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    NCCU 結果共10筆

  • TVBS World Taiwan shares resume writing tips with NCCU grads

    Dimitri Bruyas, Chief English News Correspondent of TVBS English News, was invited by the Master’s Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology (GCIT) to share resume writing tips and interview techniques with students at National Chengchi University (NCCU) on Monday (May 13).
    2024/05/15 20:56
  • Kritenbrink-Qiu meeting shows Taiwan’s role in US-China ties

    Wang Hsin-hsien, an NCCU professor, speculates that the recent meeting between U.S. and Chinese officials may have involved discussions about President-elect Lai Ching-te’s inauguration speech and personnel arrangements, while TKU professor Alexander Huang believes the visit was mainly to prepare for Deputy Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken’s visit.
    2024/04/17 15:38
  • Analyst: Jaw’s candid style wins over Taiwan’s youth

    Former legislator Julian Kuo discusses the appeal of Kuomintang (KMT) vice presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong among young voters. Kuo highlights Jaw’s straightforward and outspoken manner, which resonates with Taiwan’s younger generation. Jaw’s recent interaction with students at National Chengchi University (NCCU) has sparked discussions and showcased his outreach to younger demographics. This comes as electoral candidates strive to secure young voter support, and Jaw has surprisingly gained attention from the 20-40 age group, which has not traditionally been a core supporter base for KMT candidates. Polls indicate that the 73-year-old Jaw has had a favorable impact on this younger voter segment, causing bemusement among the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).
    2023/12/18 19:46
  • Experts caution opening migrant workers to hotel sectors

    Taiwan’s tourism industry is facing a significant labor shortage, prompting the government to consider introducing migrant workers into the hospitality sector. However, no specific timeline has been set for this proposal. Scholars and citizens have expressed concerns about potential job displacement and the negative impact on wages for local workers. Calls have been made for more efficient solutions to alleviate employee workload, rather than solely relying on wage increases. Professor Cheng Chih-yu of National Chengchi University (NCCU) emphasized that even with higher wages, the demanding nature and long hours associated with hospitality work may not attract job seekers. Similarly, Associate Professor Hsin Ping-lung of National Taiwan University (NTU) noted that the labor shortage has intensified workload in the hospitality industry, yet it has not attracted more workers. Professor Cheng suggested a cautious approach to the introduction of migrant workers, considering it as a last resort after exhausting all other means to address the problem. He expressed concerns that if the policy is relaxed, companies may opt for cheaper foreign labor, leading to the displacement of local workers and wage suppression. Additionally, the labor market for older workers and women seeking a second career could be affected.
    2023/11/04 14:00
  • National Chengchi University opens mixed-gender student dormitory

    National Chengchi University in Taipei transformed its staff dormitory into a student dormitory in September, allowing male and female students to freely form groups and share rooms on the same floor, setting a precedent for domestic universities in Taiwan.
    2023/09/18 19:31
  • Worker accused of student’s death released on NT$30K bail

    A worker surnamed Li faced charges of manslaughter and was released on a NT$30,000 bail on Friday (July 21), a day following the tragic death of a 21-year-old university student. The unfortunate incident occurred when a 30-kilogram air conditioning unit fell on the student while she was waiting at a bus stop in New Taipei City.
    2023/07/24 16:08
  • Experts delve into Taiwan’s security at forum

    Experts from various fields convened on Tuesday (July 4) at the Deep Water Geostrategy Forum, facilitating an insightful exchange about Taiwan’s security outlook and regional stability. The comprehensive discussions encompassed China’s global projection of power, critical technologies, geopolitical risk, and the enduring facets of Taiwan’s democracy and resilience.
    2023/07/06 17:16
  • Analyst: Elections’ impact on cross-strait issues limited

    With local elections fast approaching, many people have wondered whether the new political map will affect cross-strait relations for the better or the worse. According to Kwei-Bo Huang, associate professor of Diplomacy at NCCU College of International Affairs, the results of the elections will have a limited impact on cross-strait affairs.
    2022/11/25 06:20
  • 王浩宇被罷免後發文扯「韓粉」 網看完嗆:沒救了

    民進黨桃園市議員王浩宇遭罷免後,今(21)日在臉書引用政治大學選舉研究中心(ESC NCCU)一名研究助理分析罷王案同意票的催票率對比圖,直言「是我做不好,還是韓粉集結?」引網友熱議,直說他沒救了。
    2021/01/21 23:39
  • 好賺?PO文求救幫打小強給1千 網友:會飛要加錢!

    2016/10/31 18:21
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