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    O 結果共10,000筆

  • 輝達電力OK?經長打包票沒問題 牛煦庭批:空頭支票、郭智輝要說真話

    2024/06/07 17:35
  • 傳蘋果WWDC宣布合作OpenAI Siri有望現革命性升級

    2024/06/07 16:09
  • Ko criticizes "fanciful" round-the-island railway proposal

    Explore the debate over Taiwan’s NT$2 trillion transportation proposal, including a round-the-island high-speed railway. Ko Wen-je urges financial prudence, emphasizing the need for a thorough review before proceeding with such ambitious projects.
    2024/06/07 15:43
  • Taiwan assures sufficient power for NVIDIA’s expansion

    Discover how Taiwan addresses power supply concerns amid NVIDIA’s expansion, with a focus on sustainable energy and transparent pricing policies.
    2024/06/07 15:15
  • Byeon Woo-seok greeted by over a thousand fans in Taiwan

    Discover how South Korean actor Byeon Woo-seok received a grand welcome by over a thousand fans at Taoyuan International Airport, ahead of his Taiwan fan meeting, showcasing his immense popularity.
    2024/06/07 14:42
  • Taiwan’s defense minister to cut ceremonial drills

    Discover how Taiwan’s Defense Minister Wellington Koo plans to modernize the military by abolishing traditional practices like bayonet training and goose-stepping to focus on combat readiness.
    2024/06/07 14:17
  • 鑽美禁令漏洞!甲骨文遭爆「出租」輝達晶片給字節跳動

    2024/06/07 14:05
  • NVIDIA CEO lauds Taiwan’s role in global AI development

    Discover how NVIDIA’s CEO Jensen Huang celebrated Taiwan’s key role in AI development at a dinner in Taipei, highlighting the symbolic "AI" in Taiwan’s name and planning future collaborations.
    2024/06/07 13:58
  • Taiwan seeks closer ties with India post Modi’s re-election

    MOFA to deepen Taiwan-India ties post-election. China objects to Lai’s message to re-elected Modi. MOFA: ROC is sovereign, not subordinate to PRC. Taiwan to engage globally on shared values.
    2024/06/07 13:44
  • 越滑越不快樂!小心遭社群綁架 8大「成癮危害」一次看

    《Social Lab社群實驗室》本次透過《OpView社群口碑資料庫》追蹤近一年「社群成癮危害」話題的網路聲量表現,帶您了解網友熱議的八大社群成癮危害排行。
    2024/06/07 13:07
  • 堅持死者非母親!唐治平拒絕認屍 白雲曝「可能原因」

    2024/06/07 13:00
  • U.S. arms sale strengthens Taiwan’s defense capabilities

    Explore how Taiwan is bolstering its defense capabilities in response to China’s recruitment of Western pilots, focusing on advanced pilot training, new tactics, and technological advancements in military equipment, including drones and F-16 jets.
    2024/06/07 12:33
  • MAC head warns travelers after detention incident in China

    Discover the latest on cross-strait relations: Taiwan’s MAC confirms the release of a detained Taiwanese tour group member in China and highlights safety concerns for travelers. Read more about the incident and the implications for the upcoming Straits Forum.
    2024/06/07 12:20
  • Premier reaffirms Taiwan’s commitment to nuclear-free future

    Discover Taiwan’s commitment to a nuclear-free future and green energy development as Premier Cho Jung-tai addresses concerns over nuclear power extension, emphasizing stable power supply and leading green energy initiatives by 2030.
    2024/06/07 12:07
  • Taipower urged to end reliance on government subsidies

    Discover how Taiwan’s new Economic Affairs Minister, J.W. Kuo, advocates for Taiwan Power Company’s financial independence, challenging the current reliance on government subsidies amid significant losses.
    2024/06/07 10:26
  • Heavy rainfall expected in central, southern Taiwan today

    Discover the latest weather forecast for Taiwan, including brief showers, thunderstorms, and potential heavy rainfall in central and southern regions. Stay informed on air quality and temperature insights for safe travel and comfort.
    2024/06/07 10:13
  • 門票秒殺!SJ演唱會8月「加場連唱3天」 本週六搶票

    果然還是台灣E.L.F.最寵Super Junior(簡稱SJ),SJ預計在8月17、18日於台北小巨蛋舉辦《2024 SUPER JUNIOR 〈SUPER SHOW SPIN-OFF :Halftime〉》台北場,兩場門票開賣即完售;不想讓沒搶到票的E.L.F.們難過,主辦單位與韓方積極爭取,將於8月16日(週五)晚上7點半加開一場,連嗨三天。
    2024/06/07 08:30
  • 茶飲控快衝!超商限時限量優惠 買10送10「只有今天」

    2024/06/07 07:58
  • 網紅曬孩變現.道德爭議多 歐美數國立法以對

    網紅父母大方分享孩子的照片影片生活點滴,賺流量也賺收入,但法國紀錄片「把童年變現,曬小孩的風險」(Turning Childhood into Content: The Dangers of Sharenting),橫跨歐美採訪到童年已被攤在眾人眼皮底下的網紅兒女,吐露無奈與受傷的遭遇。公視主題之夜也邀請身為父母的網路創作者們,分享他們「曬小孩」時的原則、底線,以及與孩子的溝通。
    2024/06/06 19:34
  • NVIDIA AI supercomputer to be in Kaohsiung, R&D near Taipei

    NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang announced plans to build an AI supercomputer in Kaohsiung with an R&D site near Taipei, highlighting the strong partnership with Quanta and their collective efforts on Blackwell.
    2024/06/06 17:41
  • NVIDIA leads AI discussions at COMPUTEX Taipei

    Explore how NVIDIA’s AI technology is revolutionizing healthcare and other industries at COMPUTEX Taipei. Learn about the future of medical care with AI.
    2024/06/06 17:34
  • New Taipei mayor sees highest dissatisfaction rate: Survey

    Discover the latest shifts in public approval for Taiwan’s city leaders, as revealed by a Global Views Monthly survey. New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih sees the highest dissatisfaction, while Taipei’s Chiang Wan-an enjoys a surge in approval. Explore the dynamic political landscape and how it reflects on local governance.
    2024/06/06 17:17
  • Qualcomm CEO unveils AI-driven future at COMPUTEX 2024

    Discover how Qualcomm’s CEO Cristiano Amon is steering the future of AI in PCs at COMPUTEX 2024 in Taipei, emphasizing generative AI and the critical role of Taiwanese suppliers.
    2024/06/06 17:09
  • Belgian startups join forces with Taiwan in tech forum

    Discover the highlights of the Taiwan-Belgium Joint Business Council Meeting, where Wallonia’s delegation aims to strengthen innovation ties with Taiwan. Learn about the collaborative efforts in technology and sustainable development.
    2024/06/06 17:07
  • ChatGPT能考上台大?結果出爐「數學超慘」 英文滿分、歷史頂標

    AI時代來臨,人工智慧的應用在日常生活中越來越常見,不少人擔心未來AI是否能真的取代人類。對此百萬網紅Cheap拍片實測,他將人工智慧和人類智慧相互比較,讓「ChatGPT 4o」挑戰大學指考,測驗結果發現文科表現不錯,但數理方面卻是差強人意,台大僅有2個科系可以錄取。
    2024/06/06 16:56
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