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    Ministry of Education 結果共68筆

  • MOE: 19 Taiwan’s universities below 60% registration rate

    The Ministry of Education (MOE) has released the registration rates for first-year students at various tertiary institutions for the academic year 112. Out of the 29 universities, 10 have achieved a 100% registration rate, while 19 have fallen short of the 60% mark. Surprisingly, as of 2023, 112 universities had at least one department with zero registered new students, including prestigious institutions like National Taiwan University (NTU). NTU alone had five departments without any registered doctoral students, namely the Department of Drama and Theater, Department of Geography, Institute of Oceanography, Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, and the Doctoral Program in Microbiology. Other academic institutions with departments lacking registered students include National Tsing Hua University, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, National Cheng Kung University, and National Chengchi University. Kao Yuan University had the lowest new student registration rate at just 15.7% for the 112 academic year. The only national institution that did not meet the registration standards was the National Taitung Junior College, with a rate below 60%.
    2023/12/28 17:58
  • NEU calls on Taiwan’s MOE to remedy school safety measures

    The National Federation of Education Unions (NEU) has called on Taiwan’s Ministry of Education (MOE) to take full responsibility for incidents like the recent student stabbing in New Taipei City. The NEU insists on changes to improve the current situation and prevent students from bringing prohibited items to school. The NEU believes that amendments made by the MOE have unfairly disempowered teachers, as many schools struggle to address students who bring banned items due to fear of backlash or being accused of bullying. NEU President Lin Shuo-chieh pointed out that teachers are hesitant to correct and punish behavior out of fear of being accused of "targeting" students or being reported for bullying. In 2022, the MOE amended regulations on the management of dangerous items carried by students. According to Article 28, unless explicitly stated by law or sufficient evidence suggests the student is involved in criminal activity or carries banned items, their bodies and belongings are not to be searched. Article 29 states that for high school inspections, two or more representatives of parents, student council members, or teachers must be present to examine students’ belongings or spaces. Lin claimed that the MOE’s rules are difficult for grassroots teachers to implement and can easily be twisted into accusations of bullying. He urged the MOE and local education departments to redefine regulations for handling protected students in order to prevent further deterioration of campus safety and safeguard the rights of other students.
    2023/12/27 16:34
  • Lan I-chen appointed as FJU’s new president

    Dr. Lan I-chen has been appointed as the new president of Fu Jen Catholic University (FJU), marking a new chapter for the institution. Lan’s appointment was authorized by the Vatican’s Congregation for Catholic Education and is awaiting final approval from Taiwan’s Ministry of Education. As a seasoned scholar and administrator, Lan, 54, is expected to lead the century-old university towards an innovative future. Lan has proposed a five-point development plan for the FJU, known as G.R.A.C.E, which focuses on global positioning, student recruitment, international partnerships, collaboration with hospitals, academics, government, community, and industries, as well as entrepreneurship and charity involvement. These objectives aim to enhance the university’s international reputation, increase enrollment of both domestic and foreign students, and foster collaborations across various sectors for sustainable development. In response to Taiwan’s declining birthrate, Lan plans to establish overseas outposts in collaboration with Catholic universities to expand student intake while ensuring educational quality.
    2023/12/22 15:40
  • NTNU to halt industrial education enrollments from 2025

    The National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) has decided to stop accepting students into its Industrial Education department starting from the 2025 academic term, but will retain its master’s and doctoral programs. The Office of Academic Affairs at NTNU has proposed three solutions to protect students’ educational rights, including offering guidance for transfers, continuing to offer courses, and extending the limit on student enrollments. The department will also continue to offer three specialized courses to cultivate future educators. The rights of the department’s teachers and assistants will not be affected, and existing teachers can continue teaching in the master’s and doctoral programs. Administrative Deputy Minister Lin Teng-chiao of Taiwan’s Ministry of Education (MOE) hopes that the department can collaborate with other departments to cultivate industrial education teachers in the future, despite the department’s transformation into research-oriented programs.
    2023/12/21 14:58
  • Taiwan, U.S. schools honored for eco-education efforts

    The Ministry of Environment (MOENW) has recognized 59 Taiwanese and American eco-friendly schools for their successful integration of environmental education practices. This year’s tally of green flag certifications, which signify a long-term commitment to sustainability, is the highest on record. Taoyuan had the most certified schools with six. The green flag certificates symbolize the extensive efforts and dedication to fostering sustainable principles and active engagement within the school environment. The "Taiwan-American Eco-School Partnership Program," jointly promoted by the MOENW and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) since 2014, aims to cultivate student autonomy in participating in environmental protection discussions and decision-making. The Ministry of Education (MOE) joined the effort in 2021. The MOENW is dedicated to aligning Taiwan’s eco-friendly schools with global standards and increasing the number of schools participating in eco-friendly programs.
    2023/12/20 21:51
  • Taiwanese students excel in civic knowledge, OECD finds

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Education’s ’108 curriculum’ has brought about new educational outcomes, as noted by Premier Chen Chien-jen. The 2022 International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS 2022) by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) reveals that Taiwanese students have achieved top global rankings in civic knowledge, gender equality, and ethnic group equality. The government’s efforts to strengthen education through the new curriculum have also been recognized by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Among 81 countries assessed, Taiwanese students ranked third in mathematics literacy, fourth in science, and fifth in reading. Premier Chen emphasized that these achievements highlight Taiwan’s exceptional students and demonstrate the nation’s commitment to investing in education. The OECD evaluation further solidifies Taiwan’s position on the world stage for educational accomplishments, showcasing the effectiveness of its educational policies and curriculum advancements. Premier Chen expressed confidence in Taiwan’s youth and the government’s education approach, stating that these high rankings represent a valuable investment in the future generations of Taiwan.
    2023/12/18 21:21
  • MOE: 1,345 students to transfer amid school closures

    The Ministry of Education (MOE) has announced that 1,345 students from six schools in Taiwan will be required to transfer to other institutions due to the act Governing the Closure of Private Educational Institutions at Senior Secondary or Higher Level. The act, passed last year, gives schools a two-year period to improve, and if they fail to meet the standards, they face orders to stop recruiting students and cease operations. Chung Chou University of Science and Technology and Taiwan Shoufu University have already closed this July, with 310 students transferred to other institutions. Mingdao University, Tatung Institute of Commerce and Technology, Tung Fang Design Institute, and TransWorld University are scheduled to close in July 2024. The MOE plans to conduct briefings on student distribution and placement a semester before the termination of these institutions to ensure a smooth transition. The affected students will be given priority to continue their studies at schools in the same or neighboring counties, and the MOE will assist affected faculty members and staff in finding new employment opportunities. Currently, there are no other private universities or colleges listed for specialized guidance by the MOE.
    2023/12/15 17:21
  • Taiwan MOE to review special ed teacher pay amid exodus

    The Ministry of Education in Taiwan is reviewing whether to increase the allowance for special education teachers due to a significant attrition rate in the field. Special education teachers are leaving the profession due to increased administrative duties and stagnant wages. The special allowance for these teachers has remained unchanged for 32 years. Concerns have been raised about the heavy workload and lack of compensation for summer and winter breaks. The Taiwan Special Education Professional Personnel Association has proposed raising the allowance to incentivize teachers to stay. The Ministry of Education has acknowledged the need to enhance special education services and is considering adjusting the compensation scheme. They are also exploring the possibility of allowing administrative supervisors to receive full extra-duty pay despite a reduction in teaching hours. The ministry aims to ensure fair treatment and reflect the realities of the educational environment.
    2023/12/12 17:32
  • Low interest in Taiwan’s ’3+1’ military study program

    The Ministry of National Defense has confirmed that only five students have applied for the "3+1 program," which allows for three years of university study followed by one year of military service. Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng addressed concerns about the program’s administrative process and gender regulations, as only male students are currently eligible. The Ministry of Education implemented the program guidelines in June, and the military is working on improving the training aspect to increase efficiency and accessibility.
    2023/12/12 13:41
  • German universities launch NT$68M Taiwan studies project

    Discover the groundbreaking "Taiwan as a Pioneer" (TAP) project, a four-year research initiative by Trier University, Bochum University, and Tuebingen University, aimed at elevating Taiwan studies in Europe. Supported by Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the project has already made significant progress, including workshops, fieldwork in Green Island, and funding for scholars’ trips to Taiwan. With a budget of approximately NT$68 million, TAP seeks to enhance the profile of Taiwan research, while a handbook on Taiwan research methodologies is set to be published by 2025, marking a milestone in European academia.
    2023/12/12 11:36
  • NTU students vote on ’108 Curriculum,’ clash over classics

    The recent debate over the removal of classical Chinese literature from Taiwan’s Ministry of Education’s 108 Curriculum has sparked diverse opinions among students at National Taiwan University (NTU). In a student-led poll on Dcard, 38% of participants supported a teacher’s criticism of the curriculum reform, arguing that classical literature is an essential part of Mandarin education. On the other hand, 24% of students opposed the importance of classical texts, viewing them as pedantic Confucian brainwashing. Interestingly, 39% of students abstained from taking a strong stance, humorously identifying themselves as "engineering majors too busy with homework to have an opinion." Student comments highlighted the complexity of the issue, with some emphasizing the importance of classical Chinese in enhancing writing skills and its philosophical value, while others expressed concerns about a potential lack of cultural depth in young people if literary content is reduced.
    2023/12/11 20:03
  • KMT’s Hou Yu-ih vows to overhaul ’108 Curriculum’ if elected

    KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih has promised to review the controversial 108 curriculum if elected, in response to concerns from parents, students, and educators. He plans to reinstate the National Conference on Education, which has not been held in 13 years, to reassess the curriculum. The curriculum has been criticized as "shameless" by a teacher at Taipei First Girls High School, sparking societal debate. Former President Ma Ying-jeou has supported the criticism, urging the Ministry of Education to urgently review and improve the curriculum. DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te has a different perspective, arguing that textbook publishers consider teachers’ opinions and that this should not be equated with curriculum issues. TPP presidential candidate Ko Wen-je has stated his opposition to de-Sinicization in education and believes in recognizing the cultural continuum. The approaches of each candidate on educational reform will be important considerations for voters in the upcoming election.
    2023/12/09 15:58
  • New guidelines boost competency, not less virtue: MOE

    The Ministry of Education in Taiwan has clarified that the new Curriculum Guidelines have not abandoned traditional virtues, but rather aim to encourage students to contemplate and practice these values in everyday life. The guidelines emphasize competency-based learning and include selections of classical Chinese texts from different eras, authors, and genres. The Ministry responded to criticism by stating that traditional virtues such as righteousness and integrity have not been discarded. They also highlighted that Taiwanese students possess strong competencies, which can be attributed to the new competency-driven curriculum. The curriculum for Mandarin Chinese is designed to develop students’ ability to articulate and rationalize thought, with materials reflecting various historical periods, ideologies, literary genres, Taiwanese modern literature, world Chinese literature, translations, and literary discourse. Classical Chinese texts still constitute an average of 35% to 45% of high school students’ studies over three years, reflecting diverse epochs, authors, and genres. The focus of Taiwanese education should be on developing critical thinking skills and enabling students to learn independently and build cultural depth.
    2023/12/08 17:40
  • NYMCU freshman breaks new ground in cybersecurity program

    Tsai Yu-chen, a freshman at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, has made history by being the first student admitted into the prestigious Computer Science program through a special recruitment process that now includes cybersecurity. Tsai’s interest in technology began in junior high when he taught himself networking skills to set up a Minecraft server. He then used his English proficiency to manage the server online and modify Pokémon modules using Google Cloud services, allowing over 100 people to game simultaneously. Tsai’s talent and experience in cybersecurity were further developed during his vocational high school years through the Ministry of Education’s cybersecurity talent development program. As a result, he will soon intern with a leading international AI cybersecurity tech company, focusing on cloud security research. The Office of Recruitment for Specialized Technical Colleges and Universities recognizes the importance of cybersecurity in national security and actively promotes relevant courses in technical high schools. This allows students to acquire cybersecurity skills and pursue further education through specialized college entrance exams and exceptional talent selection processes.
    2023/12/07 21:33
  • Education head backs bilingual policy despite union concerns

    Taipei’s Education Minister, Pan Wen-chung, responded to concerns raised by the National Federation of Teachers Unions (NFTU) about the 2030 Bilingual Nation policy. Pan emphasized the importance of English proficiency as a crucial competitive skill for students. He emphasized the need for a balanced approach in teaching methods and strategies to ensure that students’ foundational academic abilities are not neglected. The NFTU expressed apprehension that excessive emphasis on English in the bilingual policy could undermine national competitiveness and called for a thorough reassessment of language policies post-election. Pan highlighted the importance of English and digital literacy as vital competencies for students and stressed the necessity of the bilingual policy for English language education. He mentioned that the implementation of the policy allows schools to join gradually and includes plans for teacher training enhancements and the inclusion of foreign instructors. Pan also mentioned that Mandarin courses would be available alongside university courses conducted entirely in English to give students the freedom of choice. He noted that some locales have been overly emphasizing English expertise during teacher recruitment and that the Ministry of Education will issue reminders for a more balanced evaluation. Rolling revisions will be made based on the progress of the bilingual initiative.
    2023/12/07 21:17
  • DPP’s Lin slams Taipei mayor, offers ’disdain’ placard

    DPP Councilor Lin Yen-feng accuses Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an of disrespecting the council and presents a "disdain for the council" placard. Lin criticizes the Taipei City Government for the controversial NT$190 million associated with the Taipei Music Center and holds former Mayor Ko Wen-je accountable. Chiang threatens legal action if the Ministry of Culture withholds payment. The Taipei City Council’s Education Committee passes a resolution allowing the city government to cover the disputed amount temporarily.
    2023/12/07 17:46
  • Taiwan faces bed bug resurgence after decades

    Recent bed bug sightings in a Taipei hotel raise concerns in Taiwan. The Ministry of Environment advises on prevention methods and stresses the importance of public education and government initiatives to tackle the resurgence.
    2023/12/01 13:39
  • Taiwan’s rising child abuse cases raise concern

    This news story from Taipei covers the concerning rise in child abuse cases in Taiwan, as reported by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Child Welfare League. It explores public attitudes and the prevalence of child discipline in public spaces, highlighting the need for increased awareness and proper parenting education.
    2023/11/23 18:52
  • MOE admits teacher bonus not part of salary raise

    The Ministry of Education (MOE) clarified that school teacher bonuses are not part of salary raises, in response to the National Federation of Teachers Unions (NFTU) advocating for improved benefits for elementary and secondary school teachers. The MOE stated that homeroom teacher bonuses reached NT$3,000 before 2017, while the hourly wage for substitute teachers has increased. However, the bonuses for special education teachers still require approval from the Executive Yuan. The NFTU held a press conference to propose better conditions for kindergarten, elementary, and secondary school teachers, highlighting the government’s focus on universities and neglecting the needs of these teachers. With 250,000 out of the total 300,000 teachers in Taiwan working in elementary and secondary schools, the NFTU emphasized the significant remuneration gap, unadjusted overall salaries, and the lack of increase in special education teacher bonuses that need consideration. The NFTU chairman, Hou Chun-liang, emphasized the urgency of addressing the issue, as homeroom teacher and special education teacher bonuses have remained unchanged for 10 and 31 years, respectively. The NFTU’s publicity director, Luo Te-shui, urged that anything beneficial to education should not be delayed until the elections.
    2023/11/22 19:48
  • Taiwanese people borrowed 93M books in 2022: Data

    Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan reveals his oversight of the planning and construction of 23 libraries during his tenure as Taoyuan mayor, with 15 libraries costing approximately NT$8 billion. The announcement comes ahead of the Taiwan Reading Festival, seen as a symbol of civilization and a mark of a nation’s progress. Education Ministry reports show a rise in library visits, card applications, and book borrowing by Taiwanese residents. The festival, now in its 11th year, has gained international recognition and is expected to further promote Taiwan’s literary and cultural richness.
    2023/11/20 18:49
  • Bahwan Tribe demands NTU return ancestral remains

    The Bahwan Tribe of Taiwan’s Bunun people are demanding that National Taiwan University (NTU) return ancestral remains taken without permission from a Bahwan public cemetery 63 years ago. NTU has been accused of shirking its historical responsibilities, leading to disagreements with the tribe. The issue dates back to the 1960s when the NTU College of Medicine Physical Anthropology Research Team took remains from the Bahwan Tribe’s cemetery, ’Lilieq,’ for academic research. The ’Return Bahwan Bunun Ancestors’ Remains Committee’ has approached the Executive Yuan, urging the government and NTU to return the remains and cease depriving indigenous people. NTU claims to have 43 boxes of the remains stored in its research room and has been participating in discussions with the government and legislature since the tribe’s request in 2017. However, indigenous legislator candidate Savungaz Valincinan expressed disappointment with NTU’s lack of effort to establish a relationship with the tribe and refusal to cover transportation and accommodation costs for their trips to Taipei. NTU has recently expressed willingness to return the remains, erect a memorial, honor the deceased as "Great Body Teachers," and provide medical, educational, and sanitary services to the tribe. However, as a public school, NTU argues that it cannot establish a foundation or provide compensation of NT$1.49 billion, citing Ministry of Education regulations. This issue has sparked discussion in Taiwan about addressing historical wounds and the journey toward transitional justice for indigenous tribes, who constitute 2.5% of the population and have historically faced exploitation and discrimination.
    2023/11/19 16:15
  • Subsidy plan to aid 275,000 Taiwanese students

    Taiwan’s Premier Chen Chien-jen has approved a subsidy plan for university students, providing NT$5,000 per semester for on-campus students and NT$7,000 per semester for disadvantaged students. The plan, discussed in a joint meeting between the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of the Interior, will be implemented starting in February 2024. Originally, the plan called for monthly payments, but it was decided that a per-semester scheme would be more appropriate. The subsidies will be adjusted to a standard NT$5,000 per semester, with an additional NT$2,000 for disadvantaged students, and will become routine remittances. The cost of the plan is projected to be nearly NT$2.8 billion annually, paid from the Ministry of the Interior’s housing fund. Approximately 275,000 university students are expected to benefit from this plan, pending ratification at the upcoming Executive Yuan meeting. Premier Chen emphasized that the government is strategically committed to enhancing support and well-being for the nation’s university students.
    2023/11/19 15:54
  • Taiwan’s faculty crisis: low salaries and talent drain

    Taiwan grapples with a faculty shortage due to low salaries. The Executive Yuan plans a NT$33.29B investment to address the issue, with private schools also increasing research funds.
    2023/11/16 20:01
  • NTU proposes semiconductor program starting in 2024

    National Taiwan University (NTU) President Chen Wen-chang has announced plans to establish a new undergraduate semiconductor program, which has been submitted to the Ministry of Education for review. The program is expected to start in 2024, admitting around 50 to 60 students per year, mainly from international backgrounds. The renovated building at NTU’s Shuiyuan Campus will be designated for the use of prospective semiconductor major students. Additionally, Chen expressed his intention to establish an "International Political Economy Institute" at the renovated Downtown Campus on Xuzhou Rd., with further discussions and a university-wide meeting scheduled for December 23 to address concerns and foster dialogue on the proposed institute.
    2023/11/14 11:26
  • Gov’t criticized for subsidy program ahead of elections

    The Taiwanese government is set to launch a new subsidy program in February 2023, providing consistent allowances to college students living in dormitories. The program, initiated by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Ministry of the Interior (MOI), aims to alleviate economic burdens on students and allow them to focus on their future. Approximately 260,000 students are expected to benefit from the program, which will require an annual expenditure of NT$20 billion to NT$30 billion. The subsidy is estimated to range from NT$1,200 to NT$1,500 per month and will be submitted to the Executive Yuan for examination. The government emphasizes its commitment to youth welfare and ensuring equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their living arrangements.
    2023/11/08 18:59
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