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    M 結果共10,000筆

  • Taipei mayor highlights benefits of regional cooperation

    Discover how Taipei, New Taipei, Keelung, and Taoyuan cities are enhancing quality of life through a unified governance platform, exploring potential municipal mergers for improved services.
    2024/06/12 11:11
  • 威廉凱特搭過!陸比亞迪電動車歐洲熱賣 英銷量暴漲2700%

    英國威廉王子(Prince William)與凱特王妃(Kate Middleton)2022年3月赴大西洋島國巴哈馬參加活動,前來接駕的竟是掛上王室標誌的「中國產比亞迪汽車」,照片公開後引起廣大關注,也意外免費宣傳比亞迪。
    2024/06/12 10:57
  • Taiwan warns citizens of increased risks in Hong Kong travel

    Discover the latest travel advisory for Taiwanese citizens visiting Hong Kong, including risks and safety tips due to new security laws. Learn about the Mainland Affairs Council’s guidance and emergency services.
    2024/06/12 10:43
  • 沒水還能活數日!超兇「蛇頭魚」侵美 官員急籲:斷頭、挖內臟

    美國密蘇里州(Missouri)近日發生第4起有人抓到原生於亞洲的「北方蛇頭魚」(Northern Snakehead Fish)的事件,這是種生命力超強、能在陸地存活數日的外來種,相關單位則呼籲民眾若捕獲北方蛇頭魚,要記得「砍下魚頭」、「挖除內臟」,如此一來才能避免這個極具侵略性的物種對生態造成破壞。
    2024/06/12 10:30
  • Taipei egg prices hit three-year low amid market slump

    Discover the latest on Taipei’s egg market: Prices hit a three-year low with the fifth cut in less than two months amid sluggish demand. Learn how this affects farmers and consumers.
    2024/06/12 10:18
  • J.W. Kuo: Taiwan’s electricity sufficient for AI industry

    Discover how Taiwan’s Economic Affairs Minister J.W. Kuo assures sufficient power supply for the AI industry’s growth, addressing global concerns and outlining strategic initiatives for development.
    2024/06/12 10:13
  • Taiwan admits human error in Chinese boat breach

    Discover how a Chinese national breached Taiwan’s maritime border, leading to a review of Taiwan’s coastal defense systems and disciplinary actions against Coast Guard personnel.
    2024/06/12 10:02
  • Taiwanese businesses meet with China amid tariff tensions

    Explore the latest on cross-strait relations as Taiwanese business leaders meet with China’s Taiwan Affairs Office, discussing ECFA tariff concessions and seeking peaceful exchanges.
    2024/06/12 09:49
  • Heavy rain alert issued for Tainan and Kaohsiung cities

    Discover the latest weather update: The Central Weather Administration has issued a heavy rain alert for Tainan and Kaohsiung, warning of thunderstorms in southern Taiwan due to the southwest monsoon. Stay informed on the unstable weather patterns affecting the region.
    2024/06/12 09:19
  • SUHO新歌靈感「來自D.O.求救訊息」! 7月寶島開唱指名嘗2台味

    雖然韓國男團EXO最近面臨各種合約上的紛紛擾擾,但成員的單飛活動仍持續進行,隊長SUHO相隔2年多再推出個人專輯,已在5月31日公開第3張迷你專輯《點線面 (1 to 3)》,還找來Red Velvet主唱Wendy合作。SUHO特別接受台灣媒體訪問,沒想到這次收錄曲的〈Mayday〉,歌名靈感居然是來自隊友D.O.的求救訊息!
    2024/06/12 08:29
  • 中職/季中選秀大物+1!陳聖平遭響尾蛇釋出 經紀公司證實將返台

    2024/06/11 23:07
  • 陸女偷帶寵物搭機「牠卻脫逃」!乘客全被趕下機 空姐滿地找

    2024/06/11 22:14
  • 《九龍城寨》票房破億!古天樂率4子謝票 粉絲一見直喊「爸」

    電影《九龍城寨之圍城》,在港獲超過145萬人次購票入戲院支持,由5月1日正式上映至今,連續41日成為香港單日票房冠軍,今天(11日)港澳總票房正式衝破1億港元,昨(10日)趁端午節舉行「龍捲風襲港日」特別謝票場,古天樂號召戲中大部份演員,包括林峯、劉俊謙、伍允龍、胡子彤、張文傑、黃德斌、「魚蛋妹」王尹菁及小說原著余兒,去到九龍灣國際展貿Emax的星影匯(The Metroplex)進行謝票,同時宣佈票房喜訊。
    2024/06/11 22:13
  • 《角頭》Michael哥回歸了! 王陽明帶頭喬事挑釁孫鵬

    2024/06/11 19:51
  • Taiwan’s defense ministry to revamp military training

    Explore Taiwan’s military training overhaul as Defense Minister Wellington Koo discusses phasing out traditional bayonet drills for practical combat readiness, highlighting a shift towards enhancing real-world combat capabilities.
    2024/06/11 17:46
  • AIT director Sandra Oudkirk bids farewell to Tainan

    Discover how Sandra Oudkirk, director of the American Institute in Taiwan, marked the end of her tenure with a farewell visit to Tainan City, highlighting strong Taiwan-U.S. relations and mutual respect.
    2024/06/11 17:34
  • Taiwan drafts AI law focusing on human rights

    Explore Taiwan’s military training overhaul as Defense Minister Wellington Koo discusses phasing out traditional bayonet drills for practical combat readiness, highlighting a shift towards enhancing real-world combat capabilities.
    2024/06/11 17:24
  • New vending machine applies screen protectors in 90 seconds

    A new vending machine service in Taipei now allows customers to install screen protectors on their smartphones in just 90 seconds, offering a quicker and more affordable option than traditional manual installation.
    2024/06/11 17:08
  • Taipei employs dogs to sniff out tree disease

    Discover how Taipei is using detection dogs to sniff out trees infected with brown root rot disease, enhancing urban safety and forestry management. Learn about the challenges and future prospects of this innovative approach.
    2024/06/11 16:50
  • Sixth death confirmed in Taipei food poisoning outbreak

    Discover the latest on the food poisoning outbreak at Polam Kopitiam in Taipei, which has now claimed a sixth life, a 46-year-old woman, despite intensive medical efforts.
    2024/06/11 16:47
  • Taiwan warns citizens of Dubai’s strict laws on alcohol

    Learn about the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ warning to Taiwanese citizens on adhering to Dubai’s strict laws on alcohol and venue entry to avoid detention or deportation.
    2024/06/11 16:38
  • 有片/曼谷洽圖洽市集惡火 千隻貓狗寵物無辜慘死

    泰國首都曼谷高人氣的恰圖恰市集(Chatuchak market),11日凌晨發生一場大火,造成現場近百間店舖付之一炬,根據消防人員統計,大約有1000隻各式動物,在籠子裡被活活燒死。這場火災發生在市集的寵物區,現場許多鳥類、狗、貓和蛇等動物,當時都被關在籠子內無法即時逃生,活生生被燒死,除了常見的貓狗之外,也有不少老鼠、蟒蛇和壁虎等罕見動物。
    2024/06/11 16:01
  • Tainan to boost security after station attack

    Discover how Tainan officials are boosting security at transfer stations after a disturbance, ensuring a safer public transportation experience for all.
    2024/06/11 15:26
  • Taiwan launches association to boost digital economy

    Discover how Taiwan is advancing its digital economy through the launch of the Taiwan Parliamentary Exchange and Promotion Association for Digital Technology and the New Economy, led by DPP legislator Michelle Lin. This initiative aims to foster government-industry cooperation and includes plans for talent transformation, international exchanges, and smart city policies.
    2024/06/11 15:26
  • 馬拉威副總統飛機失聯!殘骸已尋獲 機上10人「全數罹難」

    位於東非的國家馬拉威(Malawi),台北時間11日凌晨傳出政府專機失聯,機上搭載現任副總統奇利馬(Saulos Chilima)與其他9名乘客。該國政府在失聯後,隨即派出軍警前往搜尋專機下落。經過數小時搜查後,外媒引述馬拉威陸軍的消息,認為該架專機很可能已經墜毀,至於機上包含副總統奇利馬在內10人,目前依然生死未卜。該國英文媒體與多家非洲外媒一度引用相關資訊,聲稱副總統等10人全數罹難,但不久後就推翻報導,表示該政府公文和截圖是假資訊,而馬拉威政府11日證實,已尋獲飛機殘骸,機上10人全數罹難。
    2024/06/11 15:23
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