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  • Taiwan’s premier seeks legislative review over concerns

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Cho Jung-tai is taking steps to protect the constitution by challenging recent legislative amendments. Read about the government’s efforts to maintain democratic integrity.
    2024/05/29 10:53
  • 618購物節搶先購!only美第家電優惠享不完~登記就送7-11千元商品卡!登錄再送清淨機!

    你沒看錯!only老闆正在度假中,各種超值家電真的隨意賣~ 長期代理國際家電品牌的美第公司,旗下原創以符合台灣人使用習慣的家電新品牌「only」,在 618 購物節舉辦超狂價格優惠,搭配上半年最後一檔的「美第節能補助」活動,除政府補助冰箱和除濕機產品外,洗衣機、微波爐、清淨機、洗碗機,符合節能設計的指定產品,可參加「美第節能補助」活動,登記就送 $1,000 元的 7-11 商品卡,補助後等於洗脫烘洗衣機、大容量窄身洗衣機最低不到萬元,大容量電子式微波爐最低不到兩千!免登記抽價值$18,900的「18瓶裝雙溫酒櫃」,購買指定產品並完成分享與登錄後,再加碼送指定清淨機,心動不如馬上行動!
    2024/05/29 10:28
  • 奧斯卡得主爆紅後遭批江郎才盡 半自傳新作揭起死回生契機

    曾以電影《王牌冤家》奪下奧斯卡最佳原著劇本獎的法國導演米歇爾龔特利(Michel Gondry),睽違7年推出新作《萬事通大全》(The Book of Solutions)。該片帶有強烈自傳色彩,劇情描述一名年輕導演在電影慘遭「退貨」後、天馬行空的想法與際遇,並邀請法國當紅男星皮耶尼內(Pierre Niney)、喜劇天后白蘭雪蓋汀(Blanche Gardin)聯袂主演。
    2024/05/29 10:19
  • DPP legislator flags loopholes in newly passed reform bills

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s legislative reforms: The Legislative Yuan passed key bills amid criticism for potential loopholes and fines. Learn more about the debate and calls for transparency.
    2024/05/29 10:00
  • 幸運兒就是你!超商開出「1000萬發票」 獎落這縣市

    每2個月小確幸又到了!113年3、4月統一發票中獎號碼於本月25日開出,有到OK mart消費的民眾快拿出來對獎,有幸運兒僅花10元就中1000萬元。
    2024/05/29 08:51
  • Taiwan group slams officials for downplaying 228 Incident

    Discover the latest controversy surrounding the 228 Incident in Taiwan, where former officials are accused of downplaying the Kuomintang’s role in the massacre, sparking debate over death toll estimates and historical accountability.
    2024/05/28 19:19
  • Taiwan’s legislature passes major reforms amidst controversy

    Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan passes amendments to reform the legislature, including the normalization of the Presidential State of the Nation Report and strengthening of congressional powers, amidst criticism from the DPP for potential overreach.
    2024/05/28 18:34
  • Bluebird Movement: Protest swell outside Legislature

    Explore the ongoing "Bluebird Movement" in Taiwan, where thousands protest outside the Legislative Yuan against bills feared to undermine democracy. Learn about the role of social media in mobilizing support and the global attention it’s drawing.
    2024/05/28 18:31
  • Legislature proceeds with third reading of reform bills

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s legislative session as the Legislative Yuan debates a controversial reform bill. The proposed changes could reshape interactions between the executive and legislative branches, amid growing tensions and calls for consensus.
    2024/05/28 18:16
  • DPP clarifies use of mobile signal data amid KMT criticism

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s political scene: DPP spokesperson Cho Kuan-ting addresses KMT’s surveillance accusations, explaining the use of mobile signal data for market research is standard practice. Learn more about the controversy and the clarification provided.
    2024/05/28 17:58
  • Drag star Nymphia Wind returns home to perform for fans

    Taiwanese drag star Nymphia Wind, winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 16, dazzles fans in Taipei and champions democracy and gender equity while celebrating Taiwanese heritage.
    2024/05/28 17:32
  • 獨/搶黑金版圖!全聯悄賣「35元精品咖啡」 小農拿鐵也上市

    台灣咖啡商機高達800億元,而超商近年除了一般現煮咖啡外,也推出價格較高的精品、單品咖啡;而超市全聯的OFF COFFEE也要搶攻精品咖啡市場,今年5月開始也悄悄推出精品美式、小農拿鐵,價格分別是35元和45元,比超商單杯價格80元至破百元的價格少了近一半,業者指出,目前僅在全台5家門市先行試賣,反應還不錯,帶動單店咖啡銷量杯數提高3成,未來也將持續評估再擴增銷售門市。
    2024/05/28 16:57
  • 《淚之女王》夫唱婦隨!金智媛緊接金秀賢來台會粉 出道14年首次亞巡

    2024/05/28 16:46
  • 李浩瑋現身助陣!東京「怪物新人」來台開唱 超強背景曝

    次世代「怪物新人」東京潮團DURDN於26日晚間首度來台舉行演唱會,由韓國創作歌手Baku擔任主唱,和以〈tea tea〉為名的兩名音樂製作人SHINTA和yacco組合,而曾在EP中獻聲的李浩瑋,也特地前來擔任嘉賓與DURDN共同演唱合作單曲〈Pretense〉,雙方並改編了李浩瑋的成名曲〈Crush On〉,為演唱會帶來最高潮。
    2024/05/28 16:34
  • US delegation visits Taiwan amid China tensions

    Explore the details of U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul’s recent visit to Taiwan, amid rising China tensions, and the U.S.’s commitment to bolster Taiwan’s defense.
    2024/05/28 16:07
  • 陳沂下海SWAG對羅志祥喊話:可多人運動 自爆「第一次」嬌喊容易濕透

    2024/05/28 15:08
  • Citizens brave rain for parliamentary reform in Taipei

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s parliamentary reform bill as citizens, undeterred by rain, gather in large numbers outside the Legislative Yuan, demanding change.
    2024/05/28 14:30
  • Taiwan’s WHA bid blocked amid China’s opposition

    Discover how Taiwan’s bid to join the World Health Assembly was blocked, sparking criticism from MOFA towards China’s "one-China principle" and highlighting global support for Taiwan’s inclusion in global health security efforts.
    2024/05/28 14:03
  • Taiwan warns of China’s intensified diplomatic pressure

    Discover how China’s recent military exercises and diplomatic pressures aim to isolate Taiwan internationally, and learn about Taiwan’s strategy to counter these challenges by promoting value-based diplomacy for stronger global ties.
    2024/05/28 13:30
  • Chinese military aircraft breach Taiwan Strait median line

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s defense as it detects Chinese military aircraft and naval vessels near the Taiwan Strait, signaling heightened tensions and international concern for regional stability.
    2024/05/28 13:27
  • 大外宣?陸籌拍《澎湖海戰》 再提台青年因《慶餘年2》學穿漢服

    2024/05/28 13:03
  • 換空巴出事!聯合航空客機起飛前「引擎著火」 百名乘客急疏散

    美國聯合航空(United Airlines)一架空中巴士A320客機,27日在芝加哥歐海爾國際機場(O’Hare International Airport)準備起飛時,引擎突然起火,幸好並未釀成傷亡。
    2024/05/28 12:34
  • China’s "one China" stance pressures Taiwanese stars

    Discover how China’s political pressure on Taiwanese artists threatens artistic freedom and deepens tensions, as criticized by the Mainland Affairs Council.
    2024/05/28 11:56
  • KMT and TPP members occupy Taiwan’s parliament podium

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s legislative reform as KMT and TPP members occupy the Legislative Yuan podium, highlighting a critical moment for democracy and governance.
    2024/05/28 11:32
  • 老片也能變4K!三星顯示器「AI加持」 早鳥送小7商品卡

    三星電子今(27)宣布推出2024年奧德賽Odyssey OLED、智慧聯網顯示器Smart Monitor和創作者系列ViewFinity新產品,強調導入AI技術,達到把低畫質影片以高畫質呈現的AI影像升頻,以及在吵雜環境下將影劇對話聲音放大的AI智慧抗噪。此外,6月30日前購買Odyssey OLED、Smart Monitor、ViewFinity指定機型再送7-11商品卡。
    2024/05/27 19:24
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