informed on travel advisories for Kinmen and Matsu due to potential visibility issues.
    2024/06/17 08:56
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